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Re: Help with understanding part of a Debian package description

Beatrice Torracca wrote:
> I am part of the Italian l10n team, we are currently translating (via
> DDTSS) the description of the package bashdb.
> We are not sure we understand one sentence correctly, and thus we would
> like some help with it.
> The description reads "As with any debugger it allows you to set through
> a bash script, examine data, set break points and run the program to
> that point, change variable values and so on."
> The problematic part is "to set through a bash script".
> Is it referring to setting something (sort of configuring... maybe
> options or behaviours) using a bash script (other than the one being
> debugged, I guess)?
> Can anyone please explain the general sense of the sentence.. just to give us
> an idea.

"To set through a bash script" looks to me like a typo for "to step
through a Bash script" (anticipating the use of the verb "set" in the
next line).

There's another obvious typo earlier in the same line: "debgger".

If I'm reviewing this package description I would also fix a couple of
other things - see attached patch.
JBR	with qualifications in linguistics, experience as a Debian
	sysadmin, and probably no clue about this particular package
diff -ru bashdb- bashdb-
--- bashdb-	2015-10-10 07:08:32.000000000 +0100
+++ bashdb-	2015-10-12 18:08:58.502465464 +0100
@@ -13,7 +13,8 @@
 Package: bashdb
 Architecture: any
 Depends: bash (>=4.3), ${misc:Depends}, python, ${shlibs:Depends}
-Description: BASH debugger
- A debgger for bash (the Bourne again shell). As with any debugger it allows
- you to set through a bash script, examine data, set break points and run the
- program to that point, change variable values and so on.
+Description: Bash debugger
+ This package provides a debugger for the Bourne again shell. Like any
+ debugger, it allows you to step through a Bash script, examine data, set
+ break points and run the program to that point, change variable values,
+ and so on.

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