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Re: [RFR] po://libexplain/po/de.po Teil 3/4

Der nächste Teil, 83 Zeichenketten, mit der Bitte um Korrektur.

Gruß, Chris

#. This message is used when an EPERM erro is
#. returned by an open(2) system call, and the O_NOATIME
#. open flag was specified, but the process lacked the
#. permissions required.
#. %1$s => the number and name of the process effective UID,
#.         already quoted if needed
#. %2$s => the file type of the file in question,
#.         almost always "regular file" (already translated)
#. %3$s => the number and name of the file owner UID,
#.         already quoted if needed
#: libexplain/buffer/errno/open.c:512
#, c-format
# FIXME s/flags/flag/
msgid ""
"the O_NOATIME flags was specified, but the process effective UID %s does "
"not match the %s owner UID %s"
msgstr ""
"Der Schalter O_NOATIME wurde angegeben, die effektive UID %s des Prozesses "
"passt jedoch nicht zu der %s zugehörigen Besitzer-UID %s."

#. This message is used to explain an
#. EWOULDBLOCK error returned by an open(2) system call,
#. when the use of thr O_NONBLOCK flags would otherwise
#. cause the open(2) system call to block.
#: libexplain/buffer/errno/open.c:547
msgid ""
"the O_NONBLOCK flag was specified, and an incompatible lease was held on "
"the file"
msgstr ""
"Der Schalter O_NONBLOCK wurde angebegen und die Datei wird auf inkompatible "
"Weise in Anspruch genommen."

#. This error message is used when trying to close
#. a non-blocking file descriptor that is stillactive.
#: libexplain/buffer/errno/close.c:74
msgid ""
"the O_NONBLOCK flag was specified, and an operation has yet to complete"
msgstr ""
"Der Schalter O_NONBLOCK wurde angebegen und eine Transaktion muss noch "
"abgeschlossen werden."

#. This error message is issued to explain
#. an EROFS error, in the case of a Secure Disk /
#. Multimedia Card.
#: libexplain/buffer/erofs.c:195
msgid "the SD/MMC card has the write-protect tab set"
msgstr "Die SD-/MMC-Karte hat einen gesetzten Schreibschutzschieber."

#. This message is used when and EADDRINUSE error
#. is seen, and the socket does not have the SO_REUSEADDR
#. socket option enabled.  See socket(7) for more information.
#: libexplain/buffer/eaddrinuse.c:68
msgid "the SO_REUSEADDR socket option can be used to shorten the wait"
msgstr ""
"Die Socket-Option SO_REUSEADDR kann zum Abkürzen der Wartezeit benutzt werden."

#. This message is used when a child process
#. terminates normally.  The exist status is reported.
#: libexplain/buffer/wait_status.c:51
#, c-format
msgid "the child process terminated with exit status %s"
msgstr "Der Kindprozess wurde mit dem Exit-Status %s beendet."

#. This message is used when a child process is
#. resumed by delivering a signal (SIGCONT).
#: libexplain/buffer/wait_status.c:124
#, c-format
msgid "the child process was resumed by delivery of the %s signal"
msgstr "Der Kindprozess wurde durch Senden des Signals %s wieder aufgenommen."

#. This message is used when a child process is
#. stopped by delivery of a signal.  The process is still
#. there, is is stopped, not terminated.
#: libexplain/buffer/wait_status.c:106
#, c-format
msgid "the child process was stopped by delivery of the %s signal"
msgstr "Der Kindprozess wurde durch Versenden des Signals %s gestoppt."

#. This message is used when a child process
#. is terminated by the delivery of an uncaught signal.
#: libexplain/buffer/wait_status.c:86
#, c-format
msgid "the child process was terminated by the %s signal"
msgstr "Der Kindprozess wurde durch das Signal %s beendet."

#. This message is used when a child process
#. is terminated by the delivery of an uncaught signal.
#. This also resulted in a core dump.
#: libexplain/buffer/wait_status.c:72
#, c-format
msgid "the child process was terminated by the %s signal, core dumped"
msgstr ""
"Der Kindprozess wurde durch das Signal %s beendet und die Meldungen "

#. This message is used to explain an ETIMEDOUT
#. error reported by the connect(2) system call, in the case
#. where the connection attempt took to long.
#: libexplain/buffer/errno/connect.c:308
msgid ""
"the connection attempt took to long; the server may be too busy to "
"accept new connections, or an intervening firewall may be discarding "
"your packets"
msgstr ""
"Der Versuch, eine Verbindung aufzubauen, dauerte zu lang. Der Server ist "
"möglicherweise zu beschäftigt, um neue Verbindungen anzunehmen oder eine "
"zwischengeschaltete Firewall verwirft vielleicht Ihre Pakete."

