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Re: KNOPPIX_V6.4.3DVD-2010-12-20-EN.iso - problem with command /sbin/halt

On 01/25/2011 12:11 PM, Klaus Knopper wrote:
Hello again,

On Tue, Jan 25, 2011 at 09:37:58AM -0800, JD wrote:
OK - I rebooted on the real hardware.
All is well - so something is wrong wth how
Virtualbox handles memory management
for this guest.
I'm not sure yet if it is really bad "virtual" memory. Could as well be
interrupts or virtual disk controllers, since data seems to change while
being read from disk. You could run a quick test by copying a file from
ramdisk to ramdisk, and see if md5sum changes.

This is exactly my suspicion Re: running in VirtualBox
$ strings VBoxGuestAdditions.iso | grep -i VBOXADDITIONS

I have neve seen a guest
behave this way, even though I configured
the guest to have 768MB of ram.
I have seen similar problems in virtualbox with Linux guests using
recent-but-stable kernels quite often, ranging from freeze during boot
to random errors concerning all simulated hardware. I now use kvm for my
own tests, can't spend time much on debugging virtualbox. :-(

You may indeed be onto something. I am currently
running mainline kernel 2.6.37. This kernel supports
my rt2860 mini-pci wifi via these drivers:
$ lsmod | grep rt2
rt2800pci               6723  0
rt2800lib              28134  1 rt2800pci
rt2x00pci               4001  1 rt2800pci
rt2x00lib              25300  3 rt2800pci,rt2800lib,rt2x00pci

Notice, the rt2xxxUSB drivers are not loaded, because
I have a mini-pci card, and not a USB card.

One problem I encountered was inability o bring up
my mini-pci wifi card (rt2860/rt2850) dual mode.
I have no idea how to configure t and make it work
under Knoppix.
There seems to be a driver in the "staging" kernel section, which means
that the driver is quite new and not well tested yet, it may or may not
work with your card.

I had tried that driver, even the latest version from ralinktech.com
and it will not compile with this kernel, nor with the Fedora vanilla
released kernel: kernel-

Under my default boot OS (Fedora 13), I have
disabled NetworkManager, and I let   wpa_supplicant
start up early via the rc script that starts all the
Sxx{ServicName} in the directory /etc/rc5.d
(which is a symlink to   /etc/rc.d/rc5.d)
networkmanager should take care of starting wpa_supplicant as soon as
the card appears (test: "iwconfig", check for wlan0 or wifi0).

Actually, NetworkManager is not invoking wpa_supplicant
with the correct arguments. To wit, it (wpa_supplicant) needs to be invoked
by NetworkManager in this way:

$ ps -wwef | grep wpa
root     862     1  0 Jan24 ?        00:00:00 wpa_supplicant -c /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf -iwlan0 -Dwext  -B  -dd  -f  /var/log/wpa_supplicant.log  -P  /var/run/wpa_supplicant.pid

The -dd is optional. I added it in /etc/sysconfig/wpa_supplicant because I wanted
to look at the activity and progress of wpa_supplicant. Also notice, I did not
use the -u option (for the dbus daemon), because it will not work on F13 (i.e.
I simply cannot make it work for me).

If someone would please tell me how to bring up
my wifi card under Knoppix, I would really appreciate  it.
I just checked, there are a few modules which may work with the wifi card:

sudo modprobe rt2860sta
sudo modprobe rt2800usb

Now it COULD be that you need additional firmware. Please check "dmesg"
for any hint.

Actually Klaus I need someone to point out to me the sequence,
the mechanism of what NetworkManager does to bring up the
wpa_supplicant, with what arguments passed to wpa_supplicant,
and how the wlan0 interface is configured and brought up by NM.
Perhaps an online writeup that explains it all would be a great help.

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