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[RFR] wml://www.debian.org/international/Dutch.en.html

[ Please keep the Debian Dutch localisation list Cc'ed when replying ]

Hi all, 

The Debian Dutch localisation team did a rewrite of the content of the
web page www.debian.org/international/Dutch.nl.html (already
operational) and is in the process of bringing in sync its English
counterpart. Please find attached a draft of
www.debian.org/international/Dutch.en.html. While none of the Debian
Dutch localisation team members is a native English speaker, a review by
the Debian English localisation team would be very helpful.


#use wml::debian::template title="Debian Dutch Pages"

# This contents of this page is completely the responsibility of
# the translation team

<h1>Debian in Dutch-speaking countries and territories</h1>

<p>Debian aims to be a universal operating system.
This not only results in the fact that Debian runs 
on a variety of computer architectures, but also in Debian
wanting to be available in as much languages as possible
and to be accessible for as many people as possible. Therefore it is not
surprising that Debian, originated in the US and using
English as its official language, evolved into a global
network of volunteers with a worldwide userbase.</p>
<p>Also in the Dutch-speaking countries and territories on the globe one
can found several Debian developers and even more people that contribute
to it by offering user support, by translating the operating system into Dutch
or by presenting Debian web pages to Dutch-speaking persons
in their native language.</p>

<h2>Debian for its Dutch-speaking user base</h2>

  <li><a href="$(HOME)/social_contract">The Debian <q>Social Contract</q> with the Free Software Community</a></li>
  <li><a href="$(HOME)/intro/cn">Read the Debian web pages in your own language</a></li>
  <li>Dutch mailing list for Debian users:
    <a href="https://lists.debian.org/debian-user-dutch/";>mailing list archives</a>,
    <a href="https://lists.debian.org/debian-user-dutch/";>subscribe to the list</a>

<h2>Helping out with the translation of Debian</h2>

<p>We have the ambition to make the Debian operating system and
its documentation also available in Dutch.
This can be of great help for people that lack a good command
of English. Among others we think that especially for children the lack of
a Dutch translation can be an important barrier.</p>
<p>Like the development of the Debian operating system itself,
also its translation relies on volunteers. In case
you might have some spare time and a reasonable command of
English, then also you could consider contributing. If such an idea looks
appealing to you, please find additional information
at the following locations:</p>
  <li>At the <a href="dutch/index.html">project website</a> of the
  Debian translation project you may find additional information
  on the translation of Debian into Dutch.</li>
  <li>The Dutch translation is coordinated at this mailing list:
  <a href="mailto:debian-l10n-dutch@lists.debian.org";>
  (<a href="https://lists.debian.org/debian-l10n-dutch/";>archives
  and subscription pages</a>).</li>

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