Re: [RFR] templates://mserv/{mserv.templates}
Justin B Rye wrote:
> This isn't quite a complete review.
Some other bits I missed:
> Package: mserv-cgi
> Architecture: all
> Depends: mserv-client, apache | httpd, ${perl:Depends}
Needs s/apache/apache2/ and presumably s/httpd/httpd-cgi/, or maybe
just removal from the archive.
> Package: mserv-dev
> Section: devel
> Architecture: any
> Depends: mserv-client (= ${binary:Version})
> Description: centralized multiuser music environment - development files
> Mserv is a network music server.
I forgot to update this one to "local network jukebox server".
JBR with qualifications in linguistics, experience as a Debian
sysadmin, and probably no clue about this particular package
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