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Re: Please, help Linus install Debian!

Am Dienstag 24 Juli 2007 schrieb Gilles Pelletier:

> So, it seems Linus  has the same problem as me(1): I'm sure he could
> install Debian, but he just doesn't want to get through the hassle.

Hi Gilles,

What hassle exactly? The last time I tried the Debian Etch installer it 
was not really more hassle than inserting the Debian installer CD and 
hitting "Enter" all the time. While I still had the flexibility to do 
several installations with SoftRAID and LVM without touching a command 
line recently.

Of course, the amount of preconfiguration may differ, but I take that as 
an advantage at times. Actually I did not agree what to what OpenSUSE for 
example did to the KDE start menu. Granted, the original one isn't a 
usability pioneer either, but IMHO thats no reason to make it worse than 
that. So I rather wait for a well thought out replacement for it in KDE 

And actually in the interview Linus wrote about "easy to install *and* 
upgrade" (bold added by me). And when a distribution is easy to upgrade 
its Debian. Thats actually why I do not install it that often ;-).

I think that Linus may not even have *tried* installing Debian and thus 
only talks about hearsay. So I don't take his oppinion that seriously. If 
he did try to install Debian and found concrete issues that would be a 
different case.

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald - http://www.Lichtvoll.de
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