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Fixed broken sound in Firefox.

Okay, so I sent a message yesterday stating how Firefox-ESR's
repreieve from the no-alsa bug in Firefox had ended and asking for a
solution. I didn't get any replies, but I've just found a solution
that comes down to a single terminal command or almost.

After upgrading to a no-alsa version of Firefox:

install patchelf and apulse.

cd to /usr/lib/firefox-esr

and issue the following command:
sudo patchelf --set-rpath /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/apulse/ libxul.so

You might need to adjust the paths to apulse and Firefox(doesn't seem
to work if you use the full path to libxul.so and the page I found
this on implied apulse should be in /usr/lib instead.

But I'm now running Firefox-esr 60 and have sound in the browser still.

Well, I'm off to put this in a script just in case I need to do this
with every firefox upgrade.


Jeffery Wright
Bachelor of Computer Science
President Emeritus, Nu Nu Chapter, Phi Theta Kappa.

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