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Re: logtool arazoak eta gainbegirada

Kaixo bikote,

'cyan' kolorea ez da turkesa, urdin argiaren antzekoa da, eta 'cyana'
bezala euskaratu izan da.

'magenta' euskaraz ere 'magenta' itzuli ohi da.

'brightcyan' aurreneko aldiz irakurtzen dut, baina logikari jarraituz:
'cyan argia' jarriko nuke.

'make sure': Xabierrek dioen bezala 'ziurtatu ezazu' (edo 'ziurtatu
zaitez' testuinguruaren arabera.  

Mezua hau bada:

If you choose to use logcheck-database and already added values to the
in /etc/logtool, these files will be replaced by symbolic links in the 
logcheck database (although backups will be preserved). Make sure this
not unwanted behaviour.

Ados ==> Ziurta ezazu hau portaera onargarria dela.

'line basis':
Please specify what you want to do with a line if it matches at least
one of 
the regular expressions in the ${level} level database. You have the 
following options (note that regular expressions are matched on a
line basis):

Agian: (jakin ezazu adierazpen erregularrak lerroz lerro parekatzen

Landutako aldaketak (baita mezu batzuek konponketak ere) erantsita
bidaltzen dizuet.

Mertzis ta OOoaintxearte,


Jatorrizko mezua: az., 2008-07-16 03:01 +0200, egilea: xabidu
> Aupa, 
> (10, 8) 'cyan' kolore hori 'turkesa' omen da. 'magenta' euskaraz ere
> berdin da, eta 'brightcyan' euskaraz 'turkesa distiratsua' itzultzea
> bitxiegia egiten zait; beharbada hobe 'turkesa argia'?
> (3) make sure - ziurta ezazu
> (12) line-to-line basis - nik 'lerroka' ipini dut. Ez nago ziur argi
> gelditzen den, dena den. Aber zer deritzozuen. Esaldi batzuen ordena
> ere aldatu dut. Hemen doa,
> Laster arte,
> Xabier
> On Wed, Jul 16, 2008 at 12:46 AM, Aitor Ibañez <aitiba@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>         Kaixo,
>                Logtool pakete itzultzen nabil. Berau bukatu dut.
>         Erantsi egiten dut, gainbegirada bat bota diezaiozuen eta
>         eduki ditudan arazoak azaltzeko:
>                Nola itzultzen dira hitz/kate hauek:
>                   (10,8) margenta, cyan, brightcyan
>                   (3) make sure
>                  (12) line basis
>         Mila esker. Agur bat. aitor
# translation of logtool-eu.po to Basque
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Aitor Ibañez  <aitiba@gmail.com>, 2008.
# Xabier Bilbao <xabidu@gmail.com>, 2008.
# Iñaki Larrañaga Murgoitio <dooteo@euskalgnu.org>, 2008.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: logtool-eu\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: logtool@packages.debian.org\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-07-08 19:57+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-07-16 18:30+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Iñaki Larrañaga Murgoitio <dooteo@euskalgnu.org>\n"
"Language-Team: Basque <itzulpena@euskalgnu.org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1)\n"

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../templates:1001
msgid "Manual configuration of logtool's database?"
msgstr "Logtool datu-basearen eskuzko konfigurazioa gaitu?"

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../templates:1001
msgid ""
"Logtool needs a database with regular expressions that describe logfile "
"entries that should be ignored, or considered less important. You can write "
"this database manually, or use the very flexible database in the package "
"logcheck-database for this purpose."
msgstr ""
"Logtool-ek adierazpen erregularren datu-basea behar du, zein sarrerari garrantzi "
"gutxiago eman edo deuseztu jakiteko. Datu-basea eskuz idatz dezakezu edo "
"erabilpen honetarako pentsatua eta oso malgua den 'logcheck-database' paketea erabili."

