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Re: 5.1 updates wanted, and CD remastered size w/ hardlink script

Hi Klaus,

> The main problem concerning "rsync-friendlyness" are the
> blockwise-compressed KNOPPIX cloop image files. These are optimized for
> best possible compression, and differ almost 100% in each image.
> Therefore, I don't think there is a way to make them more
> rsync-friendly.  :-/

First let me confess that I only have dangerous smattering in this topic. 
Would it be possible before cloop image creation to identify 
files/blocks/ranges that are unchanged compared to the previous image? If so 
could these ranges be mapped to the same blocks during compression?

> Apparently this was one of the reasons the bug wasn't noticed in all
> tests: our testers are mostly "power-users" who use the faster keyboard
> shortcuts, rather than clicking around. Therefore, simply nobody ever
> clicked on the switcher... ;-)

This is almost an academic example for an automatic (unit) test! :-)
You can write a test that automatically "clicks" on the switcher and triggers 
the bug. Then you fix the bug and run the test again. Now the test must pass. 
Now whenever you change something you run this test again. This way you 
ensure that this bug will never ever rise its ugly head again. To ensure 
software quality you actually have to write tests for every bug you get 
reported. The nice thing is that running some hundred tests automatically can 
be done by the developer with a single mouse click. This is even much faster, 
more reliable and not so tedious and boring as manual tests during a beta 
release. Anybody else enthusiastic about automatic testing now? ;-)



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