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[RFH] libfm package description


I need native speakers to help on improving the package description for
 libfm which is a library that needed for newer version of pcmanfm.

It's a new package for newer pcmanfm and also tend to be easy to reuse
in other applications which needs file management functions and widgets
that missing in GTK+ and glib.

Here are the debian/control file:

Source: libfm
Section: libs
Priority: extra
Maintainer: Debian LXDE Packaging Team
Uploaders: Julien Lavergne <julien.lavergne@gmail.com>, Andrew Lee (李健
秋) <ajqlee@debian.org>
Build-Depends: cdbs, debhelper (>= 7.0.50~), autotools-dev,
libglib2.0-dev (>= 2.16), libgtk2.0-dev (>= 2.16), libmenu-cache1-dev,
Standards-Version: 3.8.4
Homepage: http://pcmanfm.sourceforge.net/
Vcs-Git: git://git.debian.org/git/collab-maint/libfm.git
Vcs-Browser: http://git.debian.org/?p=collab-maint/libfm.git;a=summary

Package: libfm0
Section: libs
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
Description: libraries for file management programming needs
 LibFM is a library packaging GLIB/GIO and provide higher level API and
 related window components as a library for file management programming
 needs, and make it easy to reuse for other programs.
  * Independent to any platform/desktop environment
  * Use gio/gvfs as same as Nautilus to support remote storage, with
    faster experience to users.
  * Support GVFS and remote storage access (Windows SMB, FTP, SFTP,
  * Fast, low memory usage and low latency which is friendly to less
    powerful hardware such as netbook and thin client/server.
  * Trash can support (provided by gvfs).
  * Clipboard operations are compatible for both GTK+, Gnome and QT/KDE
  * Core function separated from GUI, be able reuse with UI toolkit other
    than GTK+, eg Qt4 or Enlightenment.
  * Supports Drag and drop handling and supports XDS (X Direct Save).
  * Provides some widgets for file management needs that are missing in
    GTK+ and glib.
 This package contains the core function library.

Package: libfm-gtk0
Section: libs
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
Description: libraries for file management programming needs - GTK+ GUI
 LibFM is a library packaging GLIB/GIO and provide higher level API and
 related window components as a library for file management programming
 needs, and make it easy to reuse for other programs.
  * Independent to any platform/desktop environment
  * Use gio/gvfs as same as Nautilus to support remote storage, with
    faster experience to users.
  * Support GVFS and remote storage access (Windows SMB, FTP, SFTP,
  * Fast, low memory usage and low latency which is friendly to less
    powerful hardware such as netbook and thin client/server.
  * Trash can support (provided by gvfs).
  * Clipboard operations are compatible for both GTK+, Gnome and QT/KDE
  * Core function separated from GUI, be able reuse with UI toolkit other
    than GTK+, eg Qt4 or Enlightenment.
  * Supports Drag and drop handling and supports XDS (X Direct Save).
  * Provides some widgets for file management needs that are missing in
    GTK+ and glib.
 This package contains the GTK+ GUI.

Package: libfm-dev
Section: libdevel
Architecture: any
Depends: libfm0 (= ${binary:Version}), ${misc:Depends}, libfm-gtk0 (=
Description: libraries for file management programming needs -
developments headers
 LibFM is a library packaging GLIB/GIO and provide higher level API and
 related window components as a library for file management programming
 needs, and make it easy to reuse for other programs.
  * Independent to any platform/desktop environment
  * Use gio/gvfs as same as Nautilus to support remote storage, with
    faster experience to users.
  * Support GVFS and remote storage access (Windows SMB, FTP, SFTP,
  * Fast, low memory usage and low latency which is friendly to less
    powerful hardware such as netbook and thin client/server.
  * Trash can support (provided by gvfs).
  * Clipboard operations are compatible for both GTK+, Gnome and QT/KDE
  * Core function separated from GUI, be able reuse with UI toolkit other
    than GTK+, eg Qt4 or Enlightenment.
  * Supports Drag and drop handling and supports XDS (X Direct Save).
  * Provides some widgets for file management needs that are missing in
    GTK+ and glib.
 This package contains the development headers.

Package: libfm-utils
Section: libs
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
Description: libraries for file management programming needs - utilities
 LibFM is a library packaging GLIB/GIO and provide higher level API and
 related window components as a library for file management programming
 needs, and make it easy to reuse for other programs.
  * Independent to any platform/desktop environment
  * Use gio/gvfs as same as Nautilus to support remote storage, with
    faster experience to users.
  * Support GVFS and remote storage access (Windows SMB, FTP, SFTP,
  * Fast, low memory usage and low latency which is friendly to less
    powerful hardware such as netbook and thin client/server.
  * Trash can support (provided by gvfs).
  * Clipboard operations are compatible for both GTK+, Gnome and QT/KDE
  * Core function separated from GUI, be able reuse with UI toolkit other
    than GTK+, eg Qt4 or Enlightenment.
  * Supports Drag and drop handling and supports XDS (X Direct Save).
  * Provides some widgets for file management needs that are missing in
    GTK+ and glib.
 This package contains the utilities(demo program).

Package: libfm0-dbg
Section: debug
Priority: extra
Architecture: any
Depends: libfm0 (= ${binary:Version}), libfm-gtk0 (= ${binary:Version}),
Description: library for creating files manager - debugging symbols
 LibFM is a library packaging GLIB/GIO and provide higher level API and
 related window components as a library for file management programming
 needs, and make it easy to reuse for other programs.
  * Independent to any platform/desktop environment
  * Use gio/gvfs as same as Nautilus to support remote storage, with
    faster experience to users.
  * Support GVFS and remote storage access (Windows SMB, FTP, SFTP,
  * Fast, low memory usage and low latency which is friendly to less
    powerful hardware such as netbook and thin client/server.
  * Trash can support (provided by gvfs).
  * Clipboard operations are compatible for both GTK+, Gnome and QT/KDE
  * Core function separated from GUI, be able reuse with UI toolkit other
    than GTK+, eg Qt4 or Enlightenment.
  * Supports Drag and drop handling and supports XDS (X Direct Save).
  * Provides some widgets for file management needs that are missing in
    GTK+ and glib.
 This package contains the debugging symbols.

Thanks for helping,


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