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[RFR4] po://cups/fr.po


le Sun, 09 Aug 2015 10:34:19 +0200, jean-pierre giraud
<jean-pierregiraud@neuf.fr> a écrit :

>La suite jusqu'à la ligne 14600.
Merci. Corrections presque entièrement intégrées (choix traduire ou ne
pas traduire certains arguments) et quelques corrections
supplémentaires. Suite de la traduction et presque fin (nouvelles
évolutions du fichier.
Merci d’avance pour vos relectures et corrections.



Attachment: RFR3_RFR4.fr.po.diff.xz
Description: application/xz

Attachment: RFR4_cups_2.0.3-6_fr.po.xz
Description: application/xz

Attachment: lp.man
Description: Unix manual page

Attachment: lpadmin.man
Description: Unix manual page

Attachment: lpc.man
Description: Unix manual page

Attachment: lpinfo.man
Description: Unix manual page

Attachment: lpmove.man
Description: Unix manual page

Attachment: lpoptions.man.in
Description: Binary data

Attachment: lpq.man
Description: Unix manual page

Attachment: lpr.man
Description: Unix manual page

Attachment: lprm.man
Description: Unix manual page

Attachment: lpstat.man
Description: Unix manual page

Attachment: mailto.conf.man
Description: Unix manual page

Attachment: Makefile
Description: Binary data

 * "$Id: mantohtml.c 12363 2014-12-12 19:51:33Z msweet $"
 * Man page to HTML conversion program.
 * Copyright 2007-2010, 2014 by Apple Inc.
 * Copyright 2004-2006 by Easy Software Products.
 * These coded instructions, statements, and computer programs are the
 * property of Apple Inc. and are protected by Federal copyright
 * law.  Distribution and use rights are outlined in the file "LICENSE.txt"
 * which should have been included with this file.  If this file is
 * file is missing or damaged, see the license at "http://www.cups.org/";.

 * Include necessary headers.

#include <cups/string-private.h>
#include <cups/array-private.h>
#include <unistd.h>

 * Local globals...

static const char			/* Start/end tags for fonts */
	* const start_fonts[] = { "", "<b>", "<i>" },
	* const end_fonts[] = { "", "</b>", "</i>" };

 * Local functions...

static void	html_alternate(const char *s, const char *first, const char *second, FILE *fp);
static void	html_fputs(const char *s, int *font, FILE *fp);
static void	html_putc(int ch, FILE *fp);
static void	strmove(char *d, const char *s);

 * 'main()' - Convert a man page to HTML.

int					/* O - Exit status */
main(int  argc,				/* I - Number of command-line args */
     char *argv[])			/* I - Command-line arguments */
  FILE		*infile,		/* Input file */
		*outfile;		/* Output file */
  char		line[1024],		/* Line from file */
		*lineptr,		/* Pointer into line */
		anchor[1024],		/* Anchor */
		name[1024],		/* Man page name */
		ddpost[256];		/* Tagged list post markup */
  int		section = -1,		/* Man page section */
		pre = 0,		/* Preformatted */
		font = 0,		/* Current font */
		linenum = 0;		/* Current line number */
  float		list_indent = 0.0f,	/* Current list indentation */
		nested_indent = 0.0f;	/* Nested list indentation, if any */
  const char	*list = NULL,		/* Current list, if any */
		*nested = NULL;		/* Nested list, if any */
  const char 	*post = NULL;		/* Text to add after the current line */

  * Check arguments...

  if (argc > 3)
    fputs("Usage: mantohtml [filename.man [filename.html]]\n", stderr);
    return (1);

  * Open files as needed...

  if (argc > 1)
    if ((infile = fopen(argv[1], "r")) == NULL)
      return (1);
    infile = stdin;

  if (argc > 2)
    if ((outfile = fopen(argv[2], "w")) == NULL)
      return (1);
    outfile = stdout;

  * Read from input and write the output...

  fputs("<!DOCTYPE HTML>\n"
	"<!-- SECTION: Man Pages -->\n"
	"\t<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" "
	"href=\"../cups-printable.css\">\n", outfile);

  anchor[0] = '\0';

  while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), infile))
    size_t linelen = strlen(line);	/* Length of line */

    if (linelen > 0 && line[linelen - 1] == '\n')
      line[linelen - 1] = '\0';

    linenum ++;

    if (line[0] == '.')
      * Strip leading whitespace...

