Bug#637324: nautilus-filename-repairer: Please transition to nautilus 3
Package: nautilus-filename-repairer
Severity: important
User: pkg-gnome-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org
Usertags: nautilus3-transition
the Debian GNOME team is preparing the upload of nautilus 3 to
The API of libnautilus-extension hasn't changed, but it builds
against GTK 3 now which changes its ABI, so the binary package name
was changed to libnautilus-extension1a.
Linking to both GTK 2 and GTK 3 in the same process is not supported
[1] and applications will abort. As a result, updating your package
for nautilus 3 means updating it to GTK 3.
nautilus 3 / libnautilus-extension 3 packages are available from
experimental. Please update and test your package against this
version and ideally upload it to experimental, too. This way, when we
start the transition, the package can be moved to unstable more
On behalf of the Debian GNOME team,
Michael Biebl
[1] http://developer.gnome.org/gtk3/3.0/ch25s02.html#id1493823
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