#. This error message is used to explain an EINVAL
#. error reported by the poll(2) system call, in the case where
#. the data_size value exceeds the RLIMIT_NOFILE value.
#: libexplain/buffer/errno/poll.c:92
msgid "the data_size value exceeds the RLIMIT_NOFILE value"
msgstr "Der Wert »data_size« überschreitet den Wert »RLIMIT_NOFILE«."

#. This error message is used to explain an
#. ENOSPC error, in the case where more specific information
#. is not available.
#: libexplain/buffer/enospc.c:118
msgid ""
"the device containing the file referred to by the file descriptor has no "
"space for the data; or, the file system containing the file has no space "
"for the data"
msgstr ""
"Das Gerät, das die Datei enthält, auf die sich der Dateideskriptor bezieht, "
"oder das Dateisystem, das die Datei enthält, hat keinen Platz für die Daten."

#. This error message is used to explain an
#. ENOSPC error, in the case where a device has no space
#. for more data.
#. %1$s => The name of the offending syscall argument.
#: libexplain/buffer/enospc.c:77
#, c-format
msgid "the device referred to by %s has no more space for data"
msgstr "Das Gerät, auf das sich %s bezieht, hat keinen Platz mehr für Daten."

#. This error message is used to explain an EPERM error
#. reported by the unlink(2) system call, in the case where the
#. directory containing pathname has the sticky bit (S_ISVTX) set
#. and the process's effective UID is neither the UID of the file to
#. be deleted nor that of the directory containing it.
#. %1$s => The path for the directory containing the file ot be
#.         unlinked, already quoted.
#. %2$s => The process's effective UID, and user name (already
#.         quoted) if available
#. %3$s => The file to be deleted's effective UID, and user name
#.         (already quoted) if available
#. %4$s => The directory's effective UID, and user name (already
#.         quoted) if available
#: libexplain/buffer/eperm/unlink.c:96
#, c-format
msgid ""
"the directory containing pathname (%s) has the sticky bit (S_ISVTX) set "
"and the process's effective UID (%s) is neither the UID of the file to "
"be deleted (%s) nor that of the directory containing it (%s)"
msgstr ""
"Das Verzeichnis, das den Pfadnamen (%s) enthält, hat ein gesetztes Sticky-Bit "
"(S_ISVTX) und die effektive UID (%s) des Prozesses ist weder die UID der "
"Datei, die gelöscht werden soll (%s), noch die des Verzeichnisses, in dem sie "
"liegt (%s)."

#. %1$s => the kind of UID, either "effective UID" or "real
#.         UID", already translated
#. %2$s => the process's UID and the corresponding login name,
#.         already quoted
#. %3$s => the file's UID and the corresponding login name,
#.         already quoted
#. %4$s => the type of file to be removed (e.g. "regular file"),
#.         already translated
#. %5$s => the directory's UID and the corresponding login name,
#.         already quoted
#: libexplain/buffer/errno/path_resolution.c:892
#, c-format
msgid ""
"the directory has the sticky bit (S_ISVTX) set and the process's %s %s "
"is neither the owner UID %s of the %s to be removed, nor the owner UID "
"%s of the directory containing it"
msgstr ""
"Das Verzeichnis hat ein gesetztes Sticky-Bit (S_ISVTX) und die %s des "
"Prozesses %s ist weder die Besitzer-UID %s des Typs %s, der entfernt werden "
"soll, noch die Besitzer-UID %s des Verzeichnisses, in dem er liegt."

#. This error message is issued to explain an
#. EROFS error, in the case of a CD-ROM disc (or similar).
#: libexplain/buffer/erofs.c:125
msgid "the disc cannot be written to"
msgstr "Die Platte kann nicht dorthin geschrieben werden."

#. This error message is issued to explain an
#. ENOMEDIUM error, when a more specific explaination is not
#. available.
#: libexplain/buffer/enomedium.c:345
msgid ""
"the disk drive is a type that has removable disks, and there does not "
"appear to be a disk in the drive"
msgstr ""
"Das Plattenlaufwerk ist von einem Typ mit entfernbaren Platten und es scheint "
"keine Platte im Laufwerk zu sein."

#. This error message is issued to explain an EROFS
#. error, in the case of a floppy disk (or similar).
#: libexplain/buffer/erofs.c:145
msgid "the disk has the write-protect tab set"
msgstr "Die Platte hat einen gesetzten Schreibschutzmechanismus."

#. This message is used when the process
#. attempts to execute a regular file which would
#. otherwise be executable, except that it resides
#. on a file system that is mounted with the
#. "noexec" option.
#: libexplain/buffer/errno/path_resolution.c:1847
msgid ""
"the executable is on a file system that is mounted with the \"noexec\" "
msgstr ""
"Die ausführbare Datei liegt auf einem Dateisystem, das mit der Option "
"»noexec« eingehängt ist."

