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Re: Proofreading DebConf fundraising material

Louis-Philippe Véronneau wrote:
> - a brochure ~ 10 pages (/fundraising/brochure/brochure.en.text)
> - a flyer ~ 1 page (/fundraising/flyer/flyer.en.text)

On my first pass I don't see anything to change in the flyer, but
the brochure needs s/isation/ization/g among other things.

> These documents are in LaTex, but you don't need any LaTex skills to
> work on them. I certainly don't have any and had no troubles modifying them!
> You can find the documents in this repository:
> ssh://git.debian.org/git/debconf-data/dc17.git

I can check them out, but (unsurprisingly) it doesn't let me do a "git
push", and I don't understand git well enough to extract a diff, so
I'll just have to attach my modified version of brochure.en.tex.

By the way, I notice that the repository includes a directory named
"/accomodation" - that should be "/accommodation".
JBR	with qualifications in linguistics, experience as a Debian
	sysadmin, and probably no clue about this particular package
% po4a: command *notrans {}
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% No-translation command, none of what's in there in made translatable.
% Make _sure_ your translation of this particular bit is exactly '#1'.

    pdfauthor={DebConf Team},
    pdftitle={DebConf17 sponsorship brochure},
    pdfsubject={Sponsoring the 18th Debian annual Conference},

% Begin a long non-translatable block
% Standard margins; left is bigger because titles are "-1 cm"



%% Better tables

%% Wrapped figures

%% Multiple columns


%% Background image on titlepage

%% Bottom shade
%% Coloured titles


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% Extra spacing is needed to permit non-translation






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%TODO :: use a per-year address due to excessive spam

\rfoot{\color{white}\bfseries~\\~\\\url{http://debconf17.debconf.org} | \href{mailto:sponsors@debconf.org}{sponsors@debconf.org}}


%% graphics support


% Forbid word-split of Debian and DebConf for clarity

% Background photo on titlepage
% source:
% https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Panorama_Montr%C3%A9al-Mont_royal.jpg

} % end of notrans

% Left footer
\lfoot{\color{black}DebConf17 | Montréal, Canada, 5–12 August 2017}

% DD (man)
\newcommand{\DDm}{ Debian Developer}

% DD (woman)
\newcommand{\DDw}{ Debian Developer~}


% background image

% Disable standard headers

\NoBgThispage % Disable the red shade below



\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{DebConf17 - Sponsorship brochure} % For the PDF outline

Sponsorship Brochure
for the 18th Annual \\[0.5em]
\textbf{Debian Conference} \\
Montreal, Canada, 5–12 August 2017



With 350 participants projected, we expect that DebConf in Montreal during August 2017 will provide an
intense working environment, and will lead to major advan\-ces for Debian and for Free
Software in general.

We invite you to join us and support this event!

This brochure contains information on sponsorship
opportunities for DebConf17. We are also standing by at
\href{mailto:sponsors@debconf.org}{\texttt{sponsors@debconf.org}} to answer any questions you have.


\section{Hello from the organizers!}

Thank you for your interest in DebConf, the annual conference of the Debian

In the brochure you are currently reading, we aim to provide you with
all the information regarding sponsorship of our conference. We also explain
the nature of the Debian Project and the important role DebConf plays in our

We invite you to sponsor our conference at a level of your choice, which meets
your budget and matches the level of visibility you would like to reach among
our participants and in the media. On page \pageref{benefits}, we describe
the benefits associated with each of these levels, as well as giving
a few ideas about the additional exposure that's possible through sponsoring
individual components of our conference, including the possibility of
advertizing your job openings and engaging in direct dialogue with our

DebConf is organized on a non-profit basis, and all the organizers work as volunteers without
compensation. Your contribution makes it possible for us to bring together
a large number of Debian contributors from all over the globe to work
together, help each other, learn from each other, and forge friendships that
facilitate the remote collaboration our project sees during the remainder of the

We would like to thank you in advance for your support. If you have any questions
or ideas to discuss, we look forward to reading your message to
\href{mailto:sponsors@debconf.org}{\texttt{sponsors@debconf.org}} and to
working with you!

