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Proofreading of manuals.


I wrote two manpages for binaries which don't have them.
I've attached them. First is for ClanBomber and second for ipautofw.

Could someone kindly proofread them? I'll be very thankful.


      _     Bartosz Feński aka fEnIo | mailto:fenio@o2.pl | pgp:0x13fefc40 
    _|_|_    32-050 Skawina - Głowackiego 3/15 - w. małopolskie - Polska
    (0 0)     phone:+48501608340 | ICQ:46704720 | GG:726362 | IRC:fEnIo
ooO--(_)--Ooo http://skawina.eu.org | JID:fenio@jabber.org | RLU:172001
.TH "clanbomber" "6" "1.02a" "Bartosz Fenski <fenio@o2.pl>" "Games"
ClanBomber \- a bomberman like game
This program is a free (GPL) Bomberman like multiplayer game. It uses
Clanlib, a free multiplatform C++ game SDK. It can be played against the
computer or against another user(s).
The main object of the game is blowing up your opponent(s).
You can move your character by pressing the cursor keys. The bomb is placed
by pressing Enter (for first player). 
To run this program the standard way type:
ClanBomber has been written by Andreas Hundt and Denis Oliver Kropp
This man page was written by Bartosz Fenski <fenio@o2.pl> for the 
Debian GNU/Linux distribution (but it may be used by others).
.TH "ipautofw" "1" "980511" "Bartosz Fenski <fenio@o2.pl>" "Executable programs or shell commands"
ipautofw \- utility to automatically add masquerade entries.

.B ipautofw [\fIcommand\fP] [\fIoptions\fP]

\fBipautofw\fP allows Linux masquerading available in 2.0 series kernels
to work with programs such as RealAudio which don't send out a packet
on all ports they wish to receive on.

This program is useless for 2.2 and 2.4 series kernels.


The following commands and options are supported.
.SS Valid commands:
.TP 15
.B -A
add new autoforward entry.
.B -D
delete an autoforward entry.
.B -F
flush the autoforward table.
.SS Valid options:
.TP 15
.B -r \fItype\fP \fIlow\fP \fIhigh\fP
forwarding on ports \fIlow\fP to \fIhigh\fP using protocol \fItype\fP 
(tcp or udp).
.B -h \fIhost\fP
IP address of \fIhost\fP to receive forwarded packets.
.B -d \fItype\fP \fIlow\fP \fIhigh\fP
specifies a set of ports which will not use the default high range (60000+) 
masquerade port area.
.B -p \fItype\fP \fIvisible\fP \fIhost\fP:\fIhidden\fP
set up port bouncing from visible host port to masqueraded host \fIhost\fP on 
port \fIhidden\fP, protocol \fItype\fP (currently not supported).
.B -c \fItype\fP \fIport\fP 
specifies a control port and protocol.
.B -u
do \fBnot\fP require that a host connect within 15 seconds of triggering the 
control port.
.B -i 
insecure mode; any host many connect after implied by not using the -c option 
or implied by using the -h option once the control port has been triggered.
.B -v
verbose mode.
\fBipautofw\fP has been written by Richard Lynch.
This man page was written by Bartosz Fenski <fenio@o2.pl> for the
Debian GNU/Linux distribution (but it may be used by others).

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