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Re: Knoppix feature request: better ntfs support

Hello I've looked into this some more last week-end

The current (5.3x) behaviour is indeed all i was asking for!
Too bad it is little known and no 1.x version of ntfs-3g
is present on any official knoppix-CD, although safe ntfs support is invaluable in rescue scenarios.

Surely I am not be the only one fooled by the fstab entries in assuming the "ntfs" tag appearing there means the kernel ntfs driver is used for mounting. This is what happens with regular debian and most distros I know of - use ntfs-3g
explicitly if you want to. So, wouldn't using a tag like
"ntfs-knoppix" or some such at least hint the user that a
knoppix-specific script is being used (that happens to favor
ntfs-3g). BTW, fstab's the tag I was referring to, Christian,
not the one reported by mount, naturally.

I'd like to document this in a knoppix.net FAQ entry, but can someone help clarify the following: I see the /sbin/mount.ntfs script tries ntfs-3g, ntfsmount and finally plain "mount -t ntfs" - when is ntfs-3g likely to fail (if the answer is virtually never, why not use vanilla ntfs-3g in the new release; the project is now stable and this would be clearer and safer for all, wouldn'it)
- what is ntfsmount as compared to the other two possibilies and
can it write safely.

Thanks for reading,


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