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Re: Control file

On Sun, 2022-09-11 at 12:18 +0100, RL wrote:

> .... wouldnt it be even better for chromium to detect the missing sse3 at
> runtime, not at package install time

Correct. It already switched to doing that, using the script.


The isa-support package is just one approach to the overall problem of
selection of non-baseline instructions, there are several other ones:


In future, isa-support may provide a generic runtime solution too,
similar to what chromium does, but that needs someone to work on it.

On Sun, 11 Sep 2022 13:44:13 +0100, Justin B Rye wrote:

> Things go wrong; this is the sort of thing you need to worry about
> while juggling hardware.  Mind you, maybe as an enhancement these
> packages could also do some sort of (disablable) boot-time check?

It is worse than that; there are now chips where different cores of the
SoC provide different capabilities, so each time you run a program it
might not start if you start it on the wrong core.



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