  — The DebConf17 team \\
  \footnotesize (some of whom are shown below)





\subsection{The Free Operating System}

Debian is an operating system consisting entirely of Free and Open Source
Software. The Debian project is dedicated to remaining 100\% free and to being
a responsible ``citizen'' of the Free and Open Source Software ecosystem.
\textbf{Our priorities are Free Software} and \textbf{our users} and our
strict guidelines serve as an example for many other projects.

\subsection{Debian is Universal, Debian is Choice}

Debian is known for its adherence to the Unix and Free Software philosophies,
and for its extensiveness — the current release includes \textbf{over 55,000
software packages for more than ten computer architectures}, ranging from the
more common Intel 32-bit and 64-bit architectures to ARM (cellphones and
tablets) and the IBM S/390 (mainframes). Besides the well-known Linux kernel,
it also supports the FreeBSD kernel.

\subsection{A Large, Distributed, and Non-profit Project}

% from <http://www.debian.org/devel/developers.loc>
The Debian Project's key strengths are its volunteer base, its dedication to
the Debian Social Contract, and its commitment to providing the best,
universal operating system. Debian is \textbf{produced by over a thousand
active developers} spread across the globe, many of whom volunteer in their
spare time. Outside of DebConf, most communication takes place on the Internet
in mailing-lists and IRC chat-rooms.

Unlike all other Linux distributions of similar size, \textbf{Debian is an
independent non-profit organization} not under the influence of a commercial
entity. Debian's dedication to Free Software, its non-profit nature, and its
open development model make it unique among Free Software distributions.

\subsection{A Pillar for Free Software}

Debian's high quality standards and its strict adherence to policy makes it
a preferred choice for derivative works. Currently, \textbf{over 120 actively
developed operating systems build on Debian},
% http://distrowatch.com/search.php?ostype=All&category=All&origin=All&basedon=Debian&notbasedon=None&desktop=All&architecture=All&status=Active
including the widely popular Ubuntu and Linux Mint distributions, LiMuX, and
Knoppix. More specialized derivatives range from grml (optimized for system
administrators) to Tails (optimized for privacy). Debian runs in hundreds of
schools thanks to SkoleLinux, powers gaming platforms with SteamOS, and has
been deployed by public institutions such as the cities of Munich and Vienna,
and the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI).

The Debian Project takes pride in being built upon by others, and we work actively with
the teams behind derivative distributions to maximize the gains for all.


\subsection{Debian Annual Conference}

% by Aigars
  \footnotesize \emph{Karen Sandler delivering a keynote at DebConf16}

DebConf is the annual conference for Debian contributors and
users interested in improving Debian. Previous Debian conferences have
featured speakers and attendees from all around the world. DebConf16 took
place in Cape Town, South Africa and was attended by 280 participants from 30

Thanks to our sponsors, \textbf{participation, accommodation, and
meals are free of charge} for qualifying Debian developers and contributors who apply for bursaries.
In addition, a limited amount of travel cost subsidies are available, to bring contributors who would not otherwise be able to attend.
\textbf{The organization of DebConf itself is entirely volunteer-based}.

DebConf17 will take place in August 2017 in Montreal, Canada. The venue,
``Collège de Maisonneuve'' is situated in the Hochelaga-Maisonneuve neighborhood,
right next to the Montreal Olympic Stadium and the Botanical Garden.
The college offers a spacious, open, yet affordable environment for plenary discussions and
presentations, as well as informal workgroup meetings. Accommodation for
participants will be available on-site.

The first weekend of DebConf will be \textbf{open to the public} and we plan
to schedule \textbf{events of interest to a wider audience} then. This is
a great possibility for interested users to meet our community, for us to
widen our community, and for our sponsors to increase their visibility. A job
fair (see below) will be arranged too, in case you are looking to recruit!

