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Re: Description for debian/control ruby-subexec

tornow@riseup.net wrote:
> Description: Spawn a subprocess

This is a (capitalised) verb phrase; those are common in man pages,
but discouraged in package synopses.  What you want is an
(uncapitalised, articleless) noun phrase along the lines of

  Description: mechanism for spawning a subprocess

Or with some appropriate Ruby technical term in place of mechanism; or
for the simple approach, just:

  Description: subprocess spawner

It doesn't need to say anything about being a Ruby library, since
that's supposed to be obvious from the package name.

>  Subexec is a simple library that spawns an external command.
>  It has an optional timeout parameter, which is useful for libraries
>  which are wrappers for external command line programs
>  and may never return control back to the original process.

That is, the *libraries* might never return control?  Accidentally, in
a manner that this package can help to avoid?  Oh, with the timeout,
yes.  It seems intelligible enough... I might shuffle it about a bit,

   Subexec is a simple library that spawns an external command. It has an
   optional timeout parameter, useful for libraries which are wrappers for
   external command line programs and which may sometimes fail ever to
   return control back to the original process.

JBR	with qualifications in linguistics, experience as a Debian
	sysadmin, and probably no clue about this particular package

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