Re: Acer Laptop w/ no hard disc found
Alexander Koch <> writes:
> On Mon, 27 March 2000 14:39:17 -0800, Karl M. Hegbloom wrote:
> > EIDE disk and it's not found??? Weird. Could it be a BIOS setting?
> After managing to get into the BIOS (not been easy) if I
> activate the hard disc it will not be booted by floppy disc
> any more and therefore I am sort of lost.
That is a different setting I think you hit -- boot from C drive or
floppy then the C drive, etc. Has nothing to do with "enabling the
IDE controller" for instance.
> And there is nothing on the hard disc. And I do not have a
> CDROM here. I have the drive but no CDROM here. Argh.
I don't know -- this is a pure hardware/kernel issue. I'm not sure if
we can help. Have you tried the Linux Laptop HOWTO, mail lists, or
the list?
.....Adam Di<URL:>
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