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../templates:1001
msgid ""
"If you choose to use logcheck-database and already added values to the files "
"in /etc/logtool, these files will be replaced by symbolic links in the "
"logcheck database (although backups will be preserved). Make sure this is "
"not unwanted behaviour."
msgstr ""
"'logcheck-database' erabiltzea erabakitzen baduzu eta dagoeneko balioak "
"gehituta baditu /etc/logtool fitxategian, fitxategi hauek ezabatu egingo dira "
"logcheck datubasean esteka sinbolikoak erabiliz (babeskopiak mantendu egingo dira). "
"Ziurta ezazu hau portaera onargarria dela."

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../templates:1001
msgid ""
"Reply positively to manually write a database, or negatively to use the "
"database from the package \"logcheck-database\"."
msgstr ""
"Baiezko erantzuna eman datub-basea eskuz idazteko. Bestela, eman ezezko "
"erantzuna \"logcheck-database\" paketeak dakarren datu-basea erabiltzeko."

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../templates:1001
msgid ""
"Note: since logtool does not depend on this database (but instead Recommends "
"it), the default answer to this question is to manually configure the "
msgstr ""
"Oharra: logtool-ek ez duenez datu-base honen mendekotasunik  (baina gomendatzen "
"du), galdera honen erantzun lehenetsia datu-basea eskuz konfiguratzea da."

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. NOTE to translators: The terms 'paranoid', 'server', 'workstation',
#. 'violations', 'cracking', and 'violations-ignore' refer to file names in
#. /etc/logcheck. To avoid user confusion, these terms should either NOT be
#. translated, or the translated terms should be mentioned between brackets
#. after the untranslated version, like so:
#. violations (inbreuken).
#. Or, if you prefer, the other way around.
#: ../templates:3001
msgid "Do you want to use the '${level}' level regular expressions?"
msgstr "'${level}' mailako adierazpen erregularrak erabili nahi dituzu?"

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. NOTE to translators: The terms 'paranoid', 'server', 'workstation',
#. 'violations', 'cracking', and 'violations-ignore' refer to file names in
#. /etc/logcheck. To avoid user confusion, these terms should either NOT be
#. translated, or the translated terms should be mentioned between brackets
#. after the untranslated version, like so:
#. violations (inbreuken).
#. Or, if you prefer, the other way around.
#: ../templates:3001
msgid ""
"The database in the logcheck-database package defines three levels: "
"paranoid, server, and workstation; and it also has a database for cracking, "
"violations, and ignored violations ('violations-ignore'). Logcheck allows "
"you to pick one of the levels, and ignores the rest."
msgstr ""
"'logcheck-database' paketeak dakarren datu-baseak hiru maila definitzen ditu: "
"paranoid (paranoikoa), server (zerbitzaria) eta workstation (lan estazioa). "
"Honetaz gain, cracking (),violations (bortxaketak) eta violations-ignore "
"(ez ikusitako bortxaketak) datu-baseak ditu. "
"Logcheck-ek aukera ematen du maila bat aukeratzeko eta besteak ekiditeko."

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. NOTE to translators: The terms 'paranoid', 'server', 'workstation',
#. 'violations', 'cracking', and 'violations-ignore' refer to file names in
#. /etc/logcheck. To avoid user confusion, these terms should either NOT be
#. translated, or the translated terms should be mentioned between brackets
#. after the untranslated version, like so:
#. violations (inbreuken).
#. Or, if you prefer, the other way around.
#: ../templates:3001
msgid ""
"Logtool, on the other hand, can use multiple databases, which either specify "
"lines that should be completely excluded from output (/etc/logtool/exclude) "
"or lines that should be given a specific color (green, yellow, blue, "
"magenta, cyan, brightcyan). There is also the possibility to not create an "
"exclude file, and use an 'include' style of file instead; its use is not "
"recommended. Last but not least, files that are not excluded from output but "
"that do not match any other regular expression are colored red."
msgstr ""
"Beste alde batetik, logtool-ek hainbat datu-base erabil ditzake, irteeratik "
"guztiz kanpoan utzi beharreko lerroak zehazten dituztenak (/etc/logtool/exclude) "
"edo kolore jakin bat eman behar zaien lerroak (berdea, horia, urdina, magenta, cyana, cyan argia) "
"zehazten dituztenak. 'exclude' fitxategia ez sortzeko aukera ere badago, eta "
"haren ordez 'include' erako fitxategi bat erabiltzea; hau ordea ez da gomendagarria. "
"Azkenik, irteeratik baztertuta ez egoteaz gain adierazpen erregularrekin bat ez datozten "
"fitxategiei kolore gorria ematen zaie."

