[DDTP-it] (fwd) Re: ddtc - ddts' client: news?
----- Forwarded message from Michael Bramer <grisu@debian.org> -----
Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2001 06:12:20 +0100
From: Michael Bramer <grisu@debian.org>
Subject: Re: ddtc - ddts' client: news?
To: grisu-td-coors@auric.debian.org
User-Agent: Mutt/1.3.15i
On Mon, Nov 26, 2001 at 08:43:12PM +0100, Lorenzo Cappelletti wrote:
> Any news from the ddtc program, the ddts' client? We're really
> missing it here at DDTP-it, cause we've been saving our translations
> on our own hard-disks. Just to be sure not to lose any data.
maybe you find the last version on
Michael Bramer - a Debian Linux Developer http://www.debsupport.de
PGP: finger grisu@db.debian.org -- Linux Sysadmin -- Use Debian Linux
"Zwei Dinge sind unendlich, das Universum und die menschliche Dummheit,
aber bei dem Universum bin ich mir noch nicht ganz sicher." -- A. Einstein
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L.Cappelletti@mail.com - DDTP-it coordinator
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