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Re: debian-refcard

On Sat, 2 Apr 2016 11:44:50 +0100
Justin B Rye <justin.byam.rye@gmail.com> wrote:

> Adam Wilson wrote:
> > Justin B Rye <justin.byam.rye@gmail.com> wrote:
> >>> +	(keyboard), <replaceable>locales</replaceable> (localisation).</para></glossdef>
> >>                                                            ^
> >> Is this package using en_GB or en_US?  Elsewhere it seemed to be
> >> standardising on -izing...
> In fact I'm not sure what kind of English it means "refcard-en-a4.pdf"
> to be in, but it's the same content as "refcard-en-lt.pdf", and who's
> going to want "letter size" in en-GB?
> > It could be either, depending on the style manual being followed.
> > The Oxford Dictionary is panegyric on -ize endings, even though -ise
> > is more commonly used in British English.  
> As I mentioned on this list not long ago, when I was a kid The Times
> used -ize, and my English teachers were happy with either style.  But
> the prevailing standard has drifted over the past few decades, to the
> point where even the University of Oxford now uses -ise in its press
> releases.
> English is unlike most major modern languages in having no official
> orthography - it's just a matter of following the herd.  As a result
> we've ended up in the bizarre position of having a breakaway-faction
> sub-locale which is ignored by the entire publishing industry even
> though it's backed by knock-down arguments and recommended by the
> single most prestigious dictionary in existence.

Both are correct even within the same orthographic system: -ize should *technically* be used for words of Greek origin and -ise for those of Latin origin.

I use -ise for everything basically because I think it looks better and I don't like the letter 'Z'. Such is the nature of spelling in English.

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