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Re: sl-modem 2.9.11~20080817-1~intrepid4: Please update debconf PO translation for the package sl-modem

Hello Frank,
On Fri, Oct 03, 2008 at 09:50:06PM +0200, Frank Dietrich wrote:
> ???????? ???????????????? (Ahmed El-Mahmoudy)
> <aelmahmoudy@users.sourceforge.net> wrote:
> >You are noted as the last translator of the debconf translation for

this refers to the last translator. In case he is no longer active
(MIA) the list is CC'ed, so that other translators can jump in. 

In this case, looking at the header of the translation (and the CC: of
the original e-mail) you can see that I am the original translator.

If you want to take over a translation, then *please* ask me
beforehand, so we can avoid double work. And, btw, I already sent the
updated translation to the BTS: #501043. I did not run a review round,
as the change was very minor, but should have, as Erik found an error,
so I'll update the version in #501043 in a moment.

> I hope it's ok to send it to the debian-l10n-german list?

It's usually better to first discuss the translation on
debian-l10n-german and then sent it to upstream (preferably as a bug).
For the workflow, please read
http://i18n.debian.net/debian-l10n/docs/robot/pseudo-urls.html, but
note that we usually only use ITT (this saves work!), RFR and BTS, and
DONE is "done" automatically.



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