#. This message is used when the process
#. attempts to execute a regular file which would
#. otherwise be executable, except that it has the
#. set-UID (S_ISUID) or set-GID (S_ISGID) bit set,
#. and it resides on a file system that is mounted
#. with the "nosuid" option.
#: libexplain/buffer/errno/path_resolution.c:1874
msgid ""
"the executable is on a file system that is mounted with the \"nosuid\" "
msgstr ""
"Die ausführbare Datei liegt auf einem Dateisystem, das mit der Option "
"»nosuid« eingehängt ist."

#. This message is used when an attempt is
#. made to mmap shared access to a file descriptor
#. that was not opened for both reading and writing.
#. The actual open mode will be printed separately.
#: libexplain/buffer/errno/mmap.c:152
msgid "the file descriptor is not open for both reading and writing"
msgstr ""
"Der Dateideskriptor ist nicht sowohl zum Lesen als auch zum Schreiben "

#. This message is used when an attempt is
#. made to mmap write access to a file descriptor that
#. is opened for append only.  The actual open mode will
#. be printed separately.
#: libexplain/buffer/errno/mmap.c:177
msgid "the file descriptor is open for append"
msgstr "Der Dateideskriptor ist nicht zum Anhängen geöffnet."

#. This message is used to explain an EAGAIN error
#. reported by the mmap(2) syatem call, in the case where the file
#. has been locked.
#: libexplain/buffer/errno/mmap.c:212
msgid "the file is locked"
msgstr "Die Datei ist gesperrt."

#. this error message is issued to explain
#. an ENOSYS or EOPNOTSUPP error in the case where a
#. file system does not support a particular system
#. call.
#. %1$s => the mount point of the file system,
#.         in parentheses
#. %2$s => the name of the offending system call.
#: libexplain/buffer/enosys.c:111
#, c-format
msgid "the file system %s does not support the %s system call"
msgstr "Das Dateisystem %s unterstützt den Systemaufruf %s nicht."

#. This error message is issued when a system call
#. reports an EPERM error, in the case where a file node is
#. being created (e.g. mkdir or mknod).
#. %1$s => The name of the offending syscall argument.
#. %2$s => The name of the mount point, in parentheses
#. %3$s => The type of node being created, already translated
#: libexplain/buffer/eperm/mknod.c:84
#, c-format
msgid ""
"the file system containing %s %s does not support the creation of a %s"
msgstr ""
"Das Dateisystem, das %s %s enthält, unterstützt nicht etwas vom Typ %s zu "

#. This error message is used to explain an
#. ENOSPC error, in the case where a file system has no
#. room to increase the size of a file.
#. %1$s => The name of the problematic system call argument
#. %2$s => The file system mount point and usage,
#.         in parentheses
#: libexplain/buffer/enospc.c:101
#, c-format
msgid "the file system containing %s %s has no more space for data"
msgstr "Das Dateisystem, das %s %s enthält, hat keinen Platz mehr für Daten."

#. This message is used to provide an
#. explanation for and ENOSPC error returned by an
#. open(2) system call, in the case where there is no
#. more room for a new file.
#. %1$s => The name of the problematic system call argument
#. %2$s => The file system mount point and usage,
#.         in parentheses
#: libexplain/buffer/enospc.c:47
#, c-format
msgid ""
"the file system containing %s %s has no space for a new directory entry"
msgstr ""
"Das Dateisystem, das %s %s enthält, hat keinen Platz mehr für einen neuen "

#. this error message is issued to explain
#. an ENOSYS or EOPNOTSUPP error in the case where a
#. file system does not support a particular system
#. call.
#. %1$s => the name of the offending system call.
#: libexplain/buffer/enosys.c:130
#, c-format
msgid "the file system does not support the %s system call"
msgstr "Das Dateisystem unterstützt den Systemaufruf %s nicht."

#. This message is used when explaining why some
#. permission mode bits are ignored.
#. %1$s => text representation of the "rwx" bits, including the
#.         quotes.  The 3-character string will look like ls -l
#.         output.
#: libexplain/buffer/group_permission_ignored.c:45
#, c-format
msgid "the group permission mode %s is ignored"
msgstr "Der Gruppenrechtemodus %s wird ignoriert."

#. this error message is issued when a process
#. attempts to set the hostname, and the hostname contains
#. characters not in the RFC1035 spec (section 2.3.1).
#: libexplain/buffer/errno/sethostname.c:302
msgid "the hostname specified contains invalid characters"
msgstr "Der angegebene Hostname enthält ungültige Zeichen."

#. this error message is issued when a process
#. attempts to set the hostname, and the name is too long.
#: libexplain/buffer/errno/sethostname.c:321
msgid "the hostname specified is too long"
msgstr "Der angegebene Hostname ist zu lang."

#. This message is used to explain an EINVAL error
#. reported by the pathconf system call.
#. %1$s => the name of the system call argument containing
#.         the 'name' selector, e.g. _PC_NAME_MAX
#. %2$s => the name of the first argument, "pathname" or "fildes"
#: libexplain/buffer/errno/pathconf.c:79
#, c-format
msgid "the implementation does not support an association of %s with %s"
msgstr "Die Implementierung unterstützt keine Verbindung von %s mit %s."

