[DONE] wml://security/2016/dla-{390,426,440}.wml
Hash: SHA512
- --- english/security/2016/dla-390.wml 2016-04-08 01:54:44.000000000 +0500
+++ russian/security/2016/dla-390.wml 2016-04-12 23:28:35.099862994 +0500
@@ -1,16 +1,17 @@
- -<define-tag description>LTS security update</define-tag>
+#use wml::debian::translation-check translation="1.2" maintainer="Lev Lamberov"
+<define-tag description>обновление безопаÑ?ноÑ?Ñ?и LTS</define-tag>
<define-tag moreinfo>
- -<p>It was discovered that dbconfig-common could, depending on the local
- -umask, make PostgreSQL database backups that were readable by other
- -users than the database owner. The issue is fixed in version
- -1.8.46+squeeze.1. Access rights to existing database backups (not only
- -for PostgreSQL) will be limited to the owner of the backup during the
- -upgrade of dbconfig-common to this version. Future upgrades will not
- -change access rights in case the local administrator has specific
- -requirements.</p>
+<p>Ð?Ñ?ло обнаÑ?Ñ?жено, Ñ?Ñ?о dbconfig-common можеÑ?, в завиÑ?имоÑ?Ñ?и оÑ? локалÑ?ного
+знаÑ?ениÑ? umask, Ñ?оздаваÑ?Ñ? Ñ?езеÑ?внÑ?е копии базÑ? даннÑ?Ñ? PostgreSQL, доÑ?Ñ?Ñ?пнÑ?е длÑ? Ñ?Ñ?ениÑ?
+полÑ?зоваÑ?елÑ?м, оÑ?лиÑ?нÑ?м оÑ? владелÑ?Ñ?а базÑ? даннÑ?Ñ?. ÐÑ?а пÑ?облема бÑ?ла иÑ?пÑ?авлена в веÑ?Ñ?ии
+1.8.46+squeeze.1. Ð?Ñ?ава доÑ?Ñ?Ñ?па к Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?еÑ?Ñ?вÑ?Ñ?Ñ?им Ñ?езеÑ?внÑ?м копиÑ?м базÑ? даннÑ?Ñ? (не Ñ?олÑ?ко
+длÑ? PostgreSQL) бÑ?дÑ?Ñ? огÑ?аниÑ?енÑ? владелÑ?Ñ?ем Ñ?езеÑ?вной копии во вÑ?емÑ?
+обновлениÑ? dbconfig-common до Ñ?Ñ?ой веÑ?Ñ?ии. Ð?Ñ?дÑ?Ñ?ие обновлениÑ? не бÑ?дÑ?Ñ?
+менÑ?Ñ?Ñ? пÑ?ава доÑ?Ñ?Ñ?па в Ñ?лÑ?Ñ?ае, еÑ?ли локалÑ?нÑ?й админиÑ?Ñ?Ñ?аÑ?оÑ? имееÑ? какие-Ñ?о Ñ?пеÑ?иалÑ?нÑ?е
- -<p>dbconfig-common is a Debian helper package that is used by a number of
- -packages to manage the corresponding database.</p>
+<p>dbconfig-common — вÑ?помогаÑ?елÑ?нÑ?й пакеÑ? Debian, иÑ?полÑ?зÑ?емÑ?й Ñ?Ñ?дом
+пакеÑ?ов длÑ? Ñ?пÑ?авлениÑ? Ñ?ооÑ?веÑ?Ñ?Ñ?вÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ей базой даннÑ?Ñ?.</p>
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- --- english/security/2016/dla-426.wml 2016-04-08 01:54:44.000000000 +0500
+++ russian/security/2016/dla-426.wml 2016-04-12 23:31:35.742559078 +0500
@@ -1,19 +1,20 @@
- -<define-tag description>LTS security update</define-tag>
+#use wml::debian::translation-check translation="1.2" maintainer="Lev Lamberov"
+<define-tag description>обновление безопаÑ?ноÑ?Ñ?и LTS</define-tag>
<define-tag moreinfo>
- -<p>Andreas Schneider reported that libssh2, an SSH2 protocol
- -implementation used by many applications, did not generate
- -sufficiently long Diffie-Hellman secrets.</p>
+<p>Ð?ндÑ?еаÑ? ШнайдеÑ? Ñ?ообÑ?ил, Ñ?Ñ?о libssh2, Ñ?еализаÑ?иÑ? пÑ?оÑ?окола SSH2,
+иÑ?полÑ?зÑ?емаÑ? многими пÑ?иложениÑ?ми, Ñ?оздаÑ?Ñ? недоÑ?Ñ?аÑ?оÑ?ной длиннÑ?е
+закÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?е клÑ?Ñ?и по алгоÑ?иÑ?мÑ? Ð?иÑ?Ñ?и-Хеллмана.</p>
- -<p>This vulnerability could be exploited by an eavesdropper to decrypt
- -and to intercept SSH sessions.</p>
+<p>ÐÑ?а Ñ?Ñ?звимоÑ?Ñ?Ñ? можеÑ? иÑ?полÑ?зоваÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? пеÑ?еÑ?ваÑ?Ñ?иком длÑ? Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?иÑ?Ñ?овки
+и пеÑ?еÑ?ваÑ?а Ñ?еÑ?Ñ?ий SSH.</p>
- -<p>For the oldoldstable distribution (squeeze), this has been fixed in
- -version 1.2.6-1+deb6u2. Although the changelog refers to <q>sha256</q>,
- -this version only supports DH SHA-1 key exchange and it is that key
- -exchange method that has been fixed.</p>
+<p>Ð? пÑ?едÑ?дÑ?Ñ?ем Ñ?Ñ?аÑ?ом Ñ?Ñ?абилÑ?ном вÑ?пÑ?Ñ?ке (squeeze) Ñ?Ñ?а пÑ?облема бÑ?ла иÑ?пÑ?авлена в
+веÑ?Ñ?ии 1.2.6-1+deb6u2. ХоÑ?Ñ? жÑ?Ñ?нал изменений Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?лаеÑ?Ñ?Ñ? на <q>sha256</q>,
+даннаÑ? веÑ?Ñ?иÑ? поддеÑ?живаеÑ? Ñ?олÑ?ко обмен клÑ?Ñ?ами по DH SHA-1, иÑ?пÑ?авлен именно Ñ?Ñ?оÑ?
