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Re: Debian Project News 2010/09 frozen, please review and translate

Justin B Rye <jbr@edlug.org.uk> writes:

> (Skipping some where I just agree...)
> Filipus Klutiero wrote:
> > On 2010-08-10 12:22, Alexander Reichle-Schmehl wrote:
> >> For those who couldn't attend the conference, and would like to
> >> watch the talks, many sessions were streamed by the DebConf video
> >> team composed of over 40 volunteers.
> >>    
> > There should be a comma before "composed".
> Perhaps, but it's not required, and might even mislead people into
> parsing it as "many sessions were streamed, composed of volunteers".

To cut the knot, I suggest:

    For those who couldn't attend the conference, and would like to
    watch the talks, many sessions were streamed by the more than 40
    volunteers in the DebConf video team.

 \            “But it is permissible to make a judgment after you have |
  `\    examined the evidence. In some circles it is even encouraged.” |
_o__)                    —Carl Sagan, _The Burden of Skepticism_, 1987 |
Ben Finney

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