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Proyecto debian-es

hoy ha sido un día de bastante movimiento para La Espiral (después de un largo
periodo de hibernación). Mientras discutimos el CD2 y los artículos en La
Espiral, en las listas de internacionalización de Debian ha surgido el tema de
nuestro proyecto de traducción de descripciones de paquetes -- debian-es --
que en este momento ya está en 4327 paquetes traducidos (73.9 %)!!

La revisión de las descripciones cortas está casi lista, pero quedó parada por
falta de tiempo de mi parte para distribuir algunos ficheros que faltan de
revisar; voy a intentar acabar eso y hacer algunas correcciones y alteraciones
a los scripts que han sido sugeridas.

Os envío copia de dos mensajes que he enviado hoy en las listas de

Un saludo,

Date: Mon, 11 Jun 2001 19:30:16 +0100
From: "Jaime E . Villate" <villate@debian.org>
Subject: Re: You know this templates translation page ?
To: Michael Bramer <grisu@debian.org>, debian-i18n@lists.debian.org,

On Sun, Jun 10, 2001 at 03:38:06PM +0200, Michael Bramer wrote:
> We have now >60% german templates files and if you make a install of
> woody with LANG=de_DE it is very impressed.
> Now I make thoughts how to translate all the package file
> descriptions... I start a webpage (very alpha)
> (http://auric.debian.org/~grisu/description_translation/

> We have more than 6000 descriptions... And daily we have new packages,
> changes, etc. How should we work with this?!

I think the e-mail method you're using for the debconf templates will not be
so successful in this case too many translations.

As Hector has mentioned,
we've been translating the descriptions into Spanish since last year, using a
web interface that takes at random one of the descriptions not yet translated,
puts and puts it into a web form that you can fill out and send with a click:

We have already translated 4317 descriptions.

You can also go through the list of packages not yet translated, in
alfabetical order, and select the one that you want to translate:

or you can see the list of packages by section:

The cgi-scripts I've written for "La Espiral" are all under the GPL and can be
retrieved from our public repository:

or via console:
   cvs -d :pserver:anoncvs@quark.fe.up.pt:/home/cvs login
(empty password)
   cvs -d :pserver:anoncvs@quark.fe.up.pt:/home/cvs co debian-es

> (I know, translated description don't work now. But we must start
> collect translation someday. And if we have some translations,
> somebody will patch dselect, apt, ...)

I have done some tests in our local mirror of Debian and if we go through each
Packages file and substitute the original descriptions by their translations,
using a simple script, when you use "apt-get update" from this mirror, your
local apt cache is updated with the translated descriptions which will show up
every time you use "apt-cache search", "apt-cache show" etc
(no need to modify apt).

Please keep in touch and send me your feedback. We could work together to get
a set of scripts that could be use by any national team who'd like to start
translating descriptions (I think this is what the dip project that Hector
mentions is doing, but I've not been able to follow it).


Date: Mon, 11 Jun 2001 19:49:19 +0100
From: "Jaime E . Villate" <villate@fe.up.pt>
Subject: Re: You know this templates translation page ?
To: Michael Bramer <grisu@debian.org>, hector@huron.scouts-es.org,
        debian-i18n@lists.debian.org, debian-l10n-french@lists.debian.org,   

On Sun, Jun 10, 2001 at 09:45:04PM +0200, Michael Bramer wrote:
> On Sun, Jun 10, 2001 at 07:46:43PM +0200, hector@huron.scouts-es.org wrote:
> > There is already a project to translate descriptions into spanish at
> > www.laespiral.org (a spanish group aiming to promote Debian in the
> > spanish comunity)
> oh, very nice. I don't know that. 
> Is there a donwload possible. (all translation in one file or tar.gz,
> or a Packages-es file)

A Packages-es not yet (I could easily do it, but I'm waiting until we finish
reviewing the descriptions; some of them might have major errors).
You can always retrieve the current state of the GDBM files where the
translations are kept, using "rsync www.laespiral.org::LE-debian-es/* ."
This will retrieve the following files:
  desc-completas    GDBM file with translated full descriptions
  descripciones     GDBM file with translated short descriptions
  descriptions      GDBM file with original short descriptions
  full-desc         GDBM file with original long descriptions
  traductores       GDBM file with list of translators and packages each one
                    has translated (they register and then a cookie is set up
                    to keep track).

(some tools to work with this files are found in

> > Basicaly the idea is to generate different Packages.gz with the
> > translations for each language. When you do this apt and all
> > programs that uses this file, use the translated descriptions.
> this is a technical question. But a Packages-LANG is a fast but not a
> nice way. A System like gettext (with patches in dpkg, apt etc.) is
> nicer and real multilingual.

True, but you'd have to modify apt. A "multilingual" system is not as
essential in this case as in the case  of user programs: we may have several
different users who speak different languages, but the system administrator is
usually one (or a small group who speak a common language). The sys
administrator will choose a Packages.LANG of his choice.
If normal users need to check the packages descriptions they could find them
in debian.org, in several different languages and with a web search interface.

> yes, this is the 'fast' way. But a 
>       export LANG=de_DE apt-get serach schach 
> is very nice.

Well, once we have translations in several languages there might be a good
reason to implement multilingual support in apt. In the mean time I think that
different Packages.lang in different mirrors would bee already very useful.


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