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[RFR] man://manpages-de/units.7

Ich hatte mal wieder Lust auf eine "deutsche Erstveröffentlichung".
Zum Aufwand:

11K, 52 Zeichenketten (davon 10 länger als zwei Zeilen in der angezeigten
Manpage), insgesamt 132 Zeilen in der angezeigten Manpage

Schon jetzt vielen Dank für Eure konstruktive Kritik.

# German translation of manpages
# This file is distributed under the same license as the manpages-de package.
# Copyright © of this file:
# Martin Eberhard Schauer <Martin.E.Schauer@gmx.de>, 2012.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: manpages-de\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-03-21 08:52+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-03-21 10:57+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Martin Eberhard Schauer <Martin.E.Schauer@gmx.de>\n"
"Language-Team: German <debian-l10n-german@lists.debian.org>\n"
"Language: de\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: Lokalize 1.0\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"

#. type: TH
#: source/units.7:24
#, no-wrap
msgid "UNITS"
msgstr "UNITS"

#. type: TH
#: source/units.7:24
#, no-wrap
msgid "2001-12-22"
msgstr "22. Dezember 2001"

#. type: TH
#: source/units.7:24
#, no-wrap
msgid "Linux"
msgstr "Linux"

#. type: TH
#: source/units.7:24
#, no-wrap
msgid "Linux Programmer's Manual"
msgstr "Linux-Programmierhandbuch"

#. type: SH
#: source/units.7:25
#, no-wrap
msgid "NAME"

#. type: Plain text
#: source/units.7:27
msgid "units, kilo, kibi, mega, mebi, giga, gibi - decimal and binary prefixes"
msgstr ""
"units, kilo, kibi, mega, mebi, giga, gibi - dezimale und binäre Präfixe"

#. type: SH
#: source/units.7:27
#, no-wrap

#. type: SS
#: source/units.7:28
#, no-wrap
msgid "Decimal prefixes"
msgstr "Dezimale Präfixe"

#. type: Plain text
#: source/units.7:32
msgid ""
"The SI system of units uses prefixes that indicate powers of ten.  A "
"kilometer is 1000 meter, and a megawatt is 1000000 watt.  Below the standard "
msgstr ""
"Das SI-Einheitensystem verwendet Präfixe, die für Potenzen von 10 stehen. "
"Ein Kilometer sind 1000 Meter; ein Megawatt entspricht 1.000.000 Watt. Es "
"folgen die Standardpräfixe."

#. type: tbl table
#: source/units.7:35 source/units.7:76
#, no-wrap
msgid "Prefix\tName\tValue\n"
msgstr "Präfix\tName\tWert\n"

#. type: tbl table
#: source/units.7:36
#, no-wrap
msgid "y\tyocto\t10^-24 = 0.000000000000000000000001\n"
msgstr "y\tYokto\t10^-24 = 0.000000000000000000000001\n"

#. type: tbl table
#: source/units.7:37
#, no-wrap
msgid "z\tzepto\t10^-21 = 0.000000000000000000001\n"
msgstr "z\tZepto\t10^-21 = 0.000000000000000000001\n"

#. type: tbl table
#: source/units.7:38
#, no-wrap
msgid "a\tatto\t10^-18 = 0.000000000000000001\n"
msgstr "a\tAtto\t10^-18 = 0.000000000000000001\n"

#. type: tbl table
#: source/units.7:39
#, no-wrap
msgid "f\tfemto\t10^-15 = 0.000000000000001\n"
msgstr "f\tFemto\t10^-15 = 0.000000000000001\n"

#. type: tbl table
#: source/units.7:40
#, no-wrap
msgid "p\tpico\t10^-12 = 0.000000000001\n"
msgstr "p\tPico\t10^-12 = 0.000000000001\n"

#. type: tbl table
#: source/units.7:41
#, no-wrap
msgid "n\tnano\t10^-9  = 0.000000001\n"
msgstr "n\tNano\t10^-9  = 0.000000001\n"

#. type: tbl table
#: source/units.7:42
#, no-wrap
msgid "u\tmicro\t10^-6  = 0.000001\n"
msgstr "u\tMikro\t10^-6  = 0.000001\n"

#. type: tbl table
#: source/units.7:43
#, no-wrap
msgid "m\tmilli\t10^-3  = 0.001\n"
msgstr "m\tMilli\t10^-3  = 0.001\n"

#. type: tbl table
#: source/units.7:44
#, no-wrap
msgid "c\tcenti\t10^-2  = 0.01\n"
msgstr "c\tZenti\t10^-2  = 0.01\n"

#. type: tbl table
#: source/units.7:45
#, no-wrap
msgid "d\tdeci\t10^-1  = 0.1\n"
msgstr "d\tDezi\t10^-1  = 0.1\n"

