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Re: Review request for dbconfig-common with new packages

Paul Gevers wrote:
> Although I bothered you not so long ago, I ask your review again (I
> included the changes of bug 805455).
> Please find attached the templates and control file of the
> dbconfig-common source package and the diffs with respect to the
> previously reviewed files. In my next upload I am going to add multiple
> new packages, each with the same purpose with respect to the
> dbconfig-common main package, i.e. to make sure that the support for the
> proper database type is available.

Oh, yes, I see your explanation on debian-devel.

Sorry, no patch attached yet.
> Package: dbconfig-mysql
> Description: dbconfig-common MySQL support
>  This package ensures MySQL support in the dbconfig-common framework and should
>  be in the depends list of packages that require MySQL support from
>  dbconfig-common.

Would there be any point explicitly mentioning "or MariaDB" just once,
like this?

   This package ensures MySQL/MariaDB support in the dbconfig-common framework,
   and should be in the depends list of packages that require this support
   from dbconfig-common.

> Package: dbconfig-no-thanks
> Description: prevents database management by dbconfig-common

The DevRef recommendation is to phrase that more nounily - something
  Description: dummy package to prevent database management by dbconfig-common

Or we might be able to shorten that... maybe even to:

  Description: dbconfig-common bypass

>  This package prevents the dbconfig-common framework from managing database for
>  packages that require a working database and that rely on dbconfig-common to
>  handle setup and maintenance. This package is intended for systems where the
>  system administrator requires or desires full control of the database or where
>  dbconfig-common makes the wrong choises. Typically this will leave the
>  depending packages non-functional until the required actions are performed.

That first sentence is a bit long and awkward; I think for a start it
needs to be "managing ^a^ database".  But a slight reshuffle lets me
compress it a bit.

Typo: s/choises/choices/

Add the word "manual"?

   When a package normally relies on the dbconfig-common framework to set up
   and maintain a database, installing this dummy package instead will prevent
   dbconfig-common from managing a database. It is intended for systems where
   the system administrator requires or desires full control of the database or
   where dbconfig-common makes the wrong choices. Typically this will leave the
   depending packages non-functional until the required manual actions are

Or perhaps:

   When a package relies on the dbconfig-common framework to set up and
   maintain a database, installing dbconfig-no-thanks instead of one of the
   dbconfig-<database> choices will prevent it from managing a database. This
   is intended for systems where the system administrator desires or requires
   full control of the database or where dbconfig-common makes bad choices.
   Typically this will leave the depending packages non-functional until the
   required manual actions are performed.

And in the templates file
> Template: dbconfig-common/dbconfig-remove
> Type: boolean
> Default: true
> _Description: Deconfigure database for ${pkg} with dbconfig-common?
>  Since you are removing ${pkg}, it's possible that you no longer
>  want the underlying database and the privileges for the user
>  associated with this package.
>  .
>  Please choose whether database removal and privilege revocation should be
>  handled with dbconfig-common.
>  .
>  If you choose this option, dbconfig-common will check if ${pkg} provided
>  scripts and database commands to undo package specific operations and run them
>  if they exist. Then it will ask if you want to delete the ${pkg} database and

(Making the above phrase less alarming; yes, that looks good)

>  revoke the standard privileges for the user of ${pkg}. If you don't want any
>  of this, or if you want to handle this manually, you should refuse this
>  option.
> Template: dbconfig-common/database-type
> _Description: Database type to be used by ${pkg}:
>  The ${pkg} package can be configured to use one of several database types.
>  Below, you will be presented with the available choices.
>  .
>  It is possible that the package supports more database types than shown. In
>  that case the corresponding dbconfig-<database type> packages are not installed
>  so the options are removed for now. If you know that you want the package to use

It took me a while to work out that this was saying:

   If other database types are supported but not shown here, the reason for their
   omission is that the corresponding dbconfig-<database type> packages are not
   installed. If you know that you want the package to use [...]

>  another supported database type, your best option is to backup the
>  dbconfig-common questions and opt-out of dbconfig-common assistance for this

Typo: the noun is "backup" but the verb is "back up".  More
importantly, you don't mean "back up" in the sense of "archive", or
even "back up" in the sense of "increasingly pile up at the back", you
apparently mean it in the sense of "go backwards".  That's worth

Oh, and there's no hyphen in "to opt out".

>  package for now. After installation of the required dbconfig-<database type>,
>  which can be found in the Depends list of this package, you can
>  "dpkg-reconfigure ${pkg}" to choose your preferred database type.

It seems odd to say "the required DB-type" when I've got a free
choice.  Maybe this should be:

   If other database types are supported but not shown here, the reason for their
   omission is that the corresponding dbconfig-<database type> packages are not
   installed. If you know that you want the package to use another supported
   database type, your best option is to back out of the dbconfig-common questions
   and opt out of dbconfig-common assistance for this package for now. Install
   your preferred dbconfig-<database type> option from the list in the package
   dependencies, and then "dpkg-reconfigure ${pkg}" to select it.
> Template: dbconfig-common/purge

(Again tweaked for reduced alarmingness.)
JBR	with qualifications in linguistics, experience as a Debian
	sysadmin, and probably no clue about this particular package

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