      while (line[1] == ' ' || line[1] == '\t')
        strmove(line + 1, line + 2);

      * Process man page commands...

      if (!strncmp(line, ".TH ", 4) && section < 0)
        * Grab man page title...

        sscanf(line + 4, "%s%d", name, &section);

		"<h1 class=\"title\">%s(%d)</h1>\n"
	        name, section, name, section, start_fonts[font]);
      else if (section < 0)
      else if (!strncmp(line, ".SH ", 4) || !strncmp(line, ".SS ", 4))
        * Grab heading...

        int first = 1;

	fputs(end_fonts[font], outfile);
	font = 0;

        if (list)
	  fprintf(outfile, "</%s>\n", list);
	  list = NULL;

        if (line[2] == 'H')
	  fputs("<h2 class=\"title\"><a name=\"", outfile);
	  fputs("<h3><a name=\"", outfile);

        if (anchor[0])
          fputs(anchor, outfile);
          anchor[0] = '\0';
	  for (lineptr = line + 4; *lineptr; lineptr ++)
	    if (*lineptr  == '\"')
	    else if (isalnum(*lineptr & 255))
	      html_putc(*lineptr, outfile);
	      html_putc('_', outfile);

	fputs("\">", outfile);

        for (lineptr = line + 4; *lineptr; lineptr ++)
	  if (*lineptr == '\"')
	  else if (*lineptr == ' ')
	    html_putc(' ', outfile);

            first = 1;
	    if (first)
	      html_putc(*lineptr, outfile);
	      html_putc(tolower(*lineptr & 255), outfile);

            first = 0;

        if (line[2] == 'H')
	  fputs("</a></h2>\n", outfile);
	  fputs("</a></h3>\n", outfile);
      else if (!strncmp(line, ".B ", 3))
        * Grab bold text...

	fputs(end_fonts[font], outfile);
	font = 0;

        if (anchor[0])
          fprintf(outfile, "<a name=\"%s\">", anchor);

        html_alternate(line + 3, "b", "b", outfile);

        if (anchor[0])
          fputs("</a>", outfile);
          anchor[0] = '\0';

	if (post)
	  fputs(post, outfile);
	  post = NULL;
      else if (!strncmp(line, ".I ", 3))
        * Grab italic text...

	fputs(end_fonts[font], outfile);
	font = 0;

        if (anchor[0])
          fprintf(outfile, "<a name=\"%s\">", anchor);

        html_alternate(line + 3, "i", "i", outfile);

        if (anchor[0])
          fputs("</a>", outfile);
          anchor[0] = '\0';

	if (post)
	  fputs(post, outfile);
	  post = NULL;
      else if (!strncmp(line, ".BI ", 4))
        * Alternating bold and italic text...

	fputs(end_fonts[font], outfile);
	font = 0;

        if (anchor[0])
          fprintf(outfile, "<a name=\"%s\">", anchor);

        html_alternate(line + 4, "b", "i", outfile);

        if (anchor[0])
          fputs("</a>", outfile);
          anchor[0] = '\0';

	if (post)
	  fputs(post, outfile);
	  post = NULL;
      else if (!strncmp(line, ".BR ", 4))
        * Alternating bold and roman (plain) text...

	fputs(end_fonts[font], outfile);
	font = 0;

        if (anchor[0])
          fprintf(outfile, "<a name=\"%s\">", anchor);

        html_alternate(line + 4, "b", NULL, outfile);

        if (anchor[0])
          fputs("</a>", outfile);
          anchor[0] = '\0';

	if (post)
	  fputs(post, outfile);
	  post = NULL;
      else if (!strncmp(line, ".IB ", 4))
        * Alternating italic and bold text...

	fputs(end_fonts[font], outfile);
	font = 0;

        if (anchor[0])
          fprintf(outfile, "<a name=\"%s\">", anchor);

        html_alternate(line + 4, "i", "b", outfile);

        if (anchor[0])
          fputs("</a>", outfile);
          anchor[0] = '\0';

	if (post)
	  fputs(post, outfile);
	  post = NULL;
      else if (!strncmp(line, ".IR ", 4))
        * Alternating italic and roman (plain) text...