#. type: tbl table
#: source/units.7:46
#, no-wrap
msgid "da\tdeka\t10^ 1  = 10\n"
msgstr "da\tDeka\t10^ 1  = 10\n"

#. type: tbl table
#: source/units.7:47
#, no-wrap
msgid "h\thecto\t10^ 2  = 100\n"
msgstr "h\tHekto\t10^ 2  = 100\n"

#. type: tbl table
#: source/units.7:48
#, no-wrap
msgid "k\tkilo\t10^ 3  = 1000\n"
msgstr "k\tKilo\t10^ 3  = 1000\n"

#. type: tbl table
#: source/units.7:49
#, no-wrap
msgid "M\tmega\t10^ 6  = 1000000\n"
msgstr "M\tMega\t10^ 6  = 1000000\n"

#. type: tbl table
#: source/units.7:50
#, no-wrap
msgid "G\tgiga\t10^ 9  = 1000000000\n"
msgstr "G\tGiga\t10^ 9  = 1000000000\n"

#. type: tbl table
#: source/units.7:51
#, no-wrap
msgid "T\ttera\t10^12  = 1000000000000\n"
msgstr "T\tTera\t10^12  = 1000000000000\n"

#. type: tbl table
#: source/units.7:52
#, no-wrap
msgid "P\tpeta\t10^15  = 1000000000000000\n"
msgstr "P\tPeta\t10^15  = 1000000000000000\n"

#. type: tbl table
#: source/units.7:53
#, no-wrap
msgid "E\texa\t10^18  = 1000000000000000000\n"
msgstr "E\tExa\t10^18  = 1000000000000000000\n"

#. type: tbl table
#: source/units.7:54
#, no-wrap
msgid "Z\tzetta\t10^21  = 1000000000000000000000\n"
msgstr "Z\tZetta\t10^21  = 1000000000000000000000\n"

#. type: tbl table
#: source/units.7:55
#, no-wrap
msgid "Y\tyotta\t10^24  = 1000000000000000000000000\n"
msgstr "Y\tYotta\t10^24  = 1000000000000000000000000\n"

#. type: Plain text
#: source/units.7:62
msgid ""
"The symbol for micro is the Greek letter mu, often written u in an ASCII "
"context where this Greek letter is not available.  See also"
msgstr ""
"Das Symbol für Mikro ist griechische Buchstabe mu. Im ASCII-Kontext wird er "
"oft als u geschrieben, weil das mu nicht verfügbar ist. Siehe auch"

#. type: Plain text
#: source/units.7:65
msgid "http://physics.nist.gov/cuu/Units/prefixes.html";
msgstr "http://physics.nist.gov/cuu/Units/prefixes.html";

#. type: SS
#: source/units.7:66
#, no-wrap
msgid "Binary prefixes"
msgstr "Binäre Präfixe"

#. type: Plain text
#: source/units.7:73
msgid ""
"The binary prefixes resemble the decimal ones, but have an additional \\(aqi"
"\\(aq (and \"Ki\" starts with a capital \\(aqK\\(aq).  The names are formed "
"by taking the first syllable of the names of the decimal prefix with roughly "
"the same size, followed by \"bi\" for \"binary\"."
msgstr ""
"Die binären Präfixe entsprechen den dezimalen, verfügen aber über ein "
"zusätzliches \\(aqi\\(aq (und »Ki« beginnt mit einem gro�geschriebenen  "
"\\(aqK\\(aq). Die Namen werden geformt aus der ersten Silbe des "
"entsprechenden Dezimalpräfixes mit ungefähr gleicher Grö�e, der sich »bi« "
"für »binär« anschlie�t."

#. type: tbl table
#: source/units.7:77
#, no-wrap
msgid "Ki\tkibi\t2^10 = 1024\n"
msgstr "Ki\tKibi\t2^10 = 1024\n"

#. type: tbl table
#: source/units.7:78
#, no-wrap
msgid "Mi\tmebi\t2^20 = 1048576\n"
msgstr "Mi\tMebi\t2^20 = 1048576\n"

#. type: tbl table
#: source/units.7:79
#, no-wrap
msgid "Gi\tgibi\t2^30 = 1073741824\n"
msgstr "Gi\tGibi\t2^30 = 1073741824\n"

#. type: tbl table
#: source/units.7:80
#, no-wrap
msgid "Ti\ttebi\t2^40 = 1099511627776\n"
msgstr "Ti\tTebi\t2^40 = 1099511627776\n"

#. type: tbl table
#: source/units.7:81
#, no-wrap
msgid "Pi\tpebi\t2^50 = 1125899906842624\n"
msgstr "Pi\tPebi\t2^50 = 1125899906842624\n"

#. type: tbl table
#: source/units.7:82
#, no-wrap
msgid "Ei\texbi\t2^60 = 1152921504606846976\n"
msgstr "Ei\tExbi\t2^60 = 1152921504606846976\n"

