Hi, what do you get with /sbin/cardctl ident?
If your card isn't recognized, the best (I think) is to
put a device line on /etc/pcmcia/config (on my Potato)
to set the right driver ( or try any of the available,
I don't know if that's safe ) and cross fingers.
>>>>> Marc Johnson <> writes:
Marc> [1 <text/plain; iso-8859-1 (quoted-printable)>] Is there a way
Marc> to edit pcmcia.conf or cdrom.opts or is there a boot parameter
Marc> that will make my EXP-940 CD-ROM get recognized as a
Marc> CD-ROM. Right now it is being recognized as: "tty00 is a
Marc> 16550A". My card is listed in pcmcia.conf, but in
Marc> it says that some work and some don't. I'm still
Marc> hoping mine does. It gets power to it, opens and closes, and
Marc> will spin up a CD, but that's it. I'm hoping there is just
Marc> something I'm missing in the scripts somewhere. I'm using
Marc> debian 2.1 slink on a ThinkPad 755c
Marc> Thank you, --Marc [2 <text/html; iso-8859-1 (quoted-printable)>]
Germano Leichsenring
Kobe University
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