Bonjour, qq paragrraphes non traduits dans mon manuel de run-parts (Ubuntu 9.10: debianutils 2.30ubuntu3): RUN-PARTS(8) RUN-PARTS(8) DESCRIPTION If the --regex option is given, the names must match the custom extended regular expression specified as that option's argument. OPTIONS --new-session run each script in a separate process session. If you use this option, killing run-parts will not kill the currently running script, it will run until completion. --regex=RE validate filenames against custom extended regular expression RE. See the EXAMPLES section for an example. EXEMPLES Print the names of all files in /etc that start with `p' and end with `d': Et enfin un petit bugg: l'adresse courriel indiquée dans le man est incorrecte devrait être Bien à vous, SL
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