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Re: kexec-tools template update

Khalid Aziz wrote:
> I am working on updating kexec-tools package. As part of the update, I
> intend to remove one of the config options. This will require me to remove
> the config option dialog from the templates file, specifically
> kexec-tools/load_kexec option. What is the right way to proceed with this
> removal - should I just remove the config option and dialog from
> kexec-tools.templates file and let po files catch up, or do something else?

I'm not sure - here at English end of the i18n process I rarely need
to worry about .po files.  Having surplus translations available for
strings that no longer exist doesn't sound as if it'll do any harm (if
it did I'd expect lintian to warn you).

Presumably uploading a new version with changes in the translatable
strings will put the packagename on pages like
(ah yes, there you are) and the translators will think "oh, here's an
easy one"...
JBR	with qualifications in linguistics, experience as a Debian
	sysadmin, and probably no clue about this particular package

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