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Re: [RFR] templates://libzorpll/{libzorpll3.9-0.templates}

Christian PERRIER wrote:
> Your review should be sent as an answer to this mail.

The recent archive reorganisations seem to have sabotaged my
scripts for generating nice patches against Unstable packages from my
Stable desktop.  Let's see if I remember how to do it manually.

> Rationale:
>  Template: zorplib/admin-email
>  Type: string
>  Default: NONE
> +_Description: Email address for Zorp notifications:
> + Some Zorp applications are able to send a notification email in case
> + of an unexpected process termination. Leave this empty (or specify
> + 'NONE') if you don't want to receive such notifications.

"Send them to me" and "don't send any" aren't the only options; it's
also possible that I would like to receive them but it's my job to set
it up so that they go to some other guy...

    "NONE") if no such notifications should be sent.

(Standardising on doublequotes)

> -Description: Low level library functions for Zorp
> - Zorp is a new generation firewall. It is essentially a transparent proxy
> +Description: Zorp - low-level library functions
> + Zorp is a network firewall. It consists of a transparent proxy
>   firewall, with strict protocol analyzing proxies, a modular architecture,
>   and fine-grained control over the mediated traffic. Configuration decisions
> - are scriptable with the Python based configuration language.
> + are scriptable with the Python-based configuration language.
>   .
>   This package contains low level library functions needed by Zorp and
>   associated programs.

Hyphenate "low-level" here too (to distinguish it from "a low level

> "new generation" may sound weird in 5 years..:-). Let's be factual

To me it already seems cheeky, given that Zorp's changelog goes back
to the twentieth century.  But is there any such thing as a
non-network firewall?  The phrase I'd recommend to pad it back out
again is the search-term I'd have used: "application-layer".

Then saying it's a firewall twice seems clumsy... and when I look
closer I realise that it also says twice that it works via proxying...
I'll reshuffle it until it works again.

 Description: Zorp low-level functions
  Zorp is an application-layer firewall using a modular architecture of 
  strict protocol-analyzing transparent proxies, giving fine-grained
  control over the mediated traffic. Configuration decisions are
  scriptable in the Python-based configuration language.
  This package contains low-level library functions needed by Zorp and
  associated programs.

> These changes are propagated to other binary packages.

Of course this would be more useful if we standardised the actual zorp
source package as well as just this one... and in fact later
descriptions seem to tread on the toes of (e.g.) libzorp0-dev.  Oh,
and two of those synopses are identical.

So extra changes in other package descriptions:

> +Description: Zorp - development files
                Zorp low-level functions - development files
> +Description: Zorp - low-level library functions (debug version)
                Zorp low-level functions - debugging version
> +Description: Zorp - low-level library functions (debug version)
                Zorp low-level functions - memory debugging version