	fputs(end_fonts[font], outfile);
	font = 0;

        if (anchor[0])
          fprintf(outfile, "<a name=\"%s\">", anchor);

        html_alternate(line + 4, "i", NULL, outfile);

        if (anchor[0])
          fputs("</a>", outfile);
          anchor[0] = '\0';

	if (post)
	  fputs(post, outfile);
	  post = NULL;
      else if (!strncmp(line, ".RB ", 4))
        * Alternating roman (plain) and bold text...

	fputs(end_fonts[font], outfile);
	font = 0;

        if (anchor[0])
          fprintf(outfile, "<a name=\"%s\">", anchor);

        html_alternate(line + 4, NULL, "b", outfile);

        if (anchor[0])
          fputs("</a>", outfile);
          anchor[0] = '\0';

	if (post)
	  fputs(post, outfile);
	  post = NULL;
      else if (!strncmp(line, ".RI ", 4))
        * Alternating roman (plain) and italic text...

	fputs(end_fonts[font], outfile);
	font = 0;

        if (anchor[0])
          fprintf(outfile, "<a name=\"%s\">", anchor);

        html_alternate(line + 4, NULL, "i", outfile);

        if (anchor[0])
          fputs("</a>", outfile);
          anchor[0] = '\0';

	if (post)
	  fputs(post, outfile);
	  post = NULL;
      else if (!strncmp(line, ".SB ", 4))
        * Alternating small and bold text...

	fputs(end_fonts[font], outfile);
	font = 0;

        if (anchor[0])
          fprintf(outfile, "<a name=\"%s\">", anchor);

        html_alternate(line + 4, "small", "b", outfile);

        if (anchor[0])
          fputs("</a>", outfile);
          anchor[0] = '\0';

	if (post)
	  fputs(post, outfile);
	  post = NULL;
      else if (!strncmp(line, ".SM ", 4))
        * Small text...

	fputs(end_fonts[font], outfile);
	font = 0;

        if (anchor[0])
          fprintf(outfile, "<a name=\"%s\">", anchor);

        html_alternate(line + 4, "small", "small", outfile);

        if (anchor[0])
          fputs("</a>", outfile);
          anchor[0] = '\0';

	if (post)
	  fputs(post, outfile);
	  post = NULL;
      else if (!strcmp(line, ".LP") || !strcmp(line, ".PP") || !strcmp(line, ".P"))
        * New paragraph...

	fputs(end_fonts[font], outfile);
	font = 0;

        if (list)
          fprintf(outfile, "</%s>\n", list);
          list = NULL;

	fputs("<p>", outfile);

        if (anchor[0])
          fprintf(outfile, "<a name=\"%s\"></a>", anchor);
          anchor[0] = '\0';
      else if (!strcmp(line, ".RS") || !strncmp(line, ".RS ", 4))
        * Indent...

	float amount = 3.0;		/* Indentation */

        if (line[3])
          amount = atof(line + 4);

	fputs(end_fonts[font], outfile);
	font = 0;

        if (list)
          nested        = list;
          list          = NULL;
          nested_indent = list_indent;
          list_indent   = 0.0f;

        fprintf(outfile, "<div style=\"margin-left: %.1fem;\">\n", amount - nested_indent);
      else if (!strcmp(line, ".RE"))
        * Unindent...

	fputs(end_fonts[font], outfile);
	font = 0;

        fputs("</div>\n", outfile);

        if (nested)
          list   = nested;
          nested = NULL;

          list_indent   = nested_indent;
          nested_indent = 0.0f;
      else if (!strcmp(line, ".HP") || !strncmp(line, ".HP ", 4))
        * Hanging paragraph...
        * .HP i

	float amount = 3.0;		/* Indentation */

        if (line[3])
          amount = atof(line + 4);

	fputs(end_fonts[font], outfile);
	font = 0;

        if (list)
          fprintf(outfile, "</%s>\n", list);
          list = NULL;

        fprintf(outfile, "<p style=\"margin-left: %.1fem; text-indent: %.1fem\">", amount, -amount);

        if (anchor[0])
          fprintf(outfile, "<a name=\"%s\"></a>", anchor);
          anchor[0] = '\0';

