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Re: Please update d-i manual translations for Wheezy


jcisio <jcisio@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I suppose that the instruction in
> http://d-i.alioth.debian.org/doc/i18n/ is good enough to translate
> both Squeezy and Wheezy?
> I don't know, but when I checked branches in svn.debian.org/svn/d-i
> there are only very old branches (etch, lenny, sarge).
> vi translation in the trunk is up to date, however.

Current status for trunk/manual/po/vi is:

administrivia.po	19 translated
bookinfo.po		7 translated
boot-installer.po	328 translated 14 fuzzy 16 untranslated
boot-new.po		43 translated
gpl.po			58 translated
hardware.po		291 translated 7 fuzzy 3 untranslated
install-methods.po	155 translated 10 fuzzy 6 untranslated
installation-howto.po	47 translated 2 fuzzy 1 untranslated
partitioning.po		121 translated 2 fuzzy
post-install.po		86 translated 2 untranslated
preface.po		4 translated
preparing.po		263 translated 2 fuzzy
preseed.po		193 translated 9 fuzzy 3 untranslated
random-bits.po		225 translated 5 fuzzy
using-d-i.po		439 translated 8 fuzzy 6 untranslated
welcome.po		72 translated

The po files can be found at:


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