#. This message is issued to explain an ENODEV error
#. reported by the eventfs, eventpoll, signalfd and timerfd system
#. call.
#: libexplain/buffer/enodev.c:36
msgid "the kernel could not mount the internal anonymous inode device"
msgstr "Der Kernel konnte das interne namenlose Inode-Gerät nicht einhängen."

#. This error message is issued to explain an
#. EINVAL error reported by the mkstemp system call, in
#. the case where the file name template does not end in
#. "XXXXXX".
#. %1$s => The name of the offending system call argument.
#: libexplain/buffer/einval/mkstemp.c:63
#, c-format
msgid "the last six characters of the %s were not \"XXXXXX\""
msgstr "Die letzten sechs Zeichen von %s waren nicht »XXXXXX«."

#. This error message is issued when a system call
#. reports an ENONET error.
#: libexplain/buffer/enonet.c:33
msgid ""
"the local host is not connected to any network, or is not connected to "
"the network required for the connection"
msgstr ""
"Der lokale Host ist mit keinem oder nicht mit dem für die Verbindung "
"erforderlichen Netzwerk verbunden."

#. This error message is issued when a system call
#. reports an ENETDOWN error.
#: libexplain/buffer/enetdown.c:33
msgid ""
"the local network cable is not plugged in, or a local network router or "
"switch or hub is switched off"
msgstr ""
"Das lokale Netzwerkkabel ist nicht eingesteckt oder ein lokaler "
"Netzwerk-Router, Switch oder Hub ist ausgeschaltet."

#. This message is used to explain an ETXTBSY
#. error reported by a mmap(2) system call, in the case
#. where MAP_DENYWRITE was set but the object specified
#. by the file descriptor is open for writing.
#. The file's open mode is printed separately.
#: libexplain/buffer/errno/mmap.c:376
msgid ""
"the mapping flag MAP_DENYWRITE is incompatible with the open mode of the "
"file descriptor"
msgstr ""
"Der für das Abbilden zuständige Schalter MAP_DENYWRITE ist nicht mit dem "
"Modus »offen« des Dateideskriptors kompatibel."

#. This message is used to explain an EISDIR error
#. reported by the truncate(2) system call, in the case where the
#. named file is a directory.
#: libexplain/buffer/errno/truncate.c:123
msgid ""
"the named file is a directory; directories may not be truncated, use "
"rmdir(2) or remove(3) instead"
msgstr ""
"Die genannte Datei ist ein Verzeichnis. Verzeichnisse können nicht gekürzt "
"werden. Verwenden Sie stattdessen »rmdir(2)« oder »remove(3)«."

#. This message is used when explaining an EISDIR error
#. reported by the unlink(2) system call, in the case where the
#. named file is a directory.
#: libexplain/buffer/errno/unlink.c:109
msgid ""
"the named file is a directory; directories may not be unlinked, use rmdir"
"(2) or remove(3) instead"
msgstr ""
"Die genannte Datei ist ein Verzeichnis. Die Bindung von Verzeichnissen kann "
"nicht gelöst werden. Verwenden Sie stattdessen »rmdir(2)« oder »remove(3)«."

#. this error message is issued when ioctl
#. EQL_EMANCIPATE reports an EINVAL error.  We already
#. know the file descriptor is suitable.
#: libexplain/iocontrol/eql_emancipate.c:94
msgid "the named slave network interface cannot be emancipated"
msgstr ""
"Die genannte untergeordnete Netzwerkschnittstelle kann nicht gleichberechtigt "

#. This message is used to explain an EACCES
#. error reported by a bind(2) system call, in the case
#. where a privileged port is specific, and the process
#. does not have permission.
#: libexplain/buffer/errno/bind.c:172
msgid "the network port address is protected"
msgstr "Die Netzwerkportadresse ist geschützt."

#. This error message is issued when a system call
#. reports an EPROTONOSUPPORT error.
#: libexplain/buffer/eprotonosupport.c:33
msgid "the network protocol requested is not available on this system"
msgstr "Das gewünschte Netzwerkprotokoll ist auf diesem System nicht verfügbar."

#. This message is used when explaining why
#. the "other" permission mode bits are ignored.
#. %1$s => the "rwx" bits, including the quotes, like the
#.         3-character string used in 'ls -l' output.
#: libexplain/buffer/others_permission_ignored.c:44
#, c-format
msgid "the others permission mode %s is ignored"
msgstr "Der Rechtemodus %s für andere wird ignoriert."

#. This message is used when explaining which permission mode
#. bits are used when determining file access permsiions.
#. %1$s => the "rwx" mode representation, including the quotes, in a
#.         form resembling the ls -l representation of mode bits.
#: libexplain/buffer/others_permission.c:44
#, c-format
msgid "the others permission mode is %s"
msgstr "Der Rechtemodus für andere ist %s."