\subsection{Live World-wide Video Streaming}

A dedicated team of volunteers with years of experience with video coverage
will record all sessions at DebConf, to be streamed live via the Internet.
This allows for \textbf{remote participation by those who are not able to

All videos are also available after the conference for the further benefit of
the community. All this is free of charge to viewers. \textbf{We thank our Platinum and
Gold sponsors by inserting their logos into the video streams.}

\subsection{DebCamp: Team Sprints}

After working together remotely during the rest of the year, many teams use the opportunity of
DebConf to \textbf{come together for in-person collaboration}, to
\textbf{tackle tough issues}, and to \textbf{drive big changes}. We will provide
the venue and infrastructure for such team sprints — we call it DebCamp —
during the week before DebConf.

\section{DebConf and Debian}

\subsection{A Democratic Project}

Debian is a special project and has kept on going for more than two decades now.
One of the reason behind this success is that Debian is more than just a
software project:


  DebConf has become one of the most important conferences on my annual
  calendar, \textbf{and has inspired me over the last two years to become more
  involved with Debian}. Debian is one of the most democratic and
  egalitarian software freedom communities in existence today. \textbf{DebConf,
  as an annual event, showcases that community and enables it to
  flourish}. DebConf16 was no exception. I encourage anyone who wants to
  examine first-hand a good model of a functioning Free Software
  community attend DebConf.
}{Bradley M. Kuhn, Software Freedom Conservancy}
%\ Asked Bradley's permission on August 20th 2016, received it on August 23rd 2016

\subsection{Creating Fruitful Relations}

DebConf helps share the knowledge and experience of developers
with the entire community. It also helps individuals to put a face
to the names they have been working with. \textbf{Debconf not
only makes the Debian community stronger, but is a fundamental part
of why it exists.}


  I have to say networking was the highlight of the Debconf for me. \textbf{Before
  attending, I had only been in contact with 3 people that were at the
  conference, and those 3 had been virtual contacts}, I didn’t really know
  them. [\ldots] I got to meet lots of people that way, met some Debian
  contributors from my home country (Brazil), some from my current city (NYC),
  and yet others that had similar interests as I do who I might work with in the near
}{Juliana Louback, GSoC Student}

\subsection{Project Synergy}

DebConf gives contributors a chance to meet face to face, socialize,
and brainstorm new ideas. As a result people leave DebConf with a
renewed sense of enthusiasm for Debian and its goals. \textbf{New
  ideas and systems that Debian implements often originate in an
  informal session at DebConf}.

  As Debian Account Manager, \textbf{DebConf is a priceless opportunity for me
  to handle sensitive matters face to face, in an appropriate setting}.  Over
  time there will be several such issues accumulating that cannot
  easily be handled via email.
}{Enrico Zini, \DDm}

\section{Our Offer to Sponsors}

\subsection{Sponsorship Levels}

%TODO we should add a statement about ordering within each level so that all
%sponsors know the rules from the start.

    % rowcolors hack: the offset row ('1') does not work, so I specity white
    % first:
    %\bfseries\color{DebConf_tableheader} Description &
    \bfseries\color{DebConf_tableheader} \textit{Supporter} &
    \bfseries\color{DebConf_tableheader} Bronze &
    \bfseries\color{DebConf_tableheader} Silver &
    \bfseries\color{DebConf_tableheader} Gold &
    \bfseries\color{DebConf_tableheader} Platinum \\
    Contribution &
    <\${2,000} & \${2,000} & \${5,000} & \${10,000} & \${20,000} \\
    Logo on sponsor webpage
    & $\surd$ & $\surd$ & $\surd$ & $\surd$ & $\surd$ \\
    Logo with backlink on all webpages
    & & $\surd$ & $\surd$ & $\surd$ & $\surd$ \\
    Access to swag bags
    & & $\surd$ & $\surd$ & $\surd$ & $\surd$ \\
    Logo on t-shirt and conference bag &
    & & $\surd$ & $\surd$ & $\surd$ \\
    Presence at job fair &
    & & $\surd$ & $\surd$ & $\surd$ \\
    Booth at opening weekend &
    & & & $\surd$ & $\surd$ \\
    Logo on videos and conference banners &
    & & & $\surd$ & $\surd$ \\
    Logo on podium banners &
    & & & & $\surd$ \\
    Mention in press releases &
    & & & & $\surd$ \\