+меÑ?од обмена клÑ?Ñ?ами.</p>
- -<p>For the oldstable (wheezy) and stable (jessie) distributions, this
- -will be fixed soon.</p>
+<p>Ð? пÑ?едÑ?дÑ?Ñ?ем Ñ?Ñ?абилÑ?ном (wheezy) и Ñ?Ñ?абилÑ?ном (jessie) вÑ?пÑ?Ñ?каÑ? Ñ?Ñ?а
+пÑ?облема бÑ?деÑ? иÑ?пÑ?авлена позже.</p>
# do not modify the following line
- --- english/security/2016/dla-440.wml 2016-04-08 01:54:44.000000000 +0500
+++ russian/security/2016/dla-440.wml 2016-04-12 23:36:06.191426987 +0500
@@ -1,16 +1,17 @@
- -<define-tag description>LTS security update</define-tag>
+#use wml::debian::translation-check translation="1.2" maintainer="Lev Lamberov"
+<define-tag description>обновление безопаÑ?ноÑ?Ñ?и LTS</define-tag>
<define-tag moreinfo>
- -<p>As described in <a href="./dla-437">DLA-437-1</a>, clamav has been updated to the most recent upstream
- -version, 0.99. Due to a soname change in libclamav, packages depending on
- -libclamav needed to be recompiled to work with the new libclamav7. At the
- -time DLA-437-1 was sent, updated dansguardian packages were not available.</p>
+<p>Ð?ак бÑ?ло опиÑ?ано в <a href="./dla-437">DLA-437-1</a>, пакеÑ? clamav бÑ?л обновлÑ?н до Ñ?амой Ñ?вежей веÑ?Ñ?ии из
+оÑ?новной веÑ?ки Ñ?азÑ?абоÑ?ки, 0.99. Ð?з-за изменениÑ? веÑ?Ñ?ии so-библиоÑ?еки в libclamav, пакеÑ?Ñ?, завиÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ие оÑ?
+libclamav, Ñ?ледÑ?еÑ? Ñ?компилиÑ?оваÑ?Ñ? заново длÑ? Ñ?ого, Ñ?Ñ?обÑ? они Ñ?абоÑ?али Ñ? новой веÑ?Ñ?ией libclamav7. Ð? моменÑ?
+оÑ?пÑ?авки DLA-437-1 обновлÑ?ннÑ?е пакеÑ?Ñ? dansguardian еÑ?Ñ? не бÑ?ли доÑ?Ñ?Ñ?пнÑ?.</p>
- -<p>An update to dansguardian has now been uploaded and packages should be
- -available shortly. The recommendation in DLA-437-1 not to upgrade clamav if
- -using it with dansguardian in no longer applicable.</p>
+<p>ТепеÑ?Ñ? же обновление dansguardian загÑ?Ñ?жено, в Ñ?коÑ?ом вÑ?емени пакеÑ?Ñ? бÑ?дÑ?Ñ?
+доÑ?Ñ?Ñ?пнÑ?. РекомендаÑ?иÑ? в DLA-437-1 не обновлÑ?Ñ?Ñ? clamav в Ñ?лÑ?Ñ?ае
+иÑ?полÑ?зованиÑ? Ñ?Ñ?ого пакеÑ?а вмеÑ?Ñ?е Ñ? dansguardian более не акÑ?Ñ?алÑ?на.</p>
- -<p>Upgrading clamav and dansguardian is recommended for the reasons described in
- -DLA-437-1.</p>
+<p>Ð?о пÑ?иÑ?инам, Ñ?казаннÑ?м в DLA-437-1, Ñ?екомендÑ?еÑ?Ñ?Ñ? обновиÑ?Ñ? пакеÑ?Ñ?
+clamav и dansguardian.</p>
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