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[TAF] templates://mnogosearch/templates

The mnogosearch package introduced new or modified debconf
templates. This is the perfect moment for a review to help the package
maintainer following the general suggested writing style and track
down typos and errors in the use of English language.

If someone wants to pick up this review, please answer to this mail,
in the mailing list, with an [ITR] (Intent To Review) label.

The templates file is attached.

To propose the file you reviewed for peer review, please send a [RFR]
(Request For Review) mail with the reviewed file attached...then a few
days later, when no more contributions come, a summary mail with a
[LCFC] (Last Chance For Comments) label.

Finally, after no more comments coming to the LCFC mail, you can send
the reviewed templates file as a bug report against the package.

Then, please notify the list with a last mail using a [BTS] label
with the bug number.

Helping the package maintainer to deal with induced translation
updates at that momebt will be nice. If you're not comfortable with
that part of the process, please hand it off to a translator.


Template: mnogosearch-common/welcome
Type: note
_Description: Welcome to the mnogosearch setup program
 Please note that these options will only be asked of you the first time
 around and only new options will show during future upgrades.
 For this install script to be able to do its job you will need to allow it
 to remotely connect to the database server, create databases, add users
 and make tables.  If you don't want this script to do it automatically,
 then read /usr/share/doc/mnogosearch/INSTALL.gz

Template: mnogosearch-common/overwrite_config
Type: boolean
Default: false
_Description: Overwrite mnogosearch configuration files?
 By default if you already have mnogosearch configuration files then this
 process will not overwrite those files. However, you can elect to
 have these files overwritten here.

Template: mnogosearch-common/database_mode
Type: select
Choices: single, multi
Default: multi
_Description: Layout (mode) of the index database:
 The database can index in four different modes.  Each mode gets
 progressively more complex but you win on search speed and indexing.
 'Single' is where words are stored in a single table. Simple stuff.
 'Multi' spreads the words over 13 tables sorted on word length.  It means
 you can have fixed width tables which are usually faster.
 For more information about these modes, read

Template: mnogosearch-common/database_type
Type: select
Choices: sqlite, mysql, pgsql
Default: sqlite
_Description: Type of database:
 You choose here what sort of database you are going to run to use the
 indexer. SQLite (embedded), PostgreSQL and MySQL are currently supported.

Template: mnogosearch-common/database_admin_user
Type: string
Default: root
_Description: Name of the database superuser:
 The superuser name is required so this script can connect to your database
 and add users, databases and tables.  This user needs administrator
 privledges on the database.  It is most often not the superuser for the
 Unix account (eg root).

Template: mnogosearch-common/database_admin_pass
Type: password
_Description: Password of the database superuser:
 The superuser password is required so this script can connect to your database
 and add users, databases and tables.

Template: mnogosearch-common/database_host
Type: string
Default: localhost
_Description: Hostname where your database is running:
 If your database is on another machine besides the one that mnogosearch is
 running on then you need to change this value to the fully qualified
 domain name for that system.

Template: mnogosearch-common/database_port
Type: string
_Description: Port to connect to the database:
 The database will be listening to a port.  Usually you can
 leave this as the default.

Template: mnogosearch-common/database_name
Type: string
Default: mnogosearch
_Description: Name of your mnogosearch database:
 By default this will be "mnogosearch".  This is where all the mnogosearch
 related database items will be setup and stored.

Template: mnogosearch-common/local_database
Type: boolean
Default: true
_Description: Are you running the database locally?
 If you are running the database on the same machine as mnogosearch, then
 mnogosearch can connect to the database using a Unix socket rather than a
 TCP/IP one, which is often better.  Answering false here means you have
 enabled the database to listen on the TCP/IP socket.

Template: mnogosearch-common/database_user
Type: string
Default: mnogosearch
_Description: Username for your database:
  What username will access the database for mnogosearch?  By default this
  it's own user "mnogosearch" so that permissions can be tightened down.

Template: mnogosearch-common/database_pass
Type: password
_Description: Password for your database:
  What password will access the database for mnogosearch? 

Template: mnogosearch-common/configure_database
Type: boolean
Default: false
_Description: Configure the database?
 This script can create database users, create a database and setup the tables
 for you automatically. NOTE: the current database content will be destroyed
 if you choose this option.

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

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