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[debian-knoppix] DMA

Dear All,

I notice that when Knoppix is booting, one of the messages flashed to
screen says:

  Warning: The DMA process on your hard disk is turned off.
  This may really slow down the fsck process.

The strange thing is that dma is enabled on my machine. I can check it
like this:

  root@sonic:~# hdparm /dev/hda

  multcount    = 16 (on)
  IO_support   =  1 (32-bit)
  unmaskirq    =  1 (on)
  using_dma    =  1 (on)
  keepsettings =  0 (off)
  readonly     =  0 (off)
  readahead    =  8 (on)
  geometry     = 4865/255/63, sectors = 78165360, start = 0

Knoppix boots fast on my machine - in fact, it boots faster than most
other Linux distros. Yet the other distros I've tried don't warn me that
I have dma turned off. If there is something I can do to make Knoppix
boot even faster, that would be really nice.

I'm not sure this is a problem, but I'm curious why I see this message.
Any ideas?

best regards,
debian-knoppix mailing list

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