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Re: review new debconf template pkg-mysql/mariadb-10.0

Dieter Adriaenssens wrote:
> A new debconf template (mariadb-server-10.0/feedback_plugin) will be
> added to package mariadb-server-10.0 (the full template can be found
> here [0]) :
> _Description: Enable the feedback plugin?

Is it the feedback plugin or the Feedback plugin?  Oh, actually the
MariaDB website calls it the User Feedback plugin.  Maybe it should be
"User Feedback" within the long description and just "Feedback" here
in the synopsis.

>  The Feedback plugin is designed to collect and, optionally,
>  upload configuration and usage information to Mariadb.org,
>  or to any other configured URL.

No need for the convoluted phrasing; it doesn't collect stuff to a URL
and optionally upload it, it collects stuff and optionally uploads it
to a URL.

The organisation is "the MariaDB Foundation"; the URL (or at least its
domain name part) is "mariadb.org".

   The User Feedback plugin is designed to collect configuration and usage
   information and optionally upload it to mariadb.org, or to any other
   configured URL.

>  .
>  The collected data will be used to steer engineering and community development
>  of MariaDB in the right directions. It is used to continuously improve the product.

(Can you steer in more than one direction?  Over time, I suppose... or
maybe it's a very elastic catamaran.)

The repeated use of "used to" might be worth avoiding.

   The collected data will be used to steer engineering and community
   development of MariaDB in the right directions, in order to continuously
   improve the product.

>  The plugin gathers only non-sensitive information, no personal data or
>  anything that would enable tracking of the user will be sent.

That's a run-on sentence; fix it by just upgrading the comma to a

>  .
>  See https://mariadb.org/about/statistics/
>  for more information on how to configure the Feedback plugin and
>  collected MariaDB usage statistics.

I first interpreted this as "information on how to configure [...]
collected statistics".  Probably all that's needed to avoid that is:

   See https://mariadb.org/about/statistics/ for more information on how to
   configure the User Feedback plugin, as well as collected MariaDB usage

Or to be quite sure:

   See https://mariadb.org/about/statistics/ for collected MariaDB usage
   statistics, and more information on how to configure the User Feedback

But I'll stick with the first version in my patch.
JBR	with qualifications in linguistics, experience as a Debian
	sysadmin, and probably no clue about this particular package
--- mariadb-server-10.0.templates.pristine	2016-08-31 22:55:55.866724571 +0100
+++ mariadb-server-10.0.templates	2016-08-31 23:03:30.761928527 +0100
@@ -47,16 +47,17 @@
 Template: mariadb-server-10.0/feedback_plugin
 Type: boolean
 Default: false
-_Description: Enable the feedback plugin?
- The Feedback plugin is designed to collect and, optionally,
- upload configuration and usage information to Mariadb.org,
- or to any other configured URL.
+_Description: Enable the Feedback plugin?
+ The User Feedback plugin is designed to collect configuration and usage
+ information and optionally upload it to mariadb.org, or to any other
+ configured URL.
- The collected data will be used to steer engineering and community development
- of MariaDB in the right directions. It is used to continuously improve the product.
- The plugin gathers only non-sensitive information, no personal data or
- anything that would enable tracking of the user will be sent.
+ The collected data will be used to steer engineering and community
+ development of MariaDB in the right directions, in order to continuously
+ improve the product. The plugin gathers only non-sensitive information;
+ no personal data or anything that would enable tracking of the user will
+ be sent.
- See https://mariadb.org/about/statistics/
- for more information on how to configure the Feedback plugin and
- collected MariaDB usage statistics.
+ See https://mariadb.org/about/statistics/ for more information on how to
+ configure the User Feedback plugin, as well as collected MariaDB usage
+ statistics.
# These templates have been reviewed by the debian-l10n-english
# team
# If modifications/additions/rewording are needed, please ask
# for an advice to debian-l10n-english@lists.debian.org
# Even minor modifications require translation updates and such
# changes should be coordinated with translators and reviewers.

Template: mariadb-server-10.0/old_data_directory_saved
Type: note
_Description: The old data directory will be saved at new location
 A file named /var/lib/mysql/debian-*.flag exists on this system.
 The number indicates a database binary format version that cannot automatically
 be upgraded (or downgraded).
 Therefore the previous data directory will be renamed to /var/lib/mysql-* and
 a new data directory will be initialized at /var/lib/mysql.
 Please manually export/import your data (e.g. with mysqldump) if needed.

Template: mariadb-server-10.0/nis_warning
Type: note
_Description: Important note for NIS/YP users
 Using MariaDB under NIS/YP requires a mysql user account to be added on
 the local system with:
  adduser --system --group --home /var/lib/mysql mysql
 You should also check the permissions and ownership of the
 /var/lib/mysql directory:
  /var/lib/mysql: drwxr-xr-x   mysql    mysql

Template: mariadb-server-10.0/postrm_remove_databases
Type: boolean
Default: false
_Description: Remove all MariaDB databases?
 The /var/lib/mysql directory which contains the MariaDB databases is about
 to be removed.
 If you're removing the MariaDB package in order to later install a more
 recent version or if a different mariadb-server package is already
 using it, the data should be kept.

Template: mariadb-server-10.0/feedback_plugin
Type: boolean
Default: false
_Description: Enable the Feedback plugin?
 The User Feedback plugin is designed to collect configuration and usage
 information and optionally upload it to mariadb.org, or to any other
 configured URL.
 The collected data will be used to steer engineering and community
 development of MariaDB in the right directions, in order to continuously
 improve the product. The plugin gathers only non-sensitive information;
 no personal data or anything that would enable tracking of the user will
 be sent.
 See https://mariadb.org/about/statistics/ for more information on how to
 configure the User Feedback plugin, as well as collected MariaDB usage

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