\subsection{Job Postings and Job Fair}

DebConf attracts some of the smartest Free Software hackers from around the
globe, many of whom are always on the lookout for new challenges. We 
provide our sponsors the chance to \textbf{reach out to Debian
contributors, derivative developers, upstream authors and other community

For the fifth year in a row, there will be a job fair on the opening weekend. As
a Platinum, Gold, or Silver sponsor, you can use this opportunity to
\textbf{present yourself as an employer and engage in direct dialogue with
potential job candidates.}

Sponsors that participated in the job fair in previous years have said that this
was a unique opportunity to engage with the community, some of them finding
engineers for their open positions that are hard to find elsewhere.

We invite all our sponsors to post job offerings to our job wall.

\subsection{Showcase your Debian \& Free Software Involvement}

The first weekend of DebConf will be open to the public, with sessions
specifically targeted at a wider audience, and with the express purpose of
helping people get to know our project.

As a Platinum or Gold sponsor, you may \textbf{set up your own booth and present
your business} during that weekend. While we cannot allow any sales activity,
this is nevertheless a great chance for you to showcase your involvement with
Debian and Free Software.

\subsection{Swag bags and raffle prizes}
In addition to your logo on the attendees' conference bags, we also invite you
to \textbf{distribute marketing materials and other goods} in the bags if you
support us at Bronze level or above.\footnote{\label{fn-content}All
sponsor-provided content and initiatives must be coordinated with our organizing

If you have smaller quantities of \textbf{hardware to give away} or you want to
\textbf{create some buzz about your device} at the conference, you could provide
us with one or more items which we will include in a raffle for attendees,
obviously mentioning you.

\subsection{Diversity outreach programme}
We are planning to reach out to groups who would otherwise be less likely to attend our
conference, in an effort to \textbf{increase diversity among our attendees} and
benefit the conference in that way. If you are interested in this effort, we
would love to hear from you.

\subsection{Additional sponsorship opportunities}

We are always open to ideas regarding the involvement that our sponsors want to
have with the community.  If you would like to sponsor in a unique way or you
are interested in discussing additional sponsorship opportunities, please
contact the sponsorship team at
\href{mailto:sponsors@debconf.org}{\texttt{sponsors@debconf.org}} to discuss
pricing and other details.

We will be happy to \textbf{listen to your individual ideas and wishes for how
to make the conference an unforgettable event} for our participants.

\section{Sponsorship Assets}

\subsection{In the Words of Our Past Sponsors}

There are as many reasons to sponsor DebConf as there are reasons Debian
developers spend their time fixing bugs, improving the overall system,
and helping its installed base. In the words of some of our past sponsors:

  Sponsoring DebConf has benefited Bytemark in two ways: 1) it \textbf{puts
  our brand in front of exactly the right crowd} and 2) it allows Steve, the
  Debian developer on our staff, to keep in touch with the project that we
  rely on so heavily. We support DebConf because it supports us.
}{Matthew Bloch, Bytemark Hosting}

  DebConf is the annual conference for one of the largest Open Source projects.
  By annually sponsoring DebConf, credativ helps to keep this important conference
  successful. Being present at DebConf enables us to \textbf{connect, stay in touch and
  collaborate with some of the brightest minds in the industry}, both at a
  management and technical level.
}{Michael Meskes, credativ GmbH}

