[D-I Manual] Build log for ca (28 Aug 2005) - ERRORS DURING BUILD
A build of the Debian Installer Manual was triggered by an update to SVN.
!!! There were errors during the build process.
!!! Please check the log and correct the errors.
Only architectures (if any) that were built correctly have been uploaded.
A log of the build is available at:
- http://people.debian.org/~fjp/d-i_manual/log/ca.log
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If you would prefer this message to be sent somewhere else,
please send a mail to aragorn@tiscali.nl.
Updated files ('svn up')
U ca/administrivia/administrivia.xml
U ca/install-methods/install-tftp.xml
U ca/install-methods/tftp/dhcp.xml
U ca/preparing/nondeb-part/i386.xml
U ca/appendix/example-preseed.xml
U ca/appendix/gpl.xml
A ca/appendix/plip.xml
A ca/using-d-i/modules/network-console.xml
U ca/hardware/supported-peripherals.xml
U ca/boot-installer/m68k.xml
U ca/boot-installer/alpha.xml
Updated to revision 30231.
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