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post knoppix-installer

I had a HD install of 4.x, and wanted something rather newer. I didn't have
space for junk, so I chose the 5.1.1 CD instead of a newer DVD. I did it
twice. Both times gave me an almost good install, but with a crucially broken
MC. Ctrl-O does not work, which is just not acceptable, even though it works
fine booted from CD.

So, I tried apt-get update. On the first install, trying apt-get upgrade mc
on tty1 tried to upgrade way too many packages to count. So I tried apt-get
install mc, and it only wanted to install 20+ packages, including upgrading
some and removing others. I let it go, but after a while it told me I needed
to restart some stuff, offering a default option to interrupt the upgrade to
restart the services. When I tried to restart, dep hell broke loose, so I
rebooted and re-did knoppix installer.

Second time I did apt-get update from tty3, but then after that finished I
started KDE to let Synaptic sort through the deps. It went basically the same
up to the recommended interrupt point, at which I am now, wondering what to
do. Any recommendations, since what it wants to restart is KDM and I have no
idea how to get Synaptic to restart from where it left off?
"Love is not easily angered. Love does not demand
its own way."			1 Corinthians 13:5 NIV

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409

Felix Miata  ***  http://fm.no-ip.com/

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