Hi! Alexander Reichle-Schmehl schrieb: > The latest issue of the Debian Project News is (more or less) finished > and could be reviewed. So please do so (unless you are reviewing the > release notes or an other important document ;) Sorry to bother you with a very short notice task, but I just got told, that I forget to mention the "Bits from the DPL" so I added a new article about that in that very issue. If someone could please review it, I would be very glad: --------------------------- = Bits from the DPL = Steve McIntyre published [http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2009/01/msg00005.html bits from the DPL]. While some of the points in his report have already been reported in the [http://www.debian.org/News/project/2000/01 previous edition of the Debian Project News] (like the outcome of the recent votes and plans about "Lenny") he also mentions not yet reported stuff, like the appointment of two additional members to the Group of Debians System Administrators: Luca Filipozzi and Stephen Gran. He also thanked James Troup for his long duty in this team. He also mentions several points that need to be discussed in the community after Lenny has been released, including constitutional clarifications, organisational changes (like membership), technical and legal aspects. To not loose track about these topics, Miriam Ruiz created a [http://wiki.debian.org/DiscussionsAfterLenny wiki page]. Finally he mentions the declassification of the archive of the debian-private list, which is used for internal discussion. Three years ago [http://www.debian.org/vote/2005/vote_002 it was decided to] declassifying (at least some of) the contents of the debian-private mailing list so that now volunteers are needed to work on this. --------------------------- (Most recent version may also be found at http://wiki.debian.org/ProjectNews/Issues/Current.) Best regards and many thanks, Alexander
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