Re: after moving to xf 3.3.6 - blackbox etc no longer work.
>>>>> "Adam" == Adam C Powell IV <> writes:
Adam> "Benjamin F. Zhou" wrote:
>> Oh, that could be a problem, I didnt get it from debian, I
>> download it from . Do you think I will have to
>> reinstall the whole system to use 3.3.6 ? that would be a
>> nightmare, meaning I have to start from scratch again?
Adam> You *probably* will not have to start from scratch to use
Adam> 3.3.6. (Does anyone know different? I'm not sure how much
Adam> corruption the XF86 install process introduces.) Just upgrade
Adam> to potato (2.2) and it should be okay.
Xfree 3.3.6 debs for slink are available here :
Laurent Martelli
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