        if (line[1] == 'T')
          post = "<br>\n";
      else if (!strcmp(line, ".TP") || !strncmp(line, ".TP ", 4))
        * Tagged list...
        * .TP i

	float amount = 3.0;		/* Indentation */

        if (line[3])
          amount = atof(line + 4);

	fputs(end_fonts[font], outfile);
	font = 0;

        if (list && strcmp(list, "dl"))
          fprintf(outfile, "</%s>\n", list);
          list = NULL;

        if (!list)
          fputs("<dl class=\"man\">\n", outfile);
          list        = "dl";
          list_indent = amount;

        fputs("<dt>", outfile);
        snprintf(ddpost, sizeof(ddpost), "<dd style=\"margin-left: %.1fem\">", amount);
	post = ddpost;

        if (anchor[0])
          fprintf(outfile, "<a name=\"%s\"></a>", anchor);
          anchor[0] = '\0';
      else if (!strncmp(line, ".IP ", 4))
        * Indented paragraph...
        * .IP x i

        float amount = 3.0;		/* Indentation */
        const char *newlist = NULL;	/* New list style */
        const char *newtype = NULL;	/* New list numbering type */

	fputs(end_fonts[font], outfile);
	font = 0;

        lineptr = line + 4;
        while (isspace(*lineptr & 255))
          lineptr ++;

        if (!strncmp(lineptr, "\\(bu", 4) || !strncmp(lineptr, "\\(em", 4))
	  * Bullet list...

          newlist = "ul";
	else if (isdigit(*lineptr & 255))
	  * Numbered list...

          newlist = "ol";
	else if (islower(*lineptr & 255))
	  * Lowercase alpha list...

          newlist = "ol";
          newtype = "a";
	else if (isupper(*lineptr & 255))
	  * Lowercase alpha list...

          newlist = "ol";
          newtype = "A";

        while (!isspace(*lineptr & 255))
          lineptr ++;
        while (isspace(*lineptr & 255))
          lineptr ++;

        if (isdigit(*lineptr & 255))
          amount = atof(lineptr);

        if (newlist && list && strcmp(newlist, list))
          fprintf(outfile, "</%s>\n", list);
          list = NULL;

        if (newlist && !list)
          if (newtype)
            fprintf(outfile, "<%s type=\"%s\">\n", newlist, newtype);
            fprintf(outfile, "<%s>\n", newlist);

          list = newlist;

        if (list)
          fprintf(outfile, "<li style=\"margin-left: %.1fem;\">", amount);
          fprintf(outfile, "<p style=\"margin-left: %.1fem;\">", amount);

        if (anchor[0])
          fprintf(outfile, "<a name=\"%s\"></a>", anchor);
          anchor[0] = '\0';
      else if (!strncmp(line, ".br", 3))
        * Grab line break...

	fputs("<br>\n", outfile);
      else if (!strncmp(line, ".de ", 4))
        * Define macro - ignore...

        while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), infile))
	  linenum ++;

	  if (!strncmp(line, "..", 2))
      else if (!strncmp(line, ".ds ", 4) || !strncmp(line, ".rm ", 4) ||
               !strncmp(line, ".tr ", 4) || !strncmp(line, ".hy ", 4) ||
               !strncmp(line, ".IX ", 4) || !strncmp(line, ".PD", 3) ||
	       !strncmp(line, ".Sp", 3))
        * Ignore unused commands...
      else if (!strncmp(line, ".Vb", 3) || !strncmp(line, ".nf", 3) || !strncmp(line, ".EX", 3))
        * Start preformatted...

	fputs(end_fonts[font], outfile);
	font = 0;

//        if (list)
//	{
//	  fprintf(outfile, "</%s>\n", list);
//	  list = NULL;
//	}

        pre = 1;
	fputs("<pre class=\"man\">\n", outfile);
      else if (!strncmp(line, ".Ve", 3) || !strncmp(line, ".fi", 3) || !strncmp(line, ".EE", 3))
        * End preformatted...

	fputs(end_fonts[font], outfile);
	font = 0;

        if (pre)
          pre = 0;
	  fputs("</pre>\n", outfile);
      else if (!strncmp(line, ".\\}", 3))
        * Ignore close block...
      else if (!strncmp(line, ".ie", 3) || !strncmp(line, ".if", 3) ||
               !strncmp(line, ".el", 3))
        * If/else - ignore...

