Re: Acer Laptop w/ no hard disc found
Hi Adam.
Sorry, but I have been lagging behind with my mail since Friday.
> Alexander Koch <> writes:
> > On Mon, 27 March 2000 14:39:17 -0800, Karl M. Hegbloom wrote:
> > > EIDE disk and it's not found??? Weird. Could it be a BIOS setting?
> >
> > After managing to get into the BIOS (not been easy) if I
> > activate the hard disc it will not be booted by floppy disc
> > any more and therefore I am sort of lost.
> That is a different setting I think you hit -- boot from C drive or
> floppy then the C drive, etc. Has nothing to do with "enabling the
> IDE controller" for instance.
The BIOS just sux violently. There is no option to boot from
floppy disc if a hard disc is present and has a working mbr
or something.
I managed to get a system on it, finally. But something was
broken with that Laptop, so it cannot be counted as regular
PC in any way, so no worries. It was cheap, after all...
"Settle down, boys. There's pain enough for everyone in net.*."
-- Kate Wrightson <> in <6j7pin$>
Alexander Koch - <>< - WWJD - aka Efraim - PGP 0xE7694969 - ARGH-RIPE
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