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Demande de traduction du templates de Mozilla


le fichier templates de Mozilla est tout petit, mais je ne connais pas du
tout la gestion du son. Est-ce que quelqu'un pourrait traduire ce fichier
(c'est-à-dire remplir les champs *-fr en laissant les originaux) ?

Template: mozilla/dsp
Type: select
Choices: auto, esddsp, artsdsp, none
Default: none
Description: Please choose your sound daemon's dsp wrapper.
 Sometimes mozilla hangs since plugins (e.g. flashplugin) lock /dev/dsp.
 You can use dsp wrapper to resolve it.
 Note that some plugin like realplayer might hang up unless you choose 'none'.
 'auto' will decide which dsp wrappers should be used according to the sound
 daemon running. When no sound daemon is detected, mozilla won't use any
 This setting will be saved into /etc/mozillarc and can be overriden with your ~/.mozillarc.
 Please tell me your choice.

Template: mozilla/use_gdkxft
Type: boolean
Default: false
Description: Would you like to use Gdkxft for Anti-Aliasing text?
 Mozilla can use libgdkxft to anti-alias text.
 If you have installed libgdkxft package, you can enable it with LD_PRELOAD
 in mozilla wrapper script.

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