        if (strchr(line, '{') != NULL)
	  * Skip whole block...

          while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), infile))
	    linenum ++;

	    if (strchr(line, '}') != NULL)
#if 0
      else if (!strncmp(line, ". ", 4))
        * Grab ...
#endif /* 0 */
      else if (!strncmp(line, ".\\\"#", 4))
        * Anchor for HTML output...

        strlcpy(anchor, line + 4, sizeof(anchor));
      else if (strncmp(line, ".\\\"", 3))
        * Unknown...

        if ((lineptr = strchr(line, ' ')) != NULL)
	  *lineptr = '\0';
	else if ((lineptr = strchr(line, '\n')) != NULL)
	  *lineptr = '\0';

        fprintf(stderr, "mantohtml: Unknown man page command \'%s\' on line %d.\n",  line, linenum);

      * Skip continuation lines...

      lineptr = line + strlen(line) - 1;
      if (lineptr >= line && *lineptr == '\\')
        while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), infile))
	  linenum ++;
	  lineptr = line + strlen(line) - 2;

	  if (lineptr < line || *lineptr != '\\')
      * Process man page text...

      html_fputs(line, &font, outfile);
      putc('\n', outfile);

      if (post)
        fputs(post, outfile);
	post = NULL;

  fprintf(outfile, "%s\n", end_fonts[font]);
  font = 0;

  if (list)
    fprintf(outfile, "</%s>\n", list);
    list = NULL;

        "</html>\n", outfile);

  * Close files...

  if (infile != stdin)

  if (outfile != stdout)

  * Return with no errors...

  return (0);

 * 'html_alternate()' - Alternate words between two styles of text.

static void
html_alternate(const char *s,		/* I - String */
               const char *first,	/* I - First style or NULL */
               const char *second,	/* I - Second style of NULL */
               FILE       *fp)		/* I - File */
  int		i = 0;			/* Which style */
  int		quote = 0;		/* Saw quote? */
  int		dolinks,		/* Do hyperlinks to other man pages? */
		link = 0;		/* Doing a link now? */

  * Skip leading whitespace...

  while (isspace(*s & 255))
    s ++;

  dolinks = first && !strcmp(first, "b") && !second;

  while (*s)
    if (!i && dolinks)
      * See if we need to make a link to a man page...

      const char *end;			/* End of current word */
      const char *next;			/* Start of next word */

      for (end = s; *end && !isspace(*end & 255); end ++);
      for (next = end; isspace(*next & 255); next ++);

      if (isalnum(*s & 255) && *next == '(')
	* See if the man file is available locally...

	char	name[1024],		/* Name */
		manfile[1024],		/* Man page filename */
		manurl[1024];		/* Man page URL */

        strlcpy(name, s, sizeof(name));
        if ((size_t)(end - s) < sizeof(name))
          name[end - s] = '\0';

        snprintf(manfile, sizeof(manfile), "%s.man", name);
	snprintf(manurl, sizeof(manurl), "man-%s.html?TOPIC=Man+Pages", name);

	if (!access(manfile, 0))
	  * Local man page, do a link...

	  fprintf(fp, "<a href=\"%s\">", manurl);
	  link = 1;

    if (!i && first)
      fprintf(fp, "<%s>", first);
    else if (i && second)
      fprintf(fp, "<%s>", second);

    while ((!isspace(*s & 255) || quote) && *s)
      if (*s == '\"')
        quote = !quote;
      else if (*s == '\\' && s[1])
        s ++;
        html_putc(*s++, fp);
        html_putc(*s++, fp);

    if (!i && first)
      fprintf(fp, "</%s>", first);
    else if (i && second)
      fprintf(fp, "</%s>", second);

    if (i && link)
      fputs("</a>", fp);
      link = 0;

    i = 1 - i;

    * Skip trailing whitespace...

    while (isspace(*s & 255))
      s ++;

  putc('\n', fp);

 * 'html_fputs()' - Output a string, quoting as needed HTML entities.