#. This error message is issued to explain an EINVAL error
#. reported by a chown (or similar) system call, in the case where
#. either the UID is invalid, the GID is invalid, or both.
#: libexplain/buffer/errno/chown.c:489
# FIXME s/group GID/group ID/
msgid "the owner UID or group GID is not a value supported by the system"
msgstr ""
"Die Besitzer-UID oder Gruppen-ID ist kein vom System unterstützter Wert."

#. This error message is used to explain an
#. unlink EBUSY error, in the case where the pathname is
#. being used by the system or another process and the
#. implementation considers this an error.  (This does not
#. happen on Linux.)
#: libexplain/buffer/errno/unlink.c:86
msgid ""
"the pathname is being used by the system or another process and the "
"implementation considers this an error"
msgstr ""
"Der Pfadname wird vom System oder einem anderen Prozess benutzt und die "
"Implementierung sieht dies als Fehler an."

#. This message is used when explaining which permission
#. mode bits are used when determining IPC access permissions.
#. This is explicitly nothing to do with files.
#. %1$s => the process kind of GID, "real GID" or "effective GID",
#.         already translated
#. %2$s => the GID of the process, number and name.
#. %3$s => the IPOC onject kind, e.g. "shared memory segment",
#.         already trsmalated
#. %4$s => the IPC object kind of GID, "owner GID" or "creator GID",
#.         already translated
#. %5$s => the GID of the IPC object, number and name.
#. %6$s => The mode bits like "rwx", including the quotes, in
#.         a form resembling the ls -l representation of mode
#.         bits.
#: libexplain/buffer/eacces/shm.c:222
#, c-format
msgid ""
"the process %s %s does not match the %s %s %s and so the group "
"permission mode %s is ignored"
msgstr ""
"Die %s des Prozesses %s entspricht nicht der Art des %s der %s %s. Daher wird "
"der Gruppenrechtemodus %s ignoriert."

#. This message is used when explaining which owner permission
#. mode bits are ignored when determining IPC access permissions.
#. %1$s => the kind of process UID, "real UID" or "effective UID",
#.         already translated
#. %2$s => the UID of the process, number and name.
#. %3$s => the kind of IPC object, e.g. "shared memory segment",
#.         already tramslated
#. %4$s => the kind of shm UID, "owner UID" or "creator UID"
#. %5$s => the shm UID of the IPC object, number and name.
#. %6$s => The mode bits like "rwx", including the quotes, in
#.         a form resembling the ls -l representation of mode
#.         bits.
#: libexplain/buffer/eacces/shm.c:121
#, c-format
msgid ""
"the process %s %s does not match the %s %s %s so the owner permission "
"mode %s is ignored"
msgstr ""
"Die %s des Prozesses %s entspricht nicht der Art des %s der %s %s. Daher wird "
"der Besitzerrechtemodus %s ignoriert."

#. This message is used when explaining which
#. permission mode bits are ignored when determining
#. file access permissions.
#. %1$s => the kind of GID, "real GID" or "effective GID",
#.         already translated
#. %2$s => the GID of the process, number and name.
#. %3$s => the file type, e.g. "directory" or "regular file"
#. %4$s => the owner of the file, number and name.
#. %5$s => The mode bits like "rwx", including the quotes, in
#.         a form resembling the ls -l representation of mode
#.         bits.
#: libexplain/have_permission.c:163
#, c-format
msgid ""
"the process %s %s does not match the %s owner %s so the owner permission "
"mode %s is ignored"
msgstr ""
"Die %s des Prozesses %s entspricht nicht dem Typ %s des Besitzers %s. Daher "
"wird der Besitzerrechtemodus %s ignoriert."

#. This message supplements the "no inode modify
#. permission" message, explaining that the process effective UID
#. must match the file owner UID.
#. %1$s => the kind of UID, either "real UID" or "effective UID",
#.         already translated
#. %2$s => the numeric UID of the process, and the corresponding
#.         login name from the password file, if available.
#. %3$s => the name of the offending system call argument,
#.         possibly with some additional file type info
#. %4$s => the numeric UID of the file owner, and the
#.         corresponding login name from the password file, if
#.         available.
#: libexplain/buffer/does_not_have_inode_modify_permission.c:95
#, c-format
msgid "the process %s %s does not match the %s owner UID %s"
msgstr ""
"Die %s des Prozesses %s entspricht nicht dem Typ %s der Besitzer-UID %s."

#. This message is used when explaining which permission
#. mode bits are used when determining IPC access permissions.
#. This is explicitly nothing to do with files.
#. %1$s => the process kind of GID, "real GID" or "effective GID",
#.         already translated
#. %2$s => the GID of the process, number and name.
#. %3$s => the kinf of IPC object, e.g. "shared memory segment",
#.         already translated
#. %4$s => the IPC object kind of GID, "owner GID" or "creator GID",
#.         already translated
#. %5$s => the GID of the IPC object, number and name.
#. %6$s => The mode bits like "rwx", including the quotes, in
#.         a form resembling the ls -l representation of mode
#.         bits.
# ?? There are only 5 placeholders
#: libexplain/buffer/eacces/shm.c:170
#, c-format
msgid ""
"the process %s %s matches the %s %s and the group permission mode is %s"
msgstr ""
"Die %s des Prozesses %s entspricht der Art des %s der %s und der "
"Gruppenrechtemodus ist %s."