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#. NOTE to translators: The terms 'paranoid', 'server', 'workstation',
#. 'violations', 'cracking', and 'violations-ignore' refer to file names in
#. /etc/logcheck. To avoid user confusion, these terms should either NOT be
#. translated, or the translated terms should be mentioned between brackets
#. after the untranslated version, like so:
#. violations (inbreuken).
#. Or, if you prefer, the other way around.
#: ../templates:3001
msgid ""
"If you want to map the '${level}' level database of regular expressions to "
"one of the above specified options, then answer positively to this question."
msgstr ""
"'${level}' mailako adierazpen erregularren datu-basea goian zehaztu diren "
"aukeretako batekin egokitu nahi baduzu, baiezko erantzuna eman galdera honetan."

#. Type: select
#. Choices
#: ../templates:4001
msgid "exclude, include, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, brightcyan"
msgstr "kanpoan utzi, sartu, berdea, horia, urdina, magenta, cyana, cyan argia"

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../templates:4002
msgid "What do you want the ${level} level of regular expressions to do?"
msgstr "${level} mailako adierazpen erregularrak zer egitea nahi duzu?"

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../templates:4002
msgid ""
"Please specify what you want to do with a line if it matches at least one of "
"the regular expressions in the ${level} level database. You have the "
"following options (note that regular expressions are matched on a line-per-"
"line basis):"
msgstr ""
"Adierazi zer egin nahi duzun lerro batekin ${level} mailako datu-basean bat "
"datorrenean gutxienez adierazpen erregularretako batekin. Honako aukerak "
"dituzu erabilgarri (kontuan hartu lerroz lerro parekatzen direla):"

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../templates:4002
msgid ""
" * exclude: discard matching lines\n"
" * include: discard all but matching lines. Not recommended. Note that\n"
"   this is mutually exclusive with 'exclude'.\n"
" * green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, brightcyan: give matching lines\n"
"   the specified color."
msgstr ""
" * exclude: kanpoan utzi bat datozen lerroak\n"
" * include: baztertu denak, bat datozen lerroak salbu. Ez da gomendagarria.\n"
"                Kontuan hartu hau bateraezina dela 'exclude'-rekin.\n"
" * berdea, horia, urdina, magenta, cyana, cyan argia: aplikatu zehaztutako\n"
"                kolorea bat datozen lerroei\n."

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../templates:4002
msgid ""
"Note that each option can be specified for only one of paranoid, server, or "
msgstr ""
"Kontuan izan aukera bakoitza maila batentzako bakarrik (paranoid, server eta "
"workstation) zehatz daitekeela."

#. Type: error
#. Description
#: ../templates:5001
msgid "Please do not select an action more than once"
msgstr "Ez hautatu ekintza bat behin baino gehiagotan"

#. Type: error
#. Description
#: ../templates:5001
msgid ""
"You have selected the action ${action} for at least ${level1} and ${level2}. "
"This is invalid; please either select a unique action for each level, or go "
"back and choose not to use a certain level."
msgstr ""
"${action} eragiketa gutxienez ${level1} eta ${level2} mailetarako hautatu "
"duzu. Hori baliogabea da. Hautatu eragiketa bat maila bakoitzerako edo joan atzera "
"eta hautatu mailetako bat ez erabiltzea."

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