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Re: Bug#653897: [Pkg-cacti-maint] Bug#653897: [RFR] templates://cacti/{cacti.templates}

sean finney wrote:
>>> - Select "None" if you would like to configure your webserver by hand.
>>> + Select "None" if you would like to configure the web server manually.
>>> "Manually" is more often used than "by hand". Could also be
>>> "yourself".
>>> Avoid "your web server". This might not be "mine"..:)
>> Speeking of the 2nd person, should we also avoid "you" in that case?  i.e.

Avoiding the implication that the server is your personal property is
usually worth the effort; references to personal preferences are less
of a problem, but given the opportunity I try to avoid them too.  It
is possible that the reader would *like* to configure it one way but
site policy says something different.  Of course, even then you would
still probably prefer to configure it the way that lets you keep your
>> + Select "None" to configure the web server manually.

So if I select "None", debconf won't configure the web server
automatically, it'll do it manually?  That's just enough of a
potential misunderstanding to make me stick with "if you would like".
>>>> -Description: Frontend to rrdtool for monitoring systems and services
>>>> +Description: web frontend for graphing systems and services monitoring data
>> Description: web-based interface for graphing and monitoring diverse data

That's the best I've seen so far.
JBR	with qualifications in linguistics, experience as a Debian
	sysadmin, and probably no clue about this particular package

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