#. This message is used when explaining which permission mode
#. bits are used when determining IPC access permissions.
#. %1$s => the kind of process UID, "real UID" or "effective UID",
#.         already translated.
#. %2$s => the UID of the process, number and name.
#. %3$s => the kind if IPC object, e.g. "shared memory segment",
#.         already translated
#. %4$s => the kind of IPC object UID, "owner UID" or
#.         "creator UID", already translated.
#. %5$s => The mode bits like "rwx", including the quotes, in
#.         a form resembling the ls -l representation of mode
#.         bits.
#: libexplain/buffer/eacces/shm.c:72
#, c-format
msgid ""
"the process %s %s matches the %s %s and the owner permission mode is %s"
msgstr ""
"Die %s des Prozesses %s entspricht der Art des %s der %s und der "
"Besitzerrechtemodus ist %s."

#. This message is used when explaining which
#. permission mode bits are used when determining file access
#. permissions.
#. %1$s => the kind of GID, "real GID" or "effective GID",
#.         already translated
#. %2$s => the GID of the process, number and name.
#. %3$s => the file type, e.g. 'directory' or 'regular file'
#. %4$s => the group of the file, number and name.
#. %5$s => The mode bits like "rwx", including the quotes, in
#.         a form resembling the ls -l representation of mode
#.         bits.
#: libexplain/have_permission.c:214
#, c-format
# FIXME s/group GID/group ID/
msgid ""
"the process %s %s matches the %s group GID %s and the group permission "
"mode is %s"
msgstr ""
"Die %s des Prozesses %s entspricht dem Typ %s der Gruppen-ID %s und der "
"Gruppenrechtemodus ist %s."

#. This message is used when explaining which
#. permission mode bits are used when determining file access
#. permissions.
#. %1$s => the kind of UID, "real UID" or "effective UID",
#.         already translated.
#. %2$s => the UID of the process, number and name.
#. %3$s => the file type, e.g. "directory" or "regular file"
#. %4$s => the owner of the file, number and name.
#. %5$s => The mode bits like "rwx", including the quotes, in
#.         a form resembling the ls -l representation of mode
#.         bits.
#: libexplain/have_permission.c:112
#, c-format
msgid ""
"the process %s %s matches the %s owner UID %s and the owner permission "
"mode is %s"
msgstr ""
"Die %s des Prozesses %s entspricht dem Typ %s der Besitzer-UID %s und der "
"Besitzerrechtemodus ist %s."

#. This message is used when a process fails to open a
#. file because that process already has the maximum number of file
#. descriptors open.
#: libexplain/buffer/emfile.c:38
msgid "the process already has the maximum number of file descriptors open"
msgstr "Der Prozess hat bereits die maximale Anzahl offener Dateideskriptoren."

#. The message is used when explaining an EPERM error reported
#. by the chown(2) system call, in the case where no more specific
#. explanation is available, but the call attempted to change the GID.
#: libexplain/buffer/eperm.c:35
# FIXME s/group GID/group ID/
msgid ""
"the process did not have the required permissions to change the group GID"
msgstr "Der Prozess hatte nicht die nötigen Rechte zum �ndern der Gruppen-ID."

#. The message is used when explaining an EPERM
#. error reported by the chown(2) system call, in the case
#. where no more specific explanation is available,
#. but the call attempted to change only the UID.
#: libexplain/buffer/errno/chown.c:292
msgid ""
"the process did not have the required permissions to change the owner UID"
msgstr "Der Prozess hatte nicht die nötigen Rechte zum �ndern der Besitzer-UID."

#. The message is used when explaining an EPERM
#. error reported by the chown(2) system call, in the case
#. where no more specific explanation is available,
#. but the call attempted to change both the UID and the GID.
#: libexplain/buffer/errno/chown.c:277
msgid ""
"the process did not have the required permissions to change the owner "
"UID and group GID"
msgstr ""
"Der Prozess hatte nicht die nötigen Rechte zum �ndern der Besitzer-UID und "
"der Gruppen-ID."

#. The message is used when explaining an EPERM
#. error reported by the chown(2) system call, in the case
#. where no more specific explanation is available.
#: libexplain/buffer/errno/chown.c:313
msgid ""
"the process did not have the required permissions to change the owner "
"UID or group GID"
msgstr ""
"Der Prozess hatte nicht die nötigen Rechte zum �ndern der Besitzer-UID oder "
"der Gruppen-ID."

