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	Como traduzo "dockable"? Acho que está na hora de padronizarmos a
tradução e botar no http://br.tldp.org/ferramentas/vp/vpinfo.html
	Sugestões? Não tenho nenhuma.

	Segue o contexto:
# Package(s): wmtictactoe
# Package priority: optional
# Package prioritize: 53
Description: Dockable Tic Tac Toe game
 wmTicTacToe is a dock application meant for WindowMaker. It allows
 you to play TicTacToe against another human or the computer. You
 can switch between a scoreboard and the gameboard, and it is great
 to relax and enjoy for a few minutes while working.

		Paro por aqui, Fred

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