Re: Hyphenation rules
Jan Hauke Rahm wrote:
> Dear l10n-english team,
I know nothing much about TeX hyphenation algorithms, and the style
of hyphenation I'm accustomed to is en_GB rather than en_US, so I'll
probably be of limited assistance here - anyone else about?
> I'm working on the german translation of the release notes and found
> some english words that were hyphenated -- and probably wrong. To avoid
> hyphenation (or correct it) Martin inserted a de/hyphenation.tex file
> where we can specify hyphenation for words that don't fit german
> hyphenation rules.
> At the moment we have this list:
> apt-file
Already has a hyphen in the only place you can put one. (I'll use
"·" to represent "soft" hyphens below.)
> Sarge
> sarge
> uname
Unhyphenatable (it would be "u·name"; one-letter prefixes before the
linebreak aren't allowed).
> up-grade
That should be "up·grade".
> Project
I'd be inclined to distinguish the verb, to pro·ject, from the noun,
a proj·ect, but I have no idea if that's correct, and I can't see
how TeX would automate it.
> Debian
Deb·ian would probably be okay.
> Documentation
A four-letter acronym, so double unhyphenatable.
> Initrd
> Initrds
Tricky. Probably unhyphenatable.
> aptitude
> stable
> Stable
I suppose it has to be sta·ble.
> Identifier
> deborphan
deb·or·phan? The second one is arguable.
> debfoster
deb·fos·ter, ditto. It might even be sensible to declare all
package and command names unhyphenatable.
JBR with qualifications in linguistics, experience as a Debian
sysadmin, and probably no clue about this particular package
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