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[RFR] templates://fs2ram/{templates}

Please find, for review, the debconf templates for the fs2ram source package.

Given that we're now in freeze time, I'll speed it up a bit so that we
can soon work on translations.

This review will last from Monday, July 02, 2012 to July 05, 2012.

Please send reviews as unified diffs (diff -u) against the original
files. Comments about your proposed changes will be appreciated.

Your review should be sent as an answer to this mail.

When appropriate, I will send intermediate requests for review, with
"[RFRn]" (n>=2) as a subject tag.

When we will reach a consensus, I send a "Last Chance For
Comments" mail with "[LCFC]" as a subject tag.

Finally, a summary will be sent to the review bug report,
and a mail will be sent to this list with "[BTS]" as a subject tag.

--- fs2ram.old/debian/templates	2012-07-02 03:53:16.376137159 -0400
+++ fs2ram/debian/templates	2012-07-02 16:57:15.928280093 -0400
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 Type: select
 __Choices: Content-preserving, Structure-preserving, Unconfigured
 Default: Content-preserving
-_Description: fs2ram configuration
+_Description: Configuration for fs2ram:
  Please select the fs2ram configuration that best meets your needs.
   * Content-preserving: /var/tmp, /var/cache, and /var/log will be in 

The synopsis should be a "prompt", therefore ending with a colon. I'm
always switching words to avoid the nightmaefor "uppercase of lowercase".

@@ -18,14 +18,14 @@
 Template: fs2ram/rcs_enforce_ramtmp_configuration
 Type: boolean
 Default: true
-_Description: Make /tmp into RAM file systems?
- Please choose whether /tmp  should be converted into tmpfs
- mountpoints. This is not the default for fresh installs of Debian.
+_Description: Turn /tmp into a RAM file system?
+ Please choose whether /tmp should be converted into a tmpfs
+ mount point. This is not the default for fresh installs.

I need confirmation by Justin that my changes are improvements..:-)

I also wonder whether there should be more explanations about the
benefit one can get from such switch.

 Template: fs2ram/rcs_enforce_ramlock_configuration
 Type: boolean
 Default: true
-_Description: Make /var/lock into RAM file systems?
- Please choose whether /var/lock  should be converted into tmpfs
- mountpoints. This is the default for fresh installs of Debian.
+_Description: Turn /var/lock into a RAM file system?
+ Please choose whether /var/lock should be converted into a tmpfs
+ mount point. This is the default for fresh installs.

Similar changes. 


Template: fs2ram/main_install_type
Type: select
__Choices: Content-preserving, Structure-preserving, Unconfigured
Default: Content-preserving
_Description: Configuration for fs2ram:
 Please select the fs2ram configuration that best meets your needs.
  * Content-preserving: /var/tmp, /var/cache, and /var/log will be in 
    RAM, reducing writes to the hard drive, and fs2ram will preserve the
    contents of these file systems across reboots.
  * Structure-preserving: /var/tmp, /var/cache, and /var/log will be in
    RAM, but fs2ram will only preserve their directory structures across
    reboots, not their (potentially private) contents.
  * Unconfigured: the fs2ram configuration file will be left empty and
    must be filled manually.

Template: fs2ram/rcs_enforce_ramtmp_configuration
Type: boolean
Default: true
_Description: Turn /tmp into a RAM file system?
 Please choose whether /tmp should be converted into a tmpfs
 mount point. This is not the default for fresh installs.

Template: fs2ram/rcs_enforce_ramlock_configuration
Type: boolean
Default: true
_Description: Turn /var/lock into a RAM file system?
 Please choose whether /var/lock should be converted into a tmpfs
 mount point. This is the default for fresh installs.

--- fs2ram.old/debian/templates	2012-07-02 03:53:16.376137159 -0400
+++ fs2ram/debian/templates	2012-07-02 16:57:15.928280093 -0400
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 Type: select
 __Choices: Content-preserving, Structure-preserving, Unconfigured
 Default: Content-preserving
-_Description: fs2ram configuration
+_Description: Configuration for fs2ram:
  Please select the fs2ram configuration that best meets your needs.
   * Content-preserving: /var/tmp, /var/cache, and /var/log will be in 
@@ -18,14 +18,14 @@
 Template: fs2ram/rcs_enforce_ramtmp_configuration
 Type: boolean
 Default: true
-_Description: Make /tmp into RAM file systems?
- Please choose whether /tmp  should be converted into tmpfs
- mountpoints. This is not the default for fresh installs of Debian.
+_Description: Turn /tmp into a RAM file system?
+ Please choose whether /tmp should be converted into a tmpfs
+ mount point. This is not the default for fresh installs.
 Template: fs2ram/rcs_enforce_ramlock_configuration
 Type: boolean
 Default: true
-_Description: Make /var/lock into RAM file systems?
- Please choose whether /var/lock  should be converted into tmpfs
- mountpoints. This is the default for fresh installs of Debian.
+_Description: Turn /var/lock into a RAM file system?
+ Please choose whether /var/lock should be converted into a tmpfs
+ mount point. This is the default for fresh installs.
Source: fs2ram
Section: admin
Priority: optional
Maintainer: Philippe Le Brouster <plb@nebkha.net>
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 9~)
Standards-Version: 3.9.3
DM-Upload-Allowed: yes

Package: fs2ram
Architecture: all
Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ucf
Description: tools to preserve tmpfs contents across reboots
 fs2ram manages temporary file systems across reboots. Each tmpfs mountpoint
 can be associated with a pre-mount script, which is executed by fs2ram at
 each shutdown/reboot before the file system is unmounted. The pre-unmount
 script must print a post-mount script on standard output, which is saved and
 then run at boot time after fs2ram mounts the corresponding file system.
 This package provides two pre-unmount scripts designed to preserve folder
 structure and file permissions across reboots: this is needed to allow
 hierarchies suc as /var/cache or /var/log to be mounted as tmpfs.

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

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