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script pour po4a


Je viens d'écrire un petit script pour générer un fichier de configuration pour

Pardonnez moi si le code est un peu sale mais c'est mes débuts en Perl :)
Il n'est pas encore parfait, mais je prévois déjà de l'améliorer un peu.

Tous les retours d'expériences/patchs sont les bienvenus.


M : J'ai tourné dans un film de cul zoophile... J'ai dû chier dans la bouche d'une nana qui se faisait enculer par un cochon... J'ai vomi...
P : Toi ?!
M : Ils avaient mis du Carlos comme musique d'ambiance...
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# Copyright 2004 by Julien Louis <leonptitlouis@wanadoo.fr>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of GPL (see COPYING).

use strict;
use Getopt::Mixed "nextOption";
use File::Basename qw(fileparse);
my $config_file = "po4a.cfg";
my @lang;

sub help {
	print STDERR "make_po4a usage:\n";
	print STDERR "  -c --config file   write configuration in config file\n";
	print STDERR "  -l --lang lang     write configuration for the specified
	lang separated by comas\n";
	print STDERR "  -h --help          display this help message\n";

# This function search manual page in directories passed in argument of the
# script. Actualy, it support manpages which ends by a section numbe (1 to 8)
# and written in pod format (perl documentation style) and sgml format.
# TODO: should make recursive searches.
sub findman {
	my $dir = shift ;
	my %files;
		opendir PACKAGE, $dir or die "Unable to open directory $dir: $!\n";
		# Find all manpages
		foreach (readdir PACKAGE) {
			(my $name, my $path, my $type) = fileparse("$_",qw{\d pod sgml});
			$files{"$name"} = $type if ($type ne "");
		closedir PACKAGE;

		# Delete all translated manpages
		while (my ($key, $value) = each %files) {
			if ($key =~ /\.[a-z]{2}\.$/) {
#				print "$key > $files{$key}\n";
				delete $files{$key};
		return %files;

# This function make a config file for po4a.
sub write_config {
#	foreach (@_) { print "$_"; }
	my ($dir, $conffile, %files) = @_;
#	print "&write_config -> $conffile\n";
	open CONFIG, ">$dir/$conffile";
	# Write the po4a paths where potfiles are written.
	print CONFIG "[po4a_paths] po/" . substr($dir,0,length($dir)-1) . ".pot ";
	if (@lang) {
		foreach (@lang) {
			print CONFIG "$_:po/$_.po ";
	foreach (keys %files) {
		my $type;
#		print "$_\n";
		# set the type of the file 
		if ($files{$_} =~ /\d+/) {
			$type = "man";
		} elsif ($files{$_} =~ /pod/) {
			$type = "pod";
		} elsif ($files{$_} =~ /sgml/) {
			$type = "sgml";
		} else {
			warn "Unknown type for $_\n";
		# Write all informations needed by po4a(1) to update po and build manpages.
		print CONFIG "\n[type: $type] ./$_" . "$files{$_} ";
		if (@lang) {
			foreach my $trans (@lang) {
				print CONFIG "$trans:./$_$trans" . ".$files{$_} ";

# Parse the command line to 
Getopt::Mixed::init("l=s lang>l c=s config>c h help>h");
my $opt = my $arg = undef;
while (($opt, $arg) = nextOption()) {
	if ($opt eq "h" || $opt eq "help") {
		exit 1;
	} elsif ($opt eq "l" || $opt eq "lang") {
			@lang = split /,/,$arg;
#		foreach (@lang) { print "$_\n"; }
	} elsif ($opt eq "c" || $opt eq "config") {
			$config_file = $arg;
#			print "$config_file\n";
#print "$config_file\n";

# Main loop
foreach (@ARGV) {
#	print "$config_file\n";
	print "Writing po4a configuration file for " . substr($_,0,length($_)-1) .
	" package\n";
	my %manpages = &findman($_);
#	while ((my $cle, my $valeur) = each %manpages) {
#		print "  $cle => $valeur\n";
#	}
#	print "$config_file\n";
	&write_config($_, $config_file, %manpages);

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