static void
html_fputs(const char *s,		/* I  - String */
           int        *font,		/* IO - Font */
           FILE       *fp)		/* I  - File */
  while (*s)
    if (*s == '\\')
      s ++;
      if (!*s)

      if (*s == 'f')
        int	newfont;		/* New font */

        s ++;
        if (!*s)

        if (!font)
          s ++;

        switch (*s++)
          case 'R' :
          case 'P' :
              newfont = 0;

          case 'b' :
          case 'B' :
              newfont = 1;

          case 'i' :
          case 'I' :
              newfont = 2;

          default :
              fprintf(stderr, "mantohtml: Unknown font \"\\f%c\" ignored.\n", s[-1]);
              newfont = *font;

        if (newfont != *font)
	  fputs(end_fonts[*font], fp);
	  *font = newfont;
	  fputs(start_fonts[*font], fp);
      else if (*s == '*')
        * Substitute macro...

        s ++;
        if (!*s)

        switch (*s++)
          case 'R' :
              fputs("&reg;", fp);

          case '(' :
	      if (!strncmp(s, "lq", 2))
		fputs("&ldquo;", fp);
	      else if (!strncmp(s, "rq", 2))
		fputs("&rdquo;", fp);
              else if (!strncmp(s, "Tm", 2))
                fputs("<sup>TM</sup>", fp);
                fprintf(stderr, "mantohtml: Unknown macro \"\\*(%2s\" ignored.\n", s);

              if (*s)
                s ++;
              if (*s)
                s ++;

          default :
              fprintf(stderr, "mantohtml: Unknown macro \"\\*%c\" ignored.\n", s[-1]);
      else if (*s == '(')
        if (!strncmp(s, "(em", 3))
          fputs("&mdash;", fp);
          s += 3;
        else if (!strncmp(s, "(en", 3))
          fputs("&ndash;", fp);
          s += 3;
          putc(*s, fp);
          s ++;
      else if (*s == '[')
        * Substitute escaped character...

        s ++;
	if (!strncmp(s, "co]", 3))
	  fputs("&copy;", fp);
	else if (!strncmp(s, "de]", 3))
	  fputs("&deg;", fp);
        else if (!strncmp(s, "rg]", 3))
	  fputs("&reg;", fp);
	else if (!strncmp(s, "tm]", 3))
	  fputs("<sup>TM</sup>", fp);

	if (*s)
	  s ++;
	if (*s)
	  s ++;
	if (*s)
	  s ++;
      else if (isdigit(s[0]) && isdigit(s[1]) &&
	fprintf(fp, "&#%d;", ((s[0] - '0') * 8 + s[1] - '0') * 8 + s[2] - '0');
	s += 3;
        if (*s != '\\' && *s == '\"' && *s == '\'' && *s == '-')
          fprintf(stderr, "mantohtml: Unrecognized escape \"\\%c\" ignored.\n", *s);

        html_putc(*s++, fp);
    else if (!strncmp(s, "http://";, 7) || !strncmp(s, "https://";, 8) || !strncmp(s, "ftp://";, 6))
      * Embed URL...

      char temp[1024];			/* Temporary string */
      const char *end = s + 6;		/* End of URL */

      while (*end && !isspace(*end & 255))
	end ++;

      if (end[-1] == ',' || end[-1] == '.' || end[-1] == ')')
        end --;

      strlcpy(temp, s, sizeof(temp));
      if ((size_t)(end -s) < sizeof(temp))
        temp[end - s] = '\0';

      fprintf(fp, "<a href=\"%s\">%s</a>", temp, temp);
      s = end;
      html_putc(*s++ & 255, fp);

 * 'html_putc()' - Put a single character, using entities as needed.

static void
html_putc(int  ch,			/* I - Character */
	  FILE *fp)			/* I - File */
  if (ch == '&')
    fputs("&amp;", fp);
  else if (ch == '<')
    fputs("&lt;", fp);
    putc(ch, fp);

 * 'strmove()' - Move characters within a string.

static void
strmove(char       *d,			/* I - Destination */
        const char *s)			/* I - Source */
  while (*s)
    *d++ = *s++;

  *d = '\0';

 * End of "$Id: mantohtml.c 12363 2014-12-12 19:51:33Z msweet $".

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Description: Unix manual page

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Description: Unix manual page

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Description: Unix manual page

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Description: Unix manual page

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Description: Unix manual page

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Description: Unix manual page

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Description: Unix manual page

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Description: Unix manual page

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Description: Unix manual page

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Description: Unix manual page

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