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[LCFC] templates://mnogosearch/{templates}

This is the last call for comments for the review of debconf
templates for mnogosearch.

The reviewed templates will be sent on Wednesday, April 18, 2007 to the package
maintainer as a bug report and a mail will be sent to this list with
"[BTS]" as a subject tag.


# These debconf templates have been proofread by the debian-l10n-english
# team.
# Please consider interacting with the team if you intend
# to modify the templates or add new templates

Template: mnogosearch-common/welcome
Type: note
_Description: Mnogosearch setup program
 Please note that questions about the mnogosearch settings will only
 be asked once for each option.
 The configuration script needs the ability to remotely connect to the
 database server, create databases, add users and create tables. The
 /usr/share/doc/mnogosearch/INSTALL.gz documentation file provides
 information about the setup of these databases for users who don't
 want to run this configuration process automatically.

Template: mnogosearch-common/overwrite_config
Type: boolean
Default: false
_Description: Overwrite mnogosearch configuration files?
 Existing mnogosearch configuration files will not be overwritten
 unless explicitly accepted.

Template: mnogosearch-common/database_mode
Type: select
__Choices: single, multi
Default: multi
_Description: Layout mode for the index database:
 You can choose among different indexing modes for the mnogosearch
  - single: words are stored in a single table;
  - multi:  words are spread over 13 tables sorted on word length. This
            results in faster fixed width tables.
 For more information about these modes, read

Template: mnogosearch-common/database_type
Type: select
Choices: sqlite, mysql, pgsql
Default: sqlite
_Description: Database server type for mnogosearch:
 Please choose the type of the database server that will store
 the indexer data for mnogosearch.

Template: mnogosearch-common/database_admin_user
Type: string
Default: root
_Description: Database server administrative user:
 Please mention the name of the database server administrative
 account. This account must have privileges to add users, databases
 and tables.

Template: mnogosearch-common/database_admin_pass
Type: password
_Description: Database server administrative user password:

Template: mnogosearch-common/database_host
Type: string
Default: localhost
_Description: Database server host name:
 Please provide the hostname of the server that will host mnogosearch

Template: mnogosearch-common/database_port
Type: string
_Description: Port number for the database service:
 Please specify the database server connection port.

Template: mnogosearch-common/database_name
Type: string
Default: mnogosearch
_Description: Database name for mnogosearch:
 Please provide a name for the database to be used by mnogosearch.

Template: mnogosearch-common/local_database
Type: boolean
Default: true
_Description: Is the database server local on this host?
 If the database server runs on the same machine as mnogosearch,
 mnogosearch can connect to the database using a Unix socket rather than a
 TCP/IP one.
 If you do not choose this option, the local database server must
 allow TCP/IP socket connections.

Template: mnogosearch-common/database_user
Type: string
Default: mnogosearch
_Description: Database user name:
 Please provide a user name for mnogosearch to register with the
 database server. This database user is not necessarily the same as a
 system login, especially if the database is on a remote server.
 This is the user which will own the database, tables and other
 objects to be created by this installation. This user will have
 complete freedom to insert, change or delete data in the database.

Template: mnogosearch-common/database_pass
Type: password
_Description: Database user password:

Template: mnogosearch-common/configure_database
Type: boolean
Default: false
_Description: Automatically configure the database for mnogosearch?
 The database, its tables and users can be automatically created.
 Please note that the existing database content will be removed if you
 choose this option.

Source: mnogosearch
Section: web
Priority: optional
Maintainer: Philipp Hug <debian@hug.cx>
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 4.1.16), libpq-dev (>= 8.0.3), libssl-dev, libz-dev, libmysqlclient15-dev, libsqlite0-dev, openjade | jade, docbook, docbook-dsssl, po-debconf
Standards-Version: 3.7.2

Package: mnogosearch-common
Architecture: all
Depends: debconf|debconf-2.0, mnogosearch
Conflicts: udmsearch, udmsearch-common
Provides: udmsearch-common
Replaces: udmsearch, udmsearch-common
Description: full-featured web search engine (common files)
 MnogoSearch consists of two parts. 
 The first part is the indexing mechanism (indexer).
 It crawls over HTML hypertext references and stores found words and
 new references into a database.
 The second part is a web front-end that provides search functions
 using the data collected by the indexer. For more information, look at
 This package contains common files for all database types. A
 mnogosearch-<databasetype> package is also needed to use
 mnogosearch. Only one database type package can be installed.

Package: mnogosearch-doc
Architecture: all
Section: doc
Description: documentation for mnogosearch
 MnogoSearch consists of two parts. 
 The first part is the indexing mechanism (indexer).
 It crawls over HTML hypertext references and stores found words and
 new references into a database.
 The second part is a web front-end that provides search functions
 using the data collected by the indexer. For more information, look at
 This is the documentation package for mnogosearch.

Package: mnogosearch-dev
Architecture: all
Description: development libraries and header files for mnogosearch
 This package contains the headers needed to compile and link programs
 which use the mnoGoSearch library.

Package: mnogosearch-pgsql
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, mnogosearch-common (= ${source:Version}),
 postgresql-client-8.1 | postgresql-client-7.4 | postgresql-client-8.2
Provides: mnogosearch
Conflicts: udmsearch, udmsearch-pgsql, udmsearch-dev, mnogosearch, m17n-lib-bin, m17n-lib-doc, mguesser
Replaces: udmsearch, udmsearch-pgsql, mnogosearch
Suggests: postgresql-8.1 | postgresql-7.4 | postgresql-8.2
Description: full-featured web search engine (PostgreSQL)
 MnogoSearch consists of two parts. 
 The first part is the indexing mechanism (indexer).
 It crawls over HTML hypertext references and stores found words and
 new references into a database.
 The second part is a web front-end that provides search functions
 using the data collected by the indexer. For more information, look at
 This package contains PostgreSQL specific files.

Package: mnogosearch-mysql
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, mnogosearch-common (= ${source:Version})
Provides: mnogosearch
Conflicts: udmsearch, udmsearch-mysql, udmsearch-dev, mnogosearch, m17n-lib-bin, m17n-lib-doc, mguesser
Replaces: udmsearch, udmsearch-mysql, mnogosearch
Suggests: mysql-client
Description: full-featured web search engine (MySQL)
 MnogoSearch consists of two parts. 
 The first part is the indexing mechanism (indexer).
 It crawls over HTML hypertext references and stores found words and
 new references into a database.
 The second part is a web front-end that provides search functions
 using the data collected by the indexer. For more information, look at
 This package contains MySQL specific files.

Package: mnogosearch-sqlite
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, mnogosearch-common (= ${source:Version})
Provides: mnogosearch, mnogosearch-builtin
Conflicts: udmsearch, udmsearch-dev, mnogosearch, m17n-lib-bin, m17n-lib-doc, mguesser
Replaces: udmsearch, mnogosearch
Description: full-featured web search engine (SQLite)
 MnogoSearch consists of two parts. 
 The first part is the indexing mechanism (indexer).
 It crawls over HTML hypertext references and stores found words and
 new references into a database.
 The second part is a web front-end that provides search functions
 using the data collected by the indexer. For more information, look at
 This package contains SQLite specific files.

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