#. This message is used when wait(2) is called and
#. the process does not have any unwaited-for child
#. processes.
#: libexplain/buffer/no_outstanding_children.c:34
msgid "the process does not have any unwaited-for child processes"
msgstr "Der Prozess hat keine Kindprozesse, auf die gewartet wird."

#. This message is used when a process does not have
#. execute permission to something it attempts to execute; for
#. example, one of the execve calls, or similar.
#. Different language grammars may need to rearrange the parts.
#. %1$s => the name of the final component of the path, the
#.         regular file in question (will never have slashes).
#.         It will in clude the name of the file, and the file
#.         type "regular file".
#. %2$s => the name of the directory that contains the regular
#.         file to be executed; it may have zero, one or more
#.         slashes in it.  Will include the name of the function
#.         call argument, the name of the directory, and the
#.         file type "directory".
#: libexplain/buffer/errno/path_resolution.c:486
#, c-format
msgid "the process does not have execute permission to the %s in the %s"
msgstr "Der Prozess hat kein Ausführungsrecht für %s in %s."

#. This message is used when a process does not have
#. inode modification permission to something it attempts to
#. modify); for example, fchmod.
#: libexplain/buffer/does_not_have_inode_modify_permission.c:146
msgid "the process does not have inode modification permission"
msgstr "Der Prozess hat kein Recht zum Ã?ndern von Inodes."

#. This message is used when a process does not have
#. inode modification permission to something it attempts to
#. modify); for example, chmod.
#. Different language grammars may need to rearrange the parts.
#. %1$s => the name of the final component of the path, the
#.         regular file in question (will never have slashes).
#.         It will in clude the name of the file, and the file
#.         type "regular file".
#. %2$s => the name of the directory that contains the regular
#.         file to be executed; it may have zero, one or more
#.         slashes in it.  Will include the name of the function
#.         call argument, the name of the directory, and the
#.         file type "directory".
#: libexplain/buffer/does_not_have_inode_modify_permission.c:239
#, c-format
msgid ""
"the process does not have inode modification permission to the %s in the "
msgstr ""
"Der Prozess hat kein Recht zum �ndern von Inodes für %s in %s."

#. This error message is issued when a
#. process attempts to change its root directory.
#: libexplain/buffer/errno/chroot.c:106
msgid "the process does not have permission to change its root directory"
msgstr "Der Prozess hat kein Recht zum Ã?ndern seines Wurzelverzeichnisses."

#. This error message is issued to explain and
#. EACCES error reported by a CDROM_DEBUG ioctl.
#: libexplain/iocontrol/cdrom_debug.c:50
msgid ""
"the process does not have permission to change the CD-ROM debugging flag"
msgstr "Der Prozess hat kein Recht zum Ã?ndern des CD-ROM-Fehlersuchschalters."

#. This error message is issued when ioctl
#. BLKBSZSET returns an EACCES error.
#: libexplain/iocontrol/blkbszset.c:71
msgid ""
"the process does not have permission to change the logical block size"
msgstr "Der Prozess hat kein Recht zum �ndern der Grö�e logischer Blöcke."

#. This error message is issued when a system call
#. reports an EPERM error, in the case where a file node is
#. being created (e.g. mkdir or mknod).
#. %1$s => The name of the offending syscall argument.
#. %2$s => The name of the mount point, in parentheses
#. %3$s => The type of node being created, already translated
#: libexplain/buffer/eperm/mknod.c:59
#, c-format
msgid "the process does not have permission to create a %s"
msgstr "Der Prozess hat kein Recht zum Erstellen eines %s."

#. This error message is issued to explain an
#. EACCES error reported by the BLKFLSBUF ioctl, in the case
#. where the process does not have permission to flush the
#. buffers.
#: libexplain/iocontrol/blkflsbuf.c:48
msgid "the process does not have permission to flush the buffers"
msgstr "Der Prozess hat kein Recht zum Leeren der Puffer."

#. xgetetxt:  This error message is issued to explain an EPERM error
#. of they nice system call, in the case where the calling process
#. attempted to increase its priority by supplying a negative value
#. but has insufficient privileges.
#: libexplain/buffer/errno/nice.c:59
msgid "the process does not have permission to increase its priority"
msgstr "Der Prozess hat kein Recht zum Erhöhen seiner Priorität."

#. This error message is issued to explain and
#. EACCES error reported by a CDROMRESET ioctl.
#: libexplain/iocontrol/cdromreset.c:49
msgid "the process does not have permission to reset the CD-ROM drive"
msgstr "Der Prozess hat kein Recht das CD-ROM-Laufwerk zurückzusetzen."

#. This error message is issued to explain an
#. EPERM error reported by the kill(2) system call.
#: libexplain/buffer/eperm/kill.c:34
msgid ""
"the process does not have permission to send the signal to any of the "
"target processes"
msgstr ""
"Der Prozess hat kein Recht das Signal an einen der Zielprozesse zu senden."