 * * *
The Inevitable Why-The-Name Appendix:
"Zorp" appears to be an arbitrary nonsense-syllable, and not (as one
might have guessed) the Hungarian for "zonealarm".
JBR	with qualifications in linguistics, experience as a Debian
	sysadmin, and probably no clue about this particular package
diff -ru libzorpll- libzorpll-
--- libzorpll-	2011-03-10 20:54:04.000000000 +0000
+++ libzorpll-	2011-03-19 08:31:21.145258849 +0000
@@ -9,24 +9,24 @@
 Section: libs
 Architecture: any
 Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
-Description: Low level library functions for Zorp
- Zorp is a new generation firewall. It is essentially a transparent proxy
- firewall, with strict protocol analyzing proxies, a modular architecture,
- and fine-grained control over the mediated traffic. Configuration decisions
- are scriptable with the Python based configuration language.
+Description: Zorp low-level functions
+ Zorp is an application-layer firewall using a modular architecture of
+ strict protocol-analyzing transparent proxies, giving fine-grained
+ control over the mediated traffic. Configuration decisions are
+ scriptable in the Python-based configuration language.
- This package contains low level library functions needed by Zorp and
+ This package contains low-level library functions needed by Zorp and
  associated programs.
 Package: libzorpll-dev
 Section: libdevel
 Architecture: any
 Depends: libzorpll3.9-0 (= ${binary:Version}), ${misc:Depends}, libglib2.0-dev, libcap-dev [linux-any], libssl-dev
-Description: Low level library functions for Zorp, development files
- Zorp is a new generation firewall. It is essentially a transparent proxy
- firewall, with strict protocol analyzing proxies, a modular architecture,
- and fine-grained control over the mediated traffic. Configuration decisions
- are scriptable with the Python based configuration language.
+Description: Zorp low-level functions - development files
+ Zorp is an application-layer firewall using a modular architecture of
+ strict protocol-analyzing transparent proxies, giving fine-grained
+ control over the mediated traffic. Configuration decisions are
+ scriptable in the Python-based configuration language.
  This package contains the development files necessary to create programs
  based on libzorpll.
@@ -36,11 +36,11 @@
 Architecture: any
 Priority: extra
 Depends: libzorpll3.9-0 (= ${binary:Version}), ${misc:Depends}
-Description: Low level library functions for Zorp, debug version
- Zorp is a new generation firewall. It is essentially a transparent proxy
- firewall, with strict protocol analyzing proxies, a modular architecture,
- and fine-grained control over the mediated traffic. Configuration decisions
- are scriptable with the Python based configuration language.
+Description: Zorp low-level functions - debugging version
+ Zorp is an application-layer firewall using a modular architecture of
+ strict protocol-analyzing transparent proxies, giving fine-grained
+ control over the mediated traffic. Configuration decisions are
+ scriptable in the Python-based configuration language.
  This package contains the debugging symbols for libzorpll3.9-0.
@@ -49,11 +49,11 @@
 Architecture: any
 Priority: extra
 Depends: libzorpll3.9-0 (= ${binary:Version}), ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
-Description: Low level library functions for Zorp, debug version
- Zorp is a new generation firewall. It is essentially a transparent proxy
- firewall, with strict protocol analyzing proxies, a modular architecture,
- and fine-grained control over the mediated traffic. Configuration decisions
- are scriptable with the Python based configuration language.
+Description: Zorp low-level functions - memory debugging version
+ Zorp is an application-layer firewall using a modular architecture of
+ strict protocol-analyzing transparent proxies, giving fine-grained
+ control over the mediated traffic. Configuration decisions are
+ scriptable in the Python-based configuration language.
  This package contains the same library as libzorpll but with memtrace memory
  debugging code enabled.
diff -ru libzorpll- libzorpll-
--- libzorpll-	2011-03-10 20:53:04.000000000 +0000
+++ libzorpll-	2011-03-19 08:03:34.496917620 +0000
@@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
 Template: zorplib/admin-email
 Type: string
 Default: NONE
-_Description: Administrator's email address:
- Various Zorp applications are able to send a notification e-mail to an
- administrator's address in case of an unexpected process termination. If you
- don't wish to receive such notifications, leave this field blank or specifiy
+_Description: Email address for Zorp notifications:
+ Some Zorp applications are able to send a notification email in case
+ of an unexpected process termination. Leave this empty (or specify
+ "NONE") if no such notifications should be sent.
Template: zorplib/admin-email
Type: string
Default: NONE
_Description: Email address for Zorp notifications:
 Some Zorp applications are able to send a notification email in case
 of an unexpected process termination. Leave this empty (or specify
 "NONE") if no such notifications should be sent.
Source: libzorpll
Section: libs
Priority: optional
Maintainer: SZALAY Attila <sasa@debian.org>
Standards-Version: 3.9.1
Build-Depends: libssl-dev, libglib2.0-dev, debhelper (>= 7), libcap-dev [!kfreebsd-i386 !kfreebsd-amd64 !hurd-i386], zlib1g-dev, binutils (>=, po-debconf

Package: libzorpll3.9-0
Section: libs
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
Description: Zorp low-level functions
 Zorp is an application-layer firewall using a modular architecture of
 strict protocol-analyzing transparent proxies, giving fine-grained
 control over the mediated traffic. Configuration decisions are
 scriptable in the Python-based configuration language.
 This package contains low-level library functions needed by Zorp and
 associated programs.

Package: libzorpll-dev
Section: libdevel
Architecture: any
Depends: libzorpll3.9-0 (= ${binary:Version}), ${misc:Depends}, libglib2.0-dev, libcap-dev [linux-any], libssl-dev
Description: Zorp low-level functions - development files
 Zorp is an application-layer firewall using a modular architecture of
 strict protocol-analyzing transparent proxies, giving fine-grained
 control over the mediated traffic. Configuration decisions are
 scriptable in the Python-based configuration language.
 This package contains the development files necessary to create programs
 based on libzorpll.

Package: libzorpll3.9-0-dbg
Section: debug
Architecture: any
Priority: extra
Depends: libzorpll3.9-0 (= ${binary:Version}), ${misc:Depends}
Description: Zorp low-level functions - debugging version
 Zorp is an application-layer firewall using a modular architecture of
 strict protocol-analyzing transparent proxies, giving fine-grained
 control over the mediated traffic. Configuration decisions are
 scriptable in the Python-based configuration language.
 This package contains the debugging symbols for libzorpll3.9-0.

Package: libzorpll3.9-0-memtrace
Section: debug
Architecture: any
Priority: extra
Depends: libzorpll3.9-0 (= ${binary:Version}), ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
Description: Zorp low-level functions - memory debugging version
 Zorp is an application-layer firewall using a modular architecture of
 strict protocol-analyzing transparent proxies, giving fine-grained
 control over the mediated traffic. Configuration decisions are
 scriptable in the Python-based configuration language.
 This package contains the same library as libzorpll but with memtrace memory
 debugging code enabled.

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