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Re: Proof read updated ejabberd debconf template

Hello Justin, one more question, should I say something in the debcobf template instead of "(lowercase)" something like "your input if containing uppercase characters will be converted to lowercase"? What would be your suggestion?

Neil Castelino

Justin B Rye <justin.byam.rye@gmail.com> schrieb am Do., 10. Aug. 2017, 13:28:
Neil Castelino wrote:
>> This says "host name" twice and "hostnames" once.  In principle
>> "hostname" is a technical term regulated by RFCs while "host name"
>> might just mean any name a host is known by.  Assuming that you
>> don't actually mean "fully qualified domain name", I'd recommend
>> standardising on "hostname" (to match "username" below).
> Since we can use something like "localhost" or "jabber1" or
> "foo.bar.org", would I use still use "hostname" or "host name" as it may
> be a FQDN?

I think you still want "hostname".  For things like Jabber (and the
XMPP RFCs) that's the word used for "however much of an alphanumeric
label you need to identify the server"; you rarely need to distinguish
hostnames from domain names unless you're specifically talking about
JBR     with qualifications in linguistics, experience as a Debian
        sysadmin, and probably no clue about this particular package

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