#. this error message is issued when a process
#. attempts to set the domain name without sufficient privilege.
#: libexplain/buffer/errno/setdomainname.c:71
msgid "the process does not have permission to set the domain name"
msgstr "Der Prozess hat kein Recht den Domain-Namen zu setzen."

#. this error message is issued when a process
#. attempts to set the hostname without sufficient privilege.
#: libexplain/buffer/errno/sethostname.c:344
msgid "the process does not have permission to set the hostname"
msgstr "Der Prozess hat kein Recht den Hostnamen zu setzen."

#. This error message is issued to explain an EACCES
#. error reported by a system call, in the case where a more
#. specific explanation is not available.
#. %1$s => the name of the offending system call.
#: libexplain/buffer/eacces/syscall.c:36
#, c-format
msgid "the process does not have permission to use the %s system call"
msgstr "Der Prozess hat kein Recht den Systemaufruf %s zu benutzen."

#. This error message is issued to explain an EPERM error
#. reported by system call that need the CAP_SYS_TTY_CONFIG capability.
#: libexplain/buffer/eperm/sys_tty_config.c:34
#, c-format
msgid ""
"the process does not have permission to use the %s system call to modify "
"the TTY configuration"
msgstr ""
"Der Prozess hat kein Recht den Systemaufruf %s zum Ã?ndern der "
"TTY-Konfiguration zu benutzen."

#. This error message is issued to explain an
#. EPERM error reported by the a system call that requires
#. CAP_NET_ADMIN capaility.
#: libexplain/buffer/eperm/net_admin.c:36
#, c-format
msgid ""
"the process does not have permission to use the %s system call to modify "
"the network configuration"
msgstr ""
"Der Prozess hat kein Recht den Systemaufruf %s zum Ã?ndern der "
"Netzwerkkonfiguration zu benutzen."

#. This error message is issued to explain an
#. EPERM error reported by the adjtimex (etc) system call.
#: libexplain/buffer/eperm/sys_time.c:34
#, c-format
msgid ""
"the process does not have permission to use the %s system call to modify "
"the system time"
msgstr ""
"Der Prozess hat kein Recht den Systemaufruf %s zum Ã?ndern der Systemzeit zu "

#. This message is used when a process does not have
#. read permission to something it attempts to
#. open for reading; for example, open() or fopen().
#. Different language grammars may need to rearrange the parts.
#. %1$s => the name of the final component of the path, the
#.         regular file in question (will never have slashes).
#.         It will include the name of the file, and the file
#.         type "regular file".
#. %2$s => the name of the directory that contains the regular
#.         file to be executed; it may have zero, one or more
#.         slashes in it.  Will include the name of the function
#.         call argument, the name of the directory, and the
#.         file type "directory".
#: libexplain/buffer/errno/path_resolution.c:534
#, c-format
msgid "the process does not have read permission to the %s in the %s"
msgstr "Der Prozess hat kein Leserecht in %s unter %s."

#. This message is used when a process does not have
#. search permission to a directory it attempts to traverse.
#. (Only used for problems with "." and "/".)
#. Different language grammars may need to rearrange the parts.
#. %1$s => The pathname, the directory in question.  It will
#.         include the name of the function call argument, the
#.         name of the directory, file type "directory".
#: libexplain/buffer/errno/path_resolution.c:439
#, c-format
msgid "the process does not have search permission to the %s"
msgstr "Der Prozess hat kein Suchrecht in %s."

#. This message is used when a process does not have
#. search permission to a directory it attempts to traverse.
#. Different language grammars may need to rearrange the parts.
#. %1$s => The name of the component of the path, the subdirectory in
#.         question (will never have slashes).  It will in clude the
#.         name of the file, and the file type "directory".
#. %2$s => The name of the directory that contains the subdirectory in
#.         question; it may have zero, one or more slashes in it.  Will
#.         include the name of the function call argument, the name of
#.         the directory, and the file type "directory".
#: libexplain/buffer/errno/path_resolution.c:400
#, c-format
msgid "the process does not have search permission to the %s in the %s"
msgstr "Der Prozess hat kein Suchrecht in %s unter %s."

#. This message is used as a generic explanation
#. of an EPERM error returned by any system call that does
#. not provide a more specific explanation.
#. %1$s => the name of the offending system call
#: libexplain/buffer/errno/generic.c:102
#, c-format
msgid ""
"the process does not have the appropriate privileges to use the %s "
"system call"
msgstr ""
"Der Prozess verfügt nicht über angemessene Rechte, um den Systemaufruf %s zu "

#. This error message is used to explain that a
#. process does not have the necessary IPC permissions to access
#. the resource it requested.
#. %1$s => The kind of resource, e.g. "shared memory segment" or
#.         "semaphore", etc.  Already translated.
#: libexplain/buffer/eacces/shm.c:321
#, c-format
msgid "the process does not have the necessary %s access permissions"
msgstr "Der Prozess hat nicht die nötigen %s-Zugriffsrechte."

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