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Re: Update of the Debian website new homepage (publish date 17 Dec 2020)

I will try to translate more pages


Mubarak AlQahtani,

On 12/16/20 1:11 PM, Laura Arjona Reina wrote:
Dear Arabic Language team,

(please CC me, I'm not subscribed)

We're about to publish a new version of the Debian website home page (17
Dec 2020, that's about tomorrow!), and I see Arabic is totally updated
respect to the current version, but since the new version has major
updates in text and appearance, we would remove it because tomorrow
it would be highly outdated.

That's a pity, and I was wondering if you can provide translation at
least for the index.wml page and the intro/index.wml (attached the
English versions).

Please see this mail for details if you prefer to work on all the files


I know this is short notice; so my proposal to update Arabic is this one:

## If you can work on this before 17 Dec 2020 around 9:00UTC
1.- Translate the index.wml and the intro_index.wml file attached, and
send them to me or to debian-www mailing list


1.- in your clone of the webwml repo,
git checkout new-homepage
git pull
2.- sync the Arabic files with English, in this order: index.wml,
intro/index.wml, po/homepage.pt.po, the rest (if you have time)
3.- commit and push the updated files to the new-homepage branch

## From 17 Dec 9:00 UTC on
I expect to merge the branch new-homepage into master, so you can
translate and send and I'll upload them, or commit and push directly
into master. We'll build and publish the updates as soon as possible.

Please coordinate translations/reviews with the other translators, so
nobody does double work.

For any technical issue or doubt, or any help that I can provide, feel
free to contact the web team in #debian-www IRC or the mailing list, or
contact me directly if you prefer.

#use wml::debian::links.tags
#use wml::debian::recent_list
#include "$(ENGLISHDIR)/index.def"
#use wml::debian::mainpage title="<motto>"
#use wml::debian::translation-check translation="032bd321f2c9651e0ab20b5aef6fe76a6da1039c"

#include "$(ENGLISHDIR)/releases/info"
#include "$(ENGLISHDIR)/releases/images.data"

<div id="splash">

<!-- The first row of columns on the site. -->
<div class="row">
  <div class="column styled-href-blue column-left">
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      <h2>دبيان هو مجتمع من الناس!</h2>
#include "$(ENGLISHDIR)/index.inc"

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<!-- The second row of columns on the site. -->
<!-- The News will be selected by the press team. -->

<div class="row">
  <div class="column styled-href-blue column-left">
    <div style="text-align: center">
      <h2>أخبار وإعلانات حول دبيان</h2>

    <p><:= get_top_news() :></p>

    <!-- No more News entries behind this line! -->
    <div class="project-news">
      <div class="end-of-list-arrow"></div>
      <div class="project-news-content project-news-content-end">
        <a href="News">جميع الأخبار</a> &emsp;&emsp;
	<a class="rss_logo" style="float: none" href="News/news">RSS</a>

<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml"
 title="Debian News" href="News/news">
<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml"
 title="Debian Project News" href="News/weekly/dwn">
<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml"
 title="Debian Security Advisories (titles only)" href="security/dsa">
<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml"
 title="Debian Security Advisories (summaries)" href="security/dsa-long">

#use wml::debian::template title="Introduction to Debian" MAINPAGE="true" 
#use wml::debian::recent_list
#use wml::debian::translation-check translation="abb8ea79f445432e47fcac8b5adb258717b9a1fb"

# translators: the content of "more.wml" file in top folder has been moved here

<a id=community></a>
<h2>ديبيان هو مجتمع من الناس</h2>
<p>يعمل آلاف المتطوعين حول العالم معًا لإعطاء الأولوية للبرمجيات الحرة واحتياجات المستخدمين.</p>

    <a href="people">الناس:</a>من نحن وماذا نفعل </li>
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<a id=software></a>
<h2>ديبيان هو نظام تشغيل حُر</h2>
<p>بدأنا بنظام لينكس وأضفنا آلاف التطبيقات لتلبية احتياجات مستخدميها</p>

    <a href="../distrib">تحميل:</a>
    نسخ اكثر تنوع من دبيان
  <a href="why_debian">لماذا دبيان</a>
    <a href="../support">الدعم:</a>
    الحصول على مساعدة
    <a href="../security">الأمان:</a>
    آخر تحديث <br>
    <:{ $MYLIST = get_recent_list('security/2w', '1', '$(ENGLISHDIR)', 'bydate', '(2000\d+\w+|dsa-\d+)');
        @MYLIST = split(/\n/, $MYLIST);
        print $MYLIST[0]; }:>
    <a href="../distrib/packages"> حزم البرمجيات:</a>
    ابحث وتصفح القائمة الطويلة لبرنامجنا
    <a href="../doc"> المستندات</a>
    <a href="https://wiki.debian.org";> ويكي دبيان</a>
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    <a href="https://lists.debian.org/";>
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    <a href="../blends">خلطات نقية:</a>
    Metapackages لاحتياجات محددة
    <a href="../devel"> ركن المطورين:</a>
    المعلومات التي تهم مطوري دبيان بشكل أساسي
    <a href="../ports"> التنوّع / البُنى:</a>
    أبنية المعالجات المدعومة
    <a href="search">معلومات عن كيفية استخدام محرك بحث دبيان</a>.
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