debian-l10n-portuguese May 2019 by thread
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- Re: Crowdfunding para DebConf19 Paulo Henrique de Lima Santana
- [DONE] ddp://release-notes/pt-br/{issues.po,release-notes.po,upgrading.po,whats-new.po} Adriano Rafael Gomes
- [DONE] ddp://release-notes/pt-br/{issues.po,upgrading.po,whats-new.po} Adriano Rafael Gomes
- [RFR] ddp://release-notes/pt-br/{installing.po,issues.po,upgrading.po,whats-new.po} Adriano Rafael Gomes
- [RFR] ddp://release-notes/pt-br/whats-new.po Adriano Rafael Gomes
- debian-security-support 2019.05.15: Please update the PO translation for the package debian-security-support Holger Levsen
- [RFR] ddp://release-notes/pt-br/{installing.po,issues.po,release-notes.po,upgrading.po,whats-new.po} Adriano Rafael Gomes
The last update was on 06:36 GMT Sun Jun 02. There are 16 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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