  Sponsoring DebConf helps us to get the recognition we need from
  inside the Debian Project. It is astonishing how many potential employees,
  partners and even customers are aware of our sponsorship activities at
  DebConf. We even \textbf{got a couple of exciting job applications only
  through DebConf}.
}{Peter Ganten, Univention GmbH}

\subsection{The Value of Sponsoring DebConf}

Many of DebConf's \textbf{attendees are well known experts in their fields and
their opinions and views are followed by many individuals and businesses}.
Debian is a democracy of its developers where smaller voices can easily be
heard. Participating through sponsorship is one of the many ways to help the
project achieve its full potential, and DebConf is a powerful destination of
sponsorship funds.

By sponsoring DebConf, you \textbf{directly support the progress of
Debian and Free Software, and you help further in strengthening the community}
who continue to collaborate on their projects throughout the rest of the year.

To our attendees, your contribution is a \textbf{strong signal of appreciation
for their work}. Through general visibility as part of our sponsorship
programme, and the direct support of attendees, sponsoring DebConf earns you
goodwill in the Free Software community at large. Past DebConfs have also
offered great opportunities for contact building and recruitment.

\subsection{The Need for Sponsorship}

DebConf has evolved from its humble beginnings in Bordeaux, France (2000) with
30 attendees and virtually no budget, to recent years where we regularly
accommodate more than 250 attendees with budgets in the lower six-digit

The conference is still \textbf{organized entirely by volunteers without
compensation}. The Debian Project does not engage in commercial activities and
depends solely on donations from users and benefactors.

DebConf draws much of its strength from the diversity of its participants, and
the Free Software community is a globally active and very diverse crowd of
people, spanning many cultures and all levels of social status. Perhaps the
most important aspect of DebConf is that \textbf{we want to give as many
people as possible the opportunity to attend — not just those that are nearby and can
afford it — because it benefits the conference, every attendee, and ultimately
Debian and the Free Software community}.

We expect 350 attendees in Montreal, in part because of its world-renowned Latin vibe
owing to its French influence and because of the strong Debian community in North America. But we
also trust that our sponsors will help us achieve this goal and enable
attendees from all over the world to be a part of this event.

All funds raised for DebConf will be used towards this goal. Any surplus after
the conference will be used for funding future Debian Free Software activities.

\subsection{Invoices and tax-deductible donations}

As a sponsor, you will receive an invoice from one of our fundraising entities,
specifying the sponsorship level and associated benefits. The \textbf{invoice
explicitly lists sales tax} (VAT) where appropriate. Depending on your
situation, sponsoring DebConf may thus be a \textbf{normal business expense}.

We are also happy to receive donations to our registered not-for-profit
entities in Germany and the US, if desired. We'll gladly issue receipts for
such donations, which \textbf{may be tax-deductible} (check with your tax
advisor for details).

\section{More About DebConf}

For more information about DebConf, the final reports from our past
conferences illustrate the broad spectrum, quality, and enthusiasm of
the community at work: \\

For further details, feel free to contact us through
\texttt{\href{mailto:sponsors@debconf.org}{sponsors@debconf.org}}, and visit
our website at \url{http://debconf17.debconf.org}


\textbf{\color{DebConf_Section}Thank you for taking the time to read this
brochure. We hope to hear from you soon!}




\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{See you soon!}
   \textbf{\notrans{\sffamily\color{DebConf_Section}}See You in Montreal!}
  \footnotesize \emph{DebConf attendees at DebConf16 in Cape Town, South Africa}


\subsubsection*{Photo credits}
  \item Montreal panorama by Hussein Abdallah, CC-BY 2.0
  \item DebConf17 team photo by Margarita Manterola, CC-BY-SA 4.0
  \item Photo of Karen Sandler by Michael Banck, CC-BY 4.0
  \item DebConf16 group photo by Jurie Senekal, CC-BY 4.0

This brochure is published under the terms of the Creative Commons
Licence, version 4.0, by attribution (CC-BY 4.0).

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