#. type: Plain text
#: source/units.7:87
msgid "See also"
msgstr "Siehe auch"

#. type: Plain text
#: source/units.7:90
msgid "http://physics.nist.gov/cuu/Units/binary.html";
msgstr "http://physics.nist.gov/cuu/Units/binary.html";

#. type: SS
#: source/units.7:91
#, no-wrap
msgid "Discussion"
msgstr "Diskussion"

#. type: Plain text
#: source/units.7:96
msgid ""
"Before these binary prefixes were introduced, it was fairly common to use "
"k=1000 and K=1024, just like b=bit, B=byte.  Unfortunately, the M is capital "
"already, and cannot be capitalized to indicate binary-ness."
msgstr ""
"Bevor diese binären Präfixe eingeführt wurden, war es weit verbreitet, "
"k=1000 und K=1024 zu verwenden, ebenso wie auch b=Bit, B=Byte. Leider ist "
"das M schon ein GroÃ?buchstabe und kann nicht mehr groÃ? geschrieben werden, "
"um die Verwendung als binäres Ma� zu verdeutlichen."

#. type: Plain text
#: source/units.7:107
msgid ""
"At first that didn't matter too much, since memory modules and disks came in "
"sizes that were powers of two, so everyone knew that in such contexts "
"\"kilobyte\" and \"megabyte\" meant 1024 and 1048576 bytes, respectively.  "
"What originally was a sloppy use of the prefixes \"kilo\" and \"mega\" "
"started to become regarded as the \"real true meaning\" when computers were "
"involved.  But then disk technology changed, and disk sizes became arbitrary "
"numbers.  After a period of uncertainty all disk manufacturers settled on "
"the standard, namely k=1000, M=1000k, G=1000M."
msgstr ""
"Anfangs war das nicht so schlimm, da die Grö�en von "
"Speichermodulen und Festplatten Zweierpotenzen waren. So wusste jeder, dass "
"in solchen Kontexten »Kilobyte« und »Megabyte« 1024 und 1.048.576 Byte "
"bedeuteten. Was ursprünglich als eine schlampige Verwendung der Präfixe "
"»Kilo« und »Mega« begonnen hatte, schickte sich an, die »echte wahre "
"Bedeutung« zu werden, wenn Computer beteiligt waren. Aber dann änderte sich "
"die Festplattentechnik und Plattengrö�en wurden beliebige Zahlen. Nach einer "
"Phase der Unsicherheit einigten sich alle Festplatten-Hersteller auf den "
"Standard, nämlich k=1000, M=1000k, G=1000M."

#.  also common: 14.4k modem
#. type: Plain text
#: source/units.7:114
msgid ""
"The situation was messy: in the 14k4 modems, k=1000; in the 1.44MB "
"diskettes, M=1024000; etc.  In 1998 the IEC approved the standard that "
"defines the binary prefixes given above, enabling people to be precise and "
msgstr ""
"Die Situation war chaotisch: bei den 14k4-Modems war k=1000; be den "
"1,44MB-Disketten war M=1024000 usw. Im Jahr 1998 billigte die IEC den "
"Standard, der die oben angegebenen binären Präfixe definiert und die "
"Menschen befähigt, präzise und eindeutig zu sein."

#. type: Plain text
#: source/units.7:116
msgid "Thus, today, MB = 1000000B and MiB = 1048576B."
msgstr "Deshalb gilt heute MB = 1000000B and MiB = 1048576B."

#. type: Plain text
#: source/units.7:120
msgid ""
"In the free software world programs are slowly being changed to conform.  "
"When the Linux kernel boots and says"
msgstr ""
"In der Welt der Freien Software nähern sich die Dinge langsam dem Standard "
"an. Wenn der Linux-Kernel startet und"

#. type: Plain text
#: source/units.7:124
#, no-wrap
msgid "hda: 120064896 sectors (61473 MB) w/2048KiB Cache\n"
msgstr "hda: 120064896 sectors (61473 MB) w/2048KiB Cache\n"

#. type: Plain text
#: source/units.7:128
msgid "the MB are megabytes and the KiB are kibibytes."
msgstr "meldet, sind die MB Megabytes und die KiB Kibibytes."

#. type: SH
#: source/units.7:128
#, no-wrap
msgid "COLOPHON"
msgstr "KOLOPHON"

#. type: Plain text
#: source/units.7:135
msgid ""
"This page is part of release 3.35 of the Linux I<man-pages> project.  A "
"description of the project, and information about reporting bugs, can be "
"found at http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/.";
msgstr ""
"Diese Seite ist Teil der Veröffentlichung 3.35 des Projekts Linux-I<man-"
"pages>. Eine Beschreibung des Projekts und Informationen, wie Fehler "
"gemeldet werden können, finden sich unter http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/.";

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