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[DONE] wml://events/2005/{0718-apachecon,1021-berlinux}.wml

Hash: SHA512

- --- english/events/2005/0718-apachecon.wml	2005-07-31 12:11:07.000000000 +0600
+++ russian/events/2005/0718-apachecon.wml	2017-03-09 14:00:58.762213972 +0500
@@ -1,31 +1,32 @@
+#use wml::debian::translation-check translation="1.4" maintainer="Lev Lamberov"
 <define-tag abbr>AC05</define-tag>
 <define-tag year>2005</define-tag>
 <define-tag pagetitle>ApacheCon Europe 2005</define-tag>
- -<define-tag where>Stuttgart, Germany</define-tag>
+<define-tag where>ШÑ?Ñ?Ñ?гаÑ?Ñ?, Ð?еÑ?маниÑ?</define-tag>
 <define-tag startdate>2005-07-18</define-tag>
 <define-tag enddate>2005-07-22</define-tag>
 <define-tag infolink>http://www.apachecon.com/</define-tag>
- -<define-tag coord><a href=mailto:alexander@schmehl.info>Alexander Schmehl</a></define-tag>
+<define-tag coord><a href=mailto:alexander@schmehl.info>Ð?лекÑ?андÑ? ШмелÑ?</a></define-tag>
 <define-tag intro>
- -<p>ApacheCon Europe is the official conference of the Apache Software Foundation.
- -There will be more than 70 sessions suitable for beginners, intermediates and
- -advanced people during the three main conference days, where attendees can
- -learn firsthand the latest developments of key Open Source projects including
- -but not limited to the Apache HTTP Server.</p>
+<p>ApacheCon Europe &mdash; оÑ?иÑ?иалÑ?ное меÑ?опÑ?иÑ?Ñ?ие Apache Software Foundation.
+Ð? Ñ?еÑ?ение Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? дней конÑ?еÑ?енÑ?ии пÑ?ойдÑ?Ñ? более 70 Ñ?еÑ?Ñ?ий, коÑ?оÑ?Ñ?е подÑ?одÑ?Ñ? длÑ? наÑ?инаÑ?Ñ?иÑ?, опÑ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ? и
+пÑ?одвинÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? полÑ?зоваÑ?елей и Ñ?азÑ?абоÑ?Ñ?иков, на коÑ?оÑ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?ники Ñ?могÑ?Ñ?
+из пеÑ?вÑ?Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?к Ñ?знаÑ?Ñ? о наиболее новÑ?Ñ? Ñ?азÑ?абоÑ?каÑ? в клÑ?Ñ?евÑ?Ñ? пÑ?оекÑ?аÑ? Ñ? оÑ?кÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?м иÑ?Ñ?однÑ?м
+кодом, вклÑ?Ñ?аÑ? (но не огÑ?аниÑ?иваÑ?Ñ?Ñ?) HTTP-Ñ?еÑ?веÑ? Apache.</p>
- -During the last three days - from the 20th to the 22nd - there will also be an
- -exhibition with several community projects and related companies.
+Ð? Ñ?еÑ?ение поÑ?ледниÑ? Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? дней, Ñ? 20 по 22, пÑ?ойдÑ?Ñ? вÑ?Ñ?Ñ?авка, в коÑ?оÑ?ой
+пÑ?имÑ?Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?ие Ñ?ообÑ?еÑ?Ñ?ва и компании неÑ?колÑ?киÑ? пÑ?оекÑ?ов.
 <define-tag involve>
- -<p>The Debian project will run a booth and will present the
- -distribution.</p>
+<p>Ð?Ñ?оекÑ? Debian оÑ?ганизÑ?еÑ? Ñ?Ñ?енд, на коÑ?оÑ?ом бÑ?деÑ? пÑ?едÑ?Ñ?авлен наÑ?
@@ -33,5 +34,5 @@
 # $Id: 0718-apachecon.wml,v 1.4 2005/07/31 06:11:07 joey Exp $
 #Related Links here (free form)
- - <li><a href="0718-apachecon-report">Report</a>
+ <li><a href="0718-apachecon-report">Ð?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?</a>
- --- english/events/2005/1021-berlinux.wml	2005-11-09 02:06:54.000000000 +0500
+++ russian/events/2005/1021-berlinux.wml	2017-03-09 14:05:24.380859512 +0500
@@ -1,36 +1,37 @@
+#use wml::debian::translation-check translation="1.5" maintainer="Lev Lamberov"
 <define-tag abbr>Berlinux</define-tag>
 <define-tag year>2005</define-tag>
 <define-tag pagetitle>Berlinux 2005</define-tag>
- -<define-tag where>Berlin, Germany</define-tag>
+<define-tag where>Ð?еÑ?лин, Ð?еÑ?маниÑ?</define-tag>
 <define-tag startdate>2005-10-21</define-tag>
 <define-tag enddate>2005-10-22</define-tag>
 <define-tag infolink>http://www.berlinux.de/</define-tag>
- -<define-tag coord><a href="mailto:nico@ngolde.de";>Nico Golde</a></define-tag>
+<define-tag coord><a href="mailto:nico@ngolde.de";>Ð?ико Ð?олде</a></define-tag>
 <define-tag intro>
- -<p>Berlinux, formerly know as &quot;Berliner Infotage&quot; is a small
- -event for end users, recently joined users and those who would like to
- -join the community. There will be an exhibition and conference program, a key
- -signing party, a social event, and an LPI examination. The entry is
- -free of charge.</p>
+<p>Ð?онÑ?еÑ?енÑ?иÑ? Berlinux (Ñ?анее извеÑ?Ñ?наÑ? как <q>Berliner Infotage</q>) пÑ?едÑ?Ñ?авлÑ?еÑ?
+Ñ?обой неболÑ?Ñ?ое меÑ?опÑ?иÑ?Ñ?ие длÑ? конеÑ?нÑ?Ñ? полÑ?зоваÑ?елей, недавно пÑ?иÑ?оединивÑ?иÑ?Ñ?Ñ? полÑ?зоваÑ?елей и Ñ?еÑ?, кÑ?о
+Ñ?оÑ?ел бÑ? вÑ?Ñ?Ñ?пиÑ?Ñ? в Ñ?ообÑ?еÑ?Ñ?во. Ð?Ñ?деÑ? оÑ?ганизована вÑ?Ñ?Ñ?авка и конÑ?еÑ?енÑ?иÑ?, веÑ?еÑ?инка по обменÑ?
+подпиÑ?Ñ?ми на клÑ?Ñ?аÑ?, Ñ?оÑ?иалÑ?ное меÑ?опÑ?иÑ?Ñ?ие и Ñ?кзамен LPI. Ð?Ñ?од
 <define-tag involve>
- -<p>The Debian project and its subproject Skolelinux / Debian-Edu will
- -both run a booth in the exhibition area.  There will also be talks by
- -several members of the Debian project.</p>
+<p>Ð?Ñ?оекÑ? Debian и подпÑ?оекÑ? Skolelinux / Debian-Edu оÑ?ганизÑ?Ñ?Ñ?
+Ñ?Ñ?енд в вÑ?Ñ?Ñ?авоÑ?ной зоне. Ð?еÑ?колÑ?ко Ñ?ленов Ð?Ñ?оекÑ?а Debian
+вÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?пÑ?Ñ? Ñ? докладами.</p>
 #use wml::debian::past_event
 #Related Links here (free form)
- -<li><a href="1021-berlinux-report">Report</a></li>
- -<li><a href="http://berlinux.t3cp.de/keysigning.html";>Key Signing Party</a></li>
- -<li><a href="http://berlinux.t3cp.de/socialevent.html";>Social Event</a></li>
- -<li><a href="http://berlinux.t3cp.de/lpi.html";>LPI examination</a></li>
- -<li><a href="http://mist1.de/index.php?m=b&amp;termin=22102005";>Pictures</a></li>
+<li><a href="1021-berlinux-report">Ð?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?</a></li>
+<li><a href="http://berlinux.t3cp.de/keysigning.html";>Ð?еÑ?еÑ?инка по обменÑ? подпиÑ?Ñ?ми</a></li>
+<li><a href="http://berlinux.t3cp.de/socialevent.html";>СоÑ?иалÑ?ное меÑ?опÑ?иÑ?Ñ?ие</a></li>
+<li><a href="http://berlinux.t3cp.de/lpi.html";>Экзамен LPI</a></li>
+<li><a href="http://mist1.de/index.php?m=b&amp;termin=22102005";>ФоÑ?огÑ